The phone just hung up, another call came again, and it was a girl's phone call. When he saw the call to remind him, Qin Tian couldn't help but feel helpless. In the end, he knew too many women, and the peach blossom luck had never stopped!

"God, is that you?" On the phone came Jiao Jie's pleasant soft voice, which contained a deep feeling of missing.

"Well, it's me. How do you want to call me at this time?" Qin Tian tried to use a kind of gentle tone to say.

In fact, Qin Tian knew that after Li Xinran was pregnant, he was somewhat restrained. There was no way to deal with this situation. Because there were too many women, it was easy to be disordered, so Qin Tian had to restrain some of his usual style!

But now the situation is, these women know that Li Xinran is pregnant, and their attitude has become a little estranged, or not in touch for a long time, because they think Qin Tian has a child, must have a home!

In this case, no matter Lin Xiaoyao or Jiao Jie, or Lin Wanru and the like, in fact, they all have the same idea. They really want to destroy the marriage between Qin Tian and Li Xinran, and have no idea of taking Qin Tian into his pocket!

Because they know that Qin Tian is strong enough, Qin Tian is also deeply in love with Li Xinran. This is what they can't compare. This is the case now!

So Qin Tian will directly forget a woman from time to time. Only when he picks up again will he think of this thing. If he doesn't go, he won't think of any story in it. If he doesn't, he won't think of this woman!

Now Jiao Jie suddenly came to the phone, Qin Tian's brain will not think of her, but after she called, Qin Tian can't help but think of some memories of himself and Jiao Jie!

The last time we met in the imperial capital, the girls were polite and shy to him. Of course, this is because of their father's presence. The other reason is that we haven't seen each other for a long time, and now Qin Tian's wife Li Xinran is pregnant!

It is this kind of emotional factor that makes Jiao Jie's attitude towards Qin Tian no longer the same as before, with a little more friendship in it!

But Qin Tian knows that some love doesn't need to say much. He won't change, his attitude will change, but love won't change!

"Can't I miss you?" Jiao Jie's tone became a little angry, with a kind of bitterness in it!

"OK, OK. Is your recent work going well?" Qin Tian knows that Jiao Jie is a little star now. He must be busier than himself. One announcement after another is a rare world of rest!

In this case, Qin Tian still understands, because if you don't understand, there is no way, this kind of thing is like this, you must understand it!

"Well, fortunately, I'm a little busy. I'm going to hold a concert in DIDU. This is my first performance this year." Jiao Jie said with a smile.

"Haha, congratulations. I'm so happy for you. I'm so happy for you! I'm so happy for you Qin Tian said seriously.

"When is it going to open? I'm sure I'll go to the show then!" Qin Tian said with great importance.

Jiao Jie heard the man's concern, and the tone of her voice was also filled with joy. "This weekend, three days later, I'll ask my assistant to give you two tickets in the VIP area. If Xinran is free, you can also let her come?"

"No, no, no, it's very dangerous. Sister Xinran has been a child for four or five months now, so I'd better not go to a crowded place like that!" Qin Tian zhengse said.

"Well, I'll give you a ticket anyway!"

"Well, that's really wonderful. I can't wait to see you sing and dance!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

When Jiao Jie listened to it, he was more happy. He didn't waste money. Under pressure, he decided to hold a concert in the imperial capital.

"Qin Tian, you must come at that time. I will give you a surprise!"

"What a surprise? Did you surprise me with a concert? " Qin Tian didn't know why he had a bad premonition in his heart, but he didn't know what words to describe it!

Jiao Jie said angrily, "now, what a surprise? In a word, you will know when the concert officially starts

"I'm so clean, you can be a real show off, just like in those days, you always itch in the dog's nest!" Qin Tian had no choice but to smile.

"Hey, I like to see you tickle. I'm sorry to say something in front of you, but I can say it on the phone." Jiao Jie said with a laugh.

"You're not afraid I'll punish you like this?" Qin Tian is also a burst of anger up, just after the storm, it seems that there is still a little bit of fun!

"Well, it depends on whether you dare!" Jiao Jie said with a smile.

Qin Tianyi, can't help itching heart, now Jiaojie and before yo very different, she is now a big star, that kind of feeling must be different!Of course, Qin Tian can say that, of course, I dare, but he is not such a person. He coughed for a while and then didn't talk nonsense. He said directly, "well, we'll see you at the weekend."

"Well, it's late. I'm going to have a rest. See you at the weekend."

After Qin Tian hung up the phone, the helpless look on his face was even more obvious!

The next day, LAN diexiang and the blue couple came to the hotel to pick up Qin Tian to the airport!

"You are in Jiangnan. If you have any information, please don't go to the imperial capital without my permission." Qin Tian said with a threatening tone.

Indeed, after the incident with blue butterfly incense last night, Qin Tiantian worried that this woman and Li Xinran would talk nonsense, or show off with Zhu Yu, it would be difficult to do!

After all, LAN diexiang, Zhu Yu and Li Xinran don't know a team of people. If they make a noise because of this, it will be totally difficult to do!

"Mm-hmm, then you're going." After making up for Qin Tian, LAN diexiang also showed a little less expression of debt in her heart, and she was more satisfied with a smile. 1

"Mr. Qin, if there is something we can call us, we will certainly help if we can help you with something!" LAN diexiang's father also said sincerely.

"Mm-hmm, you go back. My plane will arrive soon. I'm going to enter." Qin Tian looked at the time and said.

After waving goodbye, Qin Tian got on the plane directly, and it was evening after arriving at the imperial capital! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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