The development of things is such cruel and so shocking. In short, if things have reached this level, they have no way back, which is their own choice of strong attack!

If they did not fight Qin Tian absolutely at first, they might have died a left extraordinary one. Now they do so, that is to say more people die, which is the place Qin Tian will not care about. What else should they say if they find death by themselves?

Their strength is very strong, one is the gas six days, the other is Qi seven days, is not so easy to die!

At present, the two men are as fast as lightning, and their hands are even more rapid. Zuocanghai is a fist, while the left cold stone is claw, which respectively hit the head and back heart of Qin Tian!

"Qin Tian, be careful!" Blue butterfly fragrance also can not help but issued a panic voice!

Because she saw Qin Tian consumption is really big, because the destruction of the whole ground evil array, it is really very difficult to do things!

Qin Tian actually does not need the reminder of blue butterfly fragrance at all. He has expected to. He didn't think much. He went back and hit out with a fist!

The fist and palm of the three people collided together directly. Qin Tian flew back and went out. The whole man fell directly on the ground, and some blood came out of the corner of his mouth!

Because just now his immortal Qi was relatively exhausted, now suddenly facing the two gas realm super masters of ancient martial family, it is really not easy to carry it down!

But the situation of left cold stone and zuocanghai is even worse, hit the wall, and spit out a blood suddenly!

Both people's faces are full of shock, did not expect Qin Tian at this time, unexpectedly there is such a strong force ah!

They are determined to have the attack, have not worked, this is completely completed!

After Qin Tian stood firm, the corner of his mouth also crossed a sneer. "Your left family is also called the ancient martial family, even if you have such a shameless hand, you have succeeded in stealing!"

He felt the attack of two brothers of zuocanghai, and he was really surprised, because he had just broken the ground and had no spare effort after his body was wet!

Next left Changhai and left cold stone are children, his remaining last strength, now his body has no energy, maybe a blue butterfly can kill him!

But Qin Tian will not be easily seen by them, proudly standing in place, tightly pursing red lips blood trace directly swallow down!

If he is seen by the other party, he is really not sure to be able to defeat them, but his means have completely deterred the left home and the presence of all people, it is impossible for anyone to go up and say anything again!

After two people spit blood, they feel their internal injuries are not light, how dare to go up and Qin Tian again to do a trick?

"Brother, is our left family really going to be destroyed by this kid?" Left cold stone very reluctant to open said.

From the beginning, it was just because Qin Tianlai killed people, looked down on the left family, and the marriage appointment between zuobupian and blue butterfly fragrance, which directly led to the whole left family now to uproote?

No one would have thought that the development of things was the result of this one hour ago!

At this time, the family of the whole frightening can not be said, completely speechless!

This Qin day is really too strong, strong and terrible, what can I do to explain this?

Now this means that if the left family is destroyed by Qin Tian today, what is about to rise is the blue family? After all, blue butterfly fragrance and Qin Tian are the kind of relationship between men and women!

The form turns so fast. People of the seven families except blue family, red, are also a little speechless, because they don't know what attitude to face the blue family. It's really shame!

Zuocaohai's heart also experienced a wave of rough waves, Qin days are all kinds of anger and resentment, that expression seems to be in the cold and as if it is in a sad smile, meaning not very clear!

Everyone thought that the owner of the left family must die!

However, the next thing, zuocanghai really can not speak, because he has a kind of true air like the tide in his body rolling, he can not help but roar up the sky, with his last breath loudly shouted out: "please ancestors out of the mountain, only you can protect my left home safety!"

After shouting loudly, a bloody jade card in zuocanghai's hand was directly crushed. This is a spiritual device. It is not imposed any method. After crushing, some light blood gas is released, and the atmosphere suddenly becomes strange!

No one knows how much terror power is hidden in this blood gas. Which super strong person's blood essence is here?

Who is the old ancestor called by zuocanghai?

No one knows about the eight families and the big members of the organization, but the core of the left family is the left cold stone!

"Elder brother, how do you call the old man here, is his old man's family dead?" Left cold stone stared big eyes can not believe asked."Ha ha, I am dead and I have soul! When people are strong enough to a certain extent, they can seal their souls in the spirit. No one knows, only the masters of the previous generations know this secret! "

"Although this is the biggest secret of our left family, there is no way to do it today. Now, when the left family is in danger, I can only shout out my father, and I can kill this boy!"

"Soul?" Left cold stone all felt a shiver, the whole human thought is also as if fell into chaos!

The old ancestor in zuochang Haikou is a powerful man who has reached the seven days of breaking the vein realm in the ancient martial arts realm in 300 years. It is impossible to go up the border of broken vein. There is no one in a hundred years, but it is really amazing that the terror in the seven days is really amazing!

Others were shocked by the news. Many left people began to be ecstatic. I wonder if there is any way to save the left family at this time. Is there anything more exciting than this?

Originally they were very desperate, now they really saw the dawn, each heart is envious surprise, this feeling is really not joking!

If the old ancestor is still alive, Qin Tian is not an opponent. Although it is only a soul, the power inside is unimaginable!

Qin Tian also slightly squints his eyes. It is really hard to imagine this situation. It can call the soul of the old ancestor. What is the way? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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