Qin Tian will not talk to each other, because it is not a waste of words at all, nor when you want to say more. Now, this time is very important. If you don't understand the treasure, it is very serious results, resulting in very severe consequences!

So now, for Qin Tian, it is necessary to find a way to do himself well. This is what he should do and what must be done. In short, this matter can not be delayed. If it is not good, the consequences are very serious!

Qin Tian also thought that this person could know blue butterfly incense like this, which means they must have cooperated before, which is a very key factor!

"Who is the employer this time? Do you understand? " Qin Tian knew in his heart that the recklessness had been killed before, and Zhang Min and others were afraid to provoke him again. How could he come to the emperor for trouble without any reason?

So Qin Tian thinks that this time the employer must have, but now it can be sure that blue butterfly incense has not cooperated with each other, so the current situation is to try and ask the other party who the employer behind this is!

"Ha ha, are you interested in this?" Felix seemed to be a little wary to ask, after all, Qin Tian is just an employer of blue butterfly fragrance, and this situation should not be asked by him!

But how could Qin Tian not chat? In this case, he said coldly, "if some employers who have never known their own experiences, we will have some scruples about hiring you to do things. So you don't tell me who the employer is, our Miss blue butterfly will not see you!"

"Ha ha, how can I hear a meaning that is not clear? Are you jealous of blue butterfly coming to see me, so you find such an excuse? "

Felix on the phone seemed to be angry. He didn't know what to think about. He laughed at it. His eyes were all angry. He was really ashamed of it!

"Don't tell me, hang up!" Qin Tian impatiently said, after all, the other side is not willing to say what is useless!

"Who are you?"

Suddenly Felix seemed to have any interest, said angrily.

"I am an assistant to blue butterfly. Who do you think I am?" Qin Tiansi said politely, with an absolute cold in the words, this cold feeling, it was almost strong to the extreme, as if this Felix did not speak well the next moment, there was no good fruit to eat!

"Ha ha, I mean, you can become an assistant to blue butterfly, and still male, who are you?" "If we are enemies, I'm sorry, please give the phone to blue butterfly. I have something to say to her," Felix said coldly

"He is in my house, you want to see her, or need my consent, because she is in a dangerous situation, the task has failed, I need to protect her safety, prevent the Employer from asking people to pursue her!" Qin Tian said in a defense.

"Ha ha, how could the leader of the Asia Pacific region be afraid to hide because of the failure of this task? You don't scare people. She is strong enough to protect her! " "Said Felix disdainfully.

"Who do you think this is? Here is Huaxia. Everyone has it. Don't think it. Your so-called fame and strength don't work here. The experts here are absolutely unimaginable! " Qin Tian criticizes!

Of course, this kind of thing can not be confused with this person. What you say is the truth. There are many Chinese masters. This is undoubted thing, and it is also something you have to believe. In short, if you have reached such a land, you will not be allowed to waste any more words!

Now this result is such a result, in a word, there is a result you have to believe, so now, when Qin Tian said this, Felix had to fall into a silence!

This silence was he thinking, what he was thinking about, and after a dozen seconds he said coldly, "I need to see her!"

"Why can I believe you? You are a person who brings bad news to her, and why do you find her because you like her? " Qin Tian continued to speak in a positive foreign language. In this case, there is no need to talk to each other!

Because this thing is such a thing now, has reached such a level, you have to believe this time is like this!

But this guy is a very vigilant appearance, gradually has a kind of vigilance to Qin Tian, this feeling is really not very good thing, but also has to worry about things, in a word, things have reached such a level, is that you are very difficult to do!

So Qin Tian wants to put a long line to catch big fish?

Promised him temporarily, or worked with blue butterfly, and then slowly revealed who the Felix employer was in China?

After thinking of this possibility, Qin Tian smiled and said, "I guess you just like Miss LAN, right? So I have the right to refuse you, because this may be a trouble for her, I can't attract a bad person to her! " Qin Tian said in a proper manner.After all, Felix is a world-class S-class killer. People of this class are constantly being careful because you don't know what terrible reaction they will make next moment. In a word, things have come to a very embarrassing process!

This kind of process is very fatal, also very difficult to handle, has reached a kind of you want to die or not live!

Now this situation is like this. If you say you have no idea, you are led by the nose. Therefore, Qin Tian knows that this is not an ordinary phone call. It is a game between him and Gabriel assassin company in the future!

I don't know who will win the game this time, but I can believe that Qin Tian will not admit defeat at will. Now it is not the kind of thing that can be done in the company at will. The current thing is very troublesome!

So Qin Tian has to solve these things before he can go back to his former life. This is the case now. If he can't solve the trouble now, there may be no future!

So, everything starts with this extraordinary phone call!

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