"Boy, I take back what I said!" Left Bufan's face can not help but emerge a chilling words, the face appeared a touch of dismal color, "I decided to take back my words, will not kill you nine clans, but also you and your friends have been executed, you see how?"

Qin Tian raised his head and looked at the left Bufan in front of him indifferently, and said with a sneer: "you will only hurt the left family, and I'm afraid that there will never be left home in the future."

"Hum, stinky boy, you are in the left house now, and you still have so much bullshit, and you dare to talk nonsense. You are looking for death! Do you know what position our left family is in Jiangnan ancient martial arts? We can rank in the top ten! Even if we look at the whole ancient Chinese martial arts world, we all have a place! " Zuo Bufan approached Qin Tian step by step, and his eyes became more and more cold. "But I Zuo Bufan, now my cultivation has reached the level of Qi and strength, and the top 50 Chinese Qianlong have my place!"

"Top 50?" Qin Tian couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "sure enough, your strength is still too poor, even the first 30 are less than, is really a frog in the well!"

Left Bufan moment is more angry, full face incredible expression looking at Qin Tian in front of, very disdainful said: "what are you? I tell you, you can be on the list of Qianlong, the top 100 are small, now none of the top 100 is under 30 years old, you are really an idiot

Zuo Bufan's words with a strong spirit, arrogant incomparable, invincible appearance!

After hearing Zuo Bufan's words, the people of the eight families and organizations also looked more awed. At that time, they were very excited. If Zuo family really became the first place in Jiangnan aristocratic family, their status would rise!

LAN diexiang can't imagine Zuo Bufan's strength. She has reached the level of five levels of Qi state. Is the advanced speed too fast?

It's hard to make a breakthrough in every realm of ancient martial arts cultivation!

The ancient warrior with ordinary talent has reached the limit when he reaches the state of Qi.

So Qin Tiangang just abandoned the two Dan Jin Da Cheng people, this life is no way to reach the gas state, this is a very recognized thing!

Among the dozens of ancient martial arts family members present, there are only a few more than three levels of Qi state. Therefore, Zuo Changhai and the other two elder level masters of the left family are also included!

Any ancient martial arts family can have four strong Qi, it is a very respected existence, where there is not a bit of hypocrisy, all are real things!

After learning about Zuo Bufan's strength and realm, LAN diexiang's eyes also showed a strong look of worry. Originally, she felt that if she and Qin Tian joined hands, it would be more than enough to deal with Zuo Bufan!

But now, LAN diexiang found that her idea was too simple. How could such a thing happen?

This is a matter for the big. Zuo Bufan has already reached the five levels of Qi state. This strength is really too strong. It is absolutely beyond the ability of the two of them to deal with it. It is just a level against heaven!

In the cultivation of ancient martial arts, every breakthrough strength will advance by leaps and bounds. Therefore, Zuo Bufan is the five fold heaven of Qi State, and it is really more than there to deal with the people in front of the Qi state!

At this time, blue butterfly fragrance has no foundation. I can't imagine that Zuo Bufan has advanced so fast in a short period of five years. This is really against the sky. There is no more cruel thing than this!

Qin Tian looked at the blue butterfly incense beside him, and then said, "what kind of Qianlong list is nothing. Many people are hiding their strength now. Many ancient martial arts experts may not enter this list, just like me!"

Dongdao also has what Qianlong list, and is still the top 10 Huangpu Jiro was killed by him, so Zuo Bufan's strength may not be able to enter the top ten of Dongdao, right?

So Qin Tian doesn't care at all. Zuo Bufan shakes his head with a sneer. When he hears the existence of Qianlong bang, he still dares to speak up. He really doesn't take him seriously!

It seems that the boy has lost his mind for the sake of women. He has lost interest in the worldly world!

It's time to crush this damn ant!

"Boy, die!" All of a sudden, Zuo Bufan's anger soared, and an angry and murderous spirit was diffused from Zuo Bufan's body. It was so pungent that all the people in the parliament hall could not breathe for a while!

I don't know how many people's lives have been contaminated in order to accumulate, such a strong smell of blood!

Then left Bufan raised his hand, which gathered a strong murderous palm gathered up!

One after another subtle wind, in a few seconds of the world, suddenly become thundering and rumbling up, it seems to be thrilling, like the wind and thunder in the same roar!

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