At this time, Zuo Bufan's murderous spirit was even more intense. He almost condensed a circle of invisible storm. His murderous eyes were staring at Qin Tian in front of him. He said angrily, "boy, do you think that in the secular world, if you practice some tripod Kung Fu, you think you are very powerful? It seems that you have no idea what ancient martial arts are! "

"You don't know what the status of our left family is in the ancient martial arts world. People like you are really dead end. Your present world and ideas are very stupid. Your current practice is idiotic. You are looking for death!"

"Boy, don't think it's very arrogant if you have a few stinky money. Do you think money is really important in our world of guwu? Don't you look at the status of our left family in the ancient martial arts world, or do you not think much about it? Are you mentally disabled? "

"Zuo Bufan, I have no interest in knowing what your left family is like. If you are strong enough, you can stop me from killing them!" Qin Tian said very haughtily.

And then he went straight!

There is no blessing of immortality in the body. The body method is as fast as lightning. When the voice just falls, the whole person turns into a virtual shadow and flies out directly, as if it disappears in the hall soon!

At this time, all the people in the hall were shocked. They looked at the scene one by one. It was so fast that they couldn't even see where Qin Tian moved!

Even the masters of the blue family, who own lingbojue, an ancient martial art, are speechless and stare at the game. They feel that the young man's speed is almost too fast to explode, even more powerful than the owner of the blue family!

But what they don't know is that there are many things they can't imagine in the ancient martial arts world, that is, how terrible the body methods of these people are!

People in a burst of panic, have seen clearly, Qin Tian's body directly let Zuo Bufan, and then came to Wang Yu and others in front of the body, a contain Wang Yu's neck, want to directly lift it!

"Boy, dare you!" Zuo Bufan yelled directly and loudly. He really murmured about Qin Tian's strength. He thought this guy was just a rich man, but he didn't want to be stunned by his strength. Is there anyone more exaggerated than this? This strength is really no one!

However, this identity is not enough to amaze Zuo Bufan. After all, people with such speed and explosive power exist in the ancient Wu family. There is no need to be surprised or alarmed!

However, if left Bufan killed people in the hall of their left house, it would be red fruit's beating their left family's face!

Zuo Bufan knows that the man to be killed is actually the father and son of the Zhong family, but what about this?

Killing Wang Yu is like killing a chicken and a monkey. Look at the people of Dongchen group who dare to come up and die. If they have to work hard for the Zhong family, then you are welcome!

As for the father and son of the Zhong family, Qin Tian had already arranged in the imperial capital. As long as they were still in the capital, any villa or house under their name were under surveillance. As long as their figure appeared, they would die!

I'm afraid that the emperor and the son are not welcome to decorate the city!

Qin Tian doesn't care what kind of identity Wang Yu is, what they rely on to find the left family. After all, the left family has too much power, so you can easily find a lot of relationships!

In fact, the left family doesn't exclude the secular forces outside, so it has something to do with Dongchen group. But if the people of Dongchen group are killed now, it will definitely be a big consumption and slander for their left family's reputation!

After Zuo Bufan's angry cry, the ancient martial arts master of the left family saw that Zuo Bufan was so angry that he could not let Qin Tian go on like this again!

Don't need left Bufan to order again, immediately several Dan Jin Dacheng's master directly flew up, and then extremely fast to Qin Tian's body!

However, Qin Tiansi ignored these accomplices of the left family, and with a click, she twisted Wang Yu's neck and threw her out!

He died in an instant. The whole scene felt cold all over the moment when he killed Wang Yu in qintian. This boy is really cruel enough!?

As soon as Qin Tian killed Zuo Bufan, the two ancient martial arts experts with great Dan strength were also close to him. The two fists directly attacked Qin Tian with incomparable strength, which was almost the posture of Taishan!

For a moment, the strong wind in the whole hall was rolling, and the palms of the two ancient martial arts masters seemed to tear the air apart, with amazing power!

You see, such a powerful force is also one after another to get out of the way, because they are afraid. It can be imagined that Qin Tian will soon be smashed by these two people and will be shattered to pieces! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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