He was still a little angry just now, but now it seems that he can't imagine. Can this young man kill his nephew?

Now he still doesn't make a move, because he is only in the state of Qi and six heaven, and Zuo Bufan of five Heaven is dead. Don't he have to weigh the strength of Qin Tian on the opposite side?

So now the strongest young people are dead. Are they really going to die with them?

Zuo Bufan could be killed in front of Zuo Changhai. This feeling made him feel a little scared. Moreover, he was so young that he might have come from some terrible ancient Wu family. If he came from this way, would he really want to die for his nephew?

At that moment, Zuo lengshi was angry, but he soon sobered up. In this case, he did not dare to start!

But in the ancient martial arts family, they were never independent swordsmen, their actions were always on their own!

This kind of ancient martial arts family, as well as some mysterious sects, can be inherited for hundreds of years because of its large population and deep foundation.

Even if the strongest tree in a forest is destroyed, it will not collapse completely. After all, they are based on a hundred years!

If they don't fight against Qin Tian in front of them, can they keep the lifeline of the left family?

If you kill this guy, it's not good if you come from a more powerful Gu Wu family or some mysterious clan!

If it is a clan, it has been passed down for thousands of years. In this case, can they not worry?

Although the foundation of their ancient martial arts family is hundreds of years old and has been handed down for several generations, their foundation is far from as deep as some of their clans. After all, there is still a gap between the strong ancient martial arts masters of a single lineage and those of other families!

Why is Zuo Bufan's five Heaven state of Qi the top 50?

And this list is very empty, because many masters of the mysterious sect can't be directly on the list. People disdain to participate in this kind of ranking, and you can't find their strength!

Under such circumstances, how can we compare it?

It's a bit wordy, but there's no way. Some things still need to be explained

Now, although Zuo Bufan is dead, their foundation is still there. There are many left family's younger generation and loyal in the hall, so when Zuo lengshi hesitates, Zuo Changhai can't sit still!

He is the leader of the left family. In this case, he will not fight alone. Although he is not Qin Tian's opponent, there are many of them, and they are still in the left family. Their strength is far more than Zuo Bufan!

He can't let Qin Tian go. Qin Tian doesn't think they will let him go. He stands still and looks at the people around him gradually far away from him!

The whole hall was originally 200 people, but now all of them have stepped back and handed over the venue to other people!

"Come on, we are facing challenges and hatred today. It's time to unite the left family's heart pulse!" Zuo Changhai roared.

Suddenly out of 30 people, there are six Qi State five days around the strong, people will instantly surrounded Qin Tian!

"Set up the array, the Disha formation of our left family must kill this guy and crush him into powder!"

Disha array?

Hearing such a name, all the people present were bewildered, because for them, the Disha array of the left family was the biggest fear, which made them all feel the fear. It only existed in the legend, but now it happened directly!

Many people have polished their eyes, because this kind of thing is really once in a century!

For 300 years, the Zuo family has never offered sacrifice to Disha array. This is their strongest killing move and their most powerful skill!

Zuo Changhai is almost in a state of madness and collapse, and he has not lost his mind. If he had made a direct move just now, he might be the one who fell down now!

But he did not, but calmly directed all the people to come. Although this is a spacious conference room, it has been ignored. Even if the whole hall collapsed, he would not be afraid of anything!

Looking at the crowd surrounded by Qin Tian, Zuo Changhai excitedly left Bufan picked it up from the ground, and then put it on one side, such as the cold eyes of blood looking at Qin Tian in front of him!

Qin Tian stood in the crowd surrounded, standing with negative hands, looking at Zuo Changhai in front of him, commanding the left family. This kind of action is also a little surprised, but he has never met this kind of array!

"It's interesting. It's really the first time I've seen it. It's really interesting to see where it's going. Now this situation really makes me feel incredible!"

Qin Tian said with a smile.

Since Zuo Bufan has been killed by him, the rest is actually his biggest challenge!

Yes, it's just a challenge for him, because he doesn't have any hatred. He wants to know what kind of state his immortal spirit is and what kind of routine he has!Now that you are surrounded by a lot of people, what are you talking about?

After the formation of these 30 people, everyone began to gather their strength, and everyone began to burst out a bloodthirsty evil spirit!

Thirty evil spirits suddenly wreak havoc on the whole assembly hall, and the cold wind gusts. The people of the eight families and organizations with shallow cultivation have already seen it for a while, and their whole body is trembling!

Everyone's face color is already pale, the heart beat wildly, the face is rarely shocked, cold sweat can continue to flow down!

Disha array, can be said to be the most powerful left card, this is the most terrifying killing array, 30 pulse Disha array!

It's said that this kind of array needs about 30 people in the Qi state to display. Their strength is stacked up layer by layer, and they can lock people directly!

You know, in the realm of ancient martial arts, there is a big gap between each weight, but after their formation, they can make one plus one greater than the other!

Now Qin Tian is successfully trapped in the middle by them, which makes Qin Tian have no way to live or escape!

It's over!

LAN diexiang and the couple of the blue family are also stunned. They are scared by each other's terrible array, because everyone's murderous spirit is so strong. Is there anything more terrible than this?

LAN diexiang didn't think of it. The left family took out the legendary array directly. He didn't think of this thing. Now he is really scared!

If I had known it, I would tell Qin Tian that he could run away after killing Zuo Bufan. But Qin Tian did rush forward recklessly and finally entered their Disha array!

It's over!

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