At this time, there are about 30 experts in the Qi state. At the same time, Yuan turns his strength and encircles Qin Tian. After that, he runs the formula of the array. The true Qi in each human body is echoing from afar and linked with each other, as if the 30 odd people have formed a whole!

Then, every ancient warrior pulled out a dagger from their waist. It was cold and overflowing with cold light. It looked very frightening!

However, there is a sharp handle in their hands, which makes them shiver!

This is a special tool for Disha formation, also known as Disha sharp knife!

This is a special thing made by the left family. Every master of the left family who is qualified to participate in the Disha array is equipped with a sharp knife. These are condensed by a special material. When their strength is poured into the front of these sharp knives, the power is even more amazing!

"Kill, kill!"

Thirty or so experts directly angry voice, for them, this kind of thing is not allowed to say what, also do not need to say more, each of them is like a big enemy!

Because now the left is facing a very powerful master in the provocation, they are in contempt of them, let them now feel incomparable anger, incomparable pain!

Anger is because this guy is just a young man of unknown origin. What is painful is that they have lost the future owner of the left family and the star of hope!

This is an intolerable thing, but also the thing that needs to get up in anger. In front of them, only Qin Tian is alone. Everyone wants to use the sharp knife in his hand to directly destroy it!

After a burst of sound of tiger roaring and dragon chanting, these people all flew towards Qin Tian and stabbed them like hungry wolves!

The sharp knife in the conference hall flickers cold light, let many people see directly a burst of dazzling, many people can only squint at it!

In fact, this is because Dao mang has their strong Qi, which makes Dao mang have a strong attack power. The attack power is no longer a common Dao, it is a kind of extremely strong sharp knife!

The sharp knife twinkles with cold light. Every master of the left family who holds the sharp knife looks ferocious. It seems that it is really frightening!

The Disha sharp knife directly and fluently impacts out, as if it directly cuts off the air. It makes a low sound and makes the rolling cold air approach Qin Tian directly. In this case, one of the knives will stab Qin Tian's body in the blink of an eye!

This is such a dangerous thing, many people have been afraid to see more, or just dare not blink, for fear of missing something!

Because as long as the blink of an eye, among these sharp knives, Qin Tianke is dull and will directly disappear. This is a very terrible thing. Everyone does not want to miss this situation. They are looking at it carefully and imagining how it will change?

After all, many people have never seen the Disha formation. After a look at it, they find that it is really amazing. The momentum of the array is shocking!

In the face of the impenetrable siege, facing every part of his body stabbed by a sharp knife, Qin Tian did not change his face as before. He directly launched a fast body method, in which he moved and twinkled!

After escaping the first knife, the second came, and then the third The body shape is like the Snake Girl scurrying in the canyon, all avoiding these deadly attacks!

Most of these people are from the top of Dan Jin's Qi state. There are only ten of them. There are only six of them!

They are the most difficult to deal with when Qin Tian dodges, and they are also the masters who feel the most pressure. Their swordsmanship is very exquisite, and their cooperation is tight. Under their guidance, other people also unite to block Qin Tian's retreat step by step!

This is still Qin Tian's figure has been running around in their encirclement like a virtual shadow, which shocked the left parents who left the leader. They have already attacked like this. Qin Tian can still avoid it. Is this still human?

For a moment, the onlookers were also shocked, because they thought that Qin Tian was doomed to die, and soon it was meat sauce!

However, Qin Tian's appearance now seems to be a soul without body, which directly shocked them. They all avoided the attack of these sharp knives, as if the body through which their sharp knife passed was just a virtual shadow!

In fact, this is because Qin Tian was too fast to attack, Qin Tian had already dodged away, so there was only a shadow left, which made them have an illusion that what they stabbed at is the virtual shadow, which is a soul!

All of a sudden, they came back and forth to attack a dozen moves and Huihe, but they did not touch the corner of Qin Tian's clothes, and Qin Tian did not break out of their encirclement circle. In an instant, the scene entered a kind of seesaw battle!A lot of people in Disha array were stunned because they felt inexplicable panic, because they used a lot of energy, and many of them were not young, and soon the speed of attack became slow up!

When a person is afraid and tired, no matter what action he makes or what martial arts he displays, he will not meet his own requirements. His action will be deformed or his attack will be weakened!

So now their speed has decreased, the strength has also become smaller, and the cooperation between them is gradually not so perfect, and the flaws gradually show up!

When there is a flaw, it is a good opportunity for Qin Tian to start. He looks at one of them and stabs empty, and raises his foot to kick directly!

This person will directly fly out, severely fell on the conference room table, smashed a piece!


Scream from his body, this is the rhythm of broken bones, it is difficult to get up again all of a sudden!

"Bang bang bang!"

Qin Tian used the miscalculation of the people in the Disha array one after another, and beat their masters out a little bit. In a blink of an eye, there were only 25 Disha arrays with more than 30 people in the twinkling of an eye!

Since then, the situation has become more and more bad, because the perfect array can't do anything to Qin Tian, and then it has no effect!

What's more, what makes them feel incredible is that Qin Tian's Qi strength seems to be more vigorous and continuous, which is not a level compared with their true Qi!

In fact, after taking Peiyuan pill, Qin Tian's immortal Qi persistence has been improved. Otherwise, after this high-speed operation, it can't be maintained! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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