In the Daoguang Disha camp, Qin Tian stood quietly in the same place, without the slightest fear, standing like a pine, and even more like a pine on the Gaolan mountain. It will never fall for ten thousand years!

His eyes were burning and burning, flashing a trace of cold light, from which the essence of the explosion, is like the immortal sword!

"My heart is like a knife, and my life is like grass..." Qin Tian's tone is very much to touch. It seems that he has never been afraid. This style really makes people feel a burst of panic!

This is really too forced, that light mouth really let people have a kind of cold and cold air, there is not a trace of fireworks breath, "since you take death as if you return, then I can only help you, this is your own death, then don't blame me!"

Qin Tian has only one heart to kill now, that is to kill all the other party. This is a matter without any reason, and it also makes people feel very scared. This situation is like this, which makes people feel scared and incomparably afraid!

Now he stands there and says a word casually, no one thinks that he is pretending to be forced, because he has such strength. What else needs to be said in this case? There is no need to say more things, now this situation is like this!

At this time, the more than ten ancient martial arts experts of the left family rushed directly to Qin Tian!

There is a strong and powerful genuine Qi, which is transformed into a kind of evil Qi. Where the blade has stabbed, the air has become solidified, and even seems to freeze the time in place!

This is the power of Disha array. At this time, it is completely inspired!

Qi and blood and true Qi of every person in the left family are connected with each other. A dozen Disha swords are just like one person making a knife. Among them, the prestige really embodies the skill of more than a dozen of them!

This is still they have no any concealment and reservation, one by one has released the strength of the whole body, some are just a kind of thing that makes people feel afraid!

In the face of these small groundbreaking beheadings, Qin Tian didn't move around. He suddenly took a sharp drink, and his muscles all burst up. His figure seemed to have grown a little bit taller in this moment. This is a kind of thing solidified by immortal Qi, which makes him stimulate the strength of his body to the extreme!

In an instant, a very terrible storm formed by Disha Dao swept over. The cold light flashed and the Dao was so terrible that it was the vital part of Qin Tian's whole body to kill directly!


More than a dozen Disha knives make a striking sound of friction!

At the next moment, a dozen people from the left family were all unable to believe. Looking at the scene in front of them, did he still want to understand all this?

Now this result is simply the existence of the adverse weather, really not they can understand the matter, now this time is so, many people have no idea what to say!

With the blessing of their true Qi and array, the Disha Dao made by ten thousand years of cold iron couldn't break the body protected by Qin Tian now!

It's freaky. It's just!

This kind of man is not only human, but also has been formed, just like the monsters in the myths and legends!

Only the demon's body can be so strong, but Qin Tian now has immortal Qi to protect his body, so there is no way to let their Disha sword strike in the past. It's really terrible!

Fear and horror, shock and incredible emotions filled everyone's heart. At this moment, they really had a kind of timid heart in their hearts. At this moment, they really did not have the heart to fight again!

The other people in the hall, at this time, were all stunned. They didn't know what to say. Their eyes were full of panic and their chin was about to be scared out!

Blue butterfly incense is the same with his hand to cover his mouth, now his heart has only one idea, is this Qin Tian or human?

All are shocked, full of not dead Zuo Changhai and Zuo lengshi's bright red, their eyes have been unable to hide the shock!

Qin Tian looked at all the people stopped at this time and became as rigid as a statue. He couldn't help but sneer: "why don't you continue to chop?"

In fact, at that moment, he inspired all the strength of his body, and the conformity to the body had reached an extreme, which was really too big!

Fortunately, before he came to Zuo's house, he took a kind of wonderful Peiyuan pill, which made his dislike reach the level of protecting his body. This kind of feeling is a phenomenon he has never seen before. It's really powerful!

Qin Tian just wants to know what his strength peak is, now this war, really can feel one of the heartfelt ah!

After a burst of shock, Zuo lengshi heard Qin Tian's words and couldn't help but come back to his mind. Then he said with a cold expression and biting his teeth, "continue to arrange the Sha formation, and other people should join in together!"It turned out that more and more left family members came out in a rush, and in a moment there were 30 more people. Each of them used the local Sha Dao. It looked majestic!

"This boy must have practiced some evil sect's skill, so that he can resist the attack of shudisha sword in a short time. He must not be able to support it for a long time. Continue to make the sword, don't stop!"

Zuo Changhai can see that the Disha array formed by nearly 40 ancient martial arts masters can really break the protection of Qin Tian, but it is impossible to admit defeat. Now what they need is a way to directly stabilize the morale of the army. Otherwise, they will lose on the spot and the array will break itself without attack!

So now this situation is like this, need them all to gather together, gather their strength into a line, and then hold the pressure!

The boy in front of him can't be the top man in the ancient martial arts world. He definitely practiced some skills like the golden bell jar or the iron cloth shirt, which is the key to strengthen body protection. Only then can he be brave enough to attack the next time!

After hearing Zuo lengshi's order, the Disha formation formed by more than 30 Zuojia ancient martial arts experts all suppressed their fear. They also knew that they could not retreat a step!

Otherwise the whole left house is destroyed by this boy in this moment!

This is the thing they can't see, only fight hard to have a chance to survive! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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