At this time, in the position of CO pilot, Wang Yu, vice chairman of the board, is the first deputy of Zhong Yaozu and a master of pharmacist. At this time, his face is very serious. He always feels that after entering the villa, his breath becomes a little serious!

The killing atmosphere of the whole mountain range has become a little different. This kind of feeling is like telling everyone that this place is not free to enter, and this is the forbidden area outside!

This is the reason why the left family is not marked on the map. It is a hidden family, an ancient martial family. If people from outside come in at will, they will be punished. This is a very frightening thing. This kind of thing is really not clear to the people before. This kind of thing is the present situation. This is the case now Love needs them to deal with it well!

If they can't handle it well, it will be a very painful thing for them, because after the failure of the last plan, they have no way out now.

Originally thought it could be a successful thing, but now there are such things happened, which makes them feel really some can't believe, things have become a little different!

So their mood is very uncomfortable, this feeling is absolutely not ordinary people can understand, this kind of pain only they can understand what happened here!

"Master, is the manor in front of you the villa area of Zuo family?" Sitting in the co pilot's seat, Wang Yu couldn't help but worry and asked, this thing is really not an easy thing for them, this thing is really too difficult to do!

Now this situation needs to be well sorted out. If you can't handle it clearly, it's a very painful thing, because now it's a very critical juncture!

"It should be. I just drive to pick you up. I don't know where it is. I just send you in. It's a hidden place. Ordinary people can't go in. So it's hard to say anything. You can't understand what's going on inside until you get in."

The driver doesn't understand anything. Although he is the driver of the left family, he can't do anything now!

Because the present situation is such, very serious, very troublesome, if not handled well, it is really a bad thing!

So now they are confused about the opportunity to go in. After all, there are too many people who want to cooperate with the left family. You Dongchen pharmaceutical group can't go in casually. You can only put you in a certain place first, and then someone will meet you. When you see what's going on, you will decide whether to cooperate with you!

This is the force of the left family, ordinary people also have to abide by this rule, if not, things will be different, so now the situation is such a trouble!

But the more trouble they have, the more serious they have to be, because if they don't, the result will be very difficult!

The things of Dongchen medicine have become so difficult, if you don't work hard, maybe your hand is completely finished. Where else can you do?

Sure enough, as the car went in, their speed slowed down a little, and their expressions became extremely serious!

This kind of ancient martial arts family is really courageous and capable of occupying such a place and building such a luxurious city among these famous mountains and rivers!

"I just hope that the friend contacted by the chairman of the board of directors can have a voice in the left family, otherwise, there will be a lot of things that are not easy to get into. After all, the situation is really troublesome now!" Wang Yu said helplessly.

The development of the matter is like this, the result of this matter is so, now if you don't understand, it may be difficult to understand later!

Dongchen medical high-level, now understand, Qin Tian did not die, shocked beyond description, so did not die, what method?

It's no longer a way to invite overseas mercenaries, so we can only invite some hidden ancient Wu families to solve the problem!

At present, the top management of Dongchen Pharmaceutical Group is in a state of shock. Zhong Yaozu, chairman of the board of directors, can only cast the Dharma again and find a relationship, that is, the relationship between the left family!

This is the biggest person he can know in the ancient martial arts world. This is the last way for them. This time, they can only win and can't lose again!

No matter how strong Qin Tian is, it is already a kind of secular martial arts, or some modern instruments can not be resisted, so we can only find some strong ancient martial arts!

Today, the Zuojia called together the people who are in charge of half of the left family to hold the implementation plan for the second half of the year. This is just like this. It needs to be well planned!

Of course, their goal is not just to hide here, but to expand. Many of their people are wandering outside and have established a lot of influence. Only some old people teach some ancient martial arts to young people at home!

Therefore, although it is the ancient martial arts world, they will still develop business, but compared with the business family, they are more like some wage earners, and do not have a strong business development model!The left family also controls eight large families in Jiangnan, all of which are ancient martial arts and commercial development families. Today they are all here.

Among them, there are people of Zhong Yaozu who are here.

"I heard that the friend of the chairman still has the right to speak in his left house. Today, the experts in the left family gather, and there will be someone to help us!" Wang Yu seems to say to himself.

Others nodded, and the car drove very quickly and went directly to the gate of the Manor! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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