"There's no need to be sorry. You're also a divorced woman. My big brother Jiao's idea is to get to know you first, to be friends, to see if we can get married, to have children and so on." Qin Tianshi did not mind saying, after all, are people with stories!

"This..." The florist's female boss suddenly blushed and Jiao Cheng was embarrassed, which was not worth saying!

When he looked at the shop, he showed no respect for the girl for a moment, but some of them were not right.

"It's OK. I'm very honored to know Jiao Jie's father and the friend of the founder of Fuyuan Dan. But the relationship and marriage still have to be cut off. It's hard to say whether they are compatible or not." Xie Xiaolan said shyly.

"My elder brother Jiao has been a special soldier. He is upright and upright. He has a sense of responsibility, a sense of love, a sense of justice, and a sense of responsibility. He fully meets the requirements you just said. I'm afraid that you may despise him. He may be about ten years older than you!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

"If you are more than 40 years old, you will be very proud of your family if you are over 40 years old Xie Xiaolan also said with a smile.

"That's good!" Qin Tian nodded, one side of the Jiao Cheng did not know what to say, this feeling is really a little helpless, but said everything, let the beginning of both sides become some direct up!

This kind of direct words, let him do not know what to say, because now is such a situation, want to deal with it, or need some time, if you don't have any time, how do you fall in love?

If one wants to win the favor of another, he is bound to need good courtesy. If there is no way to treat each other with courtesy, The result of that thing was very unpleasant, troublesome and shocking, so the beginning of the matter was to explain everything clearly 1

and Qin Tian could also feel that Xie Xiaolan was fond of Jiao Cheng, and she didn't seem to care about age. Besides, even if they were married and didn't have children, they still had Jiao Jie Really good!

But these things are a little long-term. When the scene of three people is a little awkward, a man comes in from the outside of the flower shop. This is a man in his thirties. His bangs are very long, which directly block one eye. It looks very fashionable and cool!

As soon as he came in, he said rudely, "Xiaolan, I don't have any money. Please give me some money to spend it."

"Jin Haitao, how many times have I told you that we are divorced. Can you stop bothering me?" Xie Xiaolan looks at the man in front of her, and suddenly she frowns. What can I say?

The man named Jin Haitao also laughed a little, "it doesn't matter. You can help me if you divorce me? Do you think it's easy for me? I remember how much money you lent me. When I'm on the rise, I'm sure I'll give it back to you. This time I want 10000 yuan! "

"Ten thousand yuan, why don't you rob it? You're really going too far. How much do I have to sell for 10000 yuan to get back? "

"You don't want to be a good talker here. Let me tell you, I really don't have any money. Even if I have it, I won't lend it to you. I want to live!" Xie Xiaolan immediately worried, for the occurrence of this matter, she also has no way, can only say that it can not be prevented!

She is really angry, with a strong chill in her tone, which makes her look very temperament, cold and domineering!

When Jin Haitao heard this, he became angry and said: "Xie Xiaolan, you are divorced. Have you separated the property of husband and wife from me? Why don't you give me money? Is there anything wrong with my lack of money? "

"When I divorced you, I didn't have any money. I didn't have any money. Now I have money. I borrowed money from my friends. This florist is also opened by me. It has nothing to do with you. Don't bother me any more. Otherwise, I will call the police."

"Ha ha, you call the police. I'll go to your hometown to find your parents. I think you dare to call the police and try it?" Jin Haitao directly threatened him. He didn't have any other ideas. This is the way he works and one of his favorite means!

In short, as long as it can be used for me to write this Xie Xiaolan, he will be willing to use it. She will know that Xie Xiaolan is a timid person. If such a threat is made, it will certainly be possible!

"Hehe, I don't believe it. You must have hidden money. If you open a flower shop, it will cost at least 200000 yuan. Where do you go to borrow so much money? If you don't pretend to me, you are hiding money. Get me ten thousand yuan quickly. I'll write you a debit note here. It's not that you don't return it! " Jin Haitao said angrily.

"Go away, I won't lend you any more money. I have lent you a lot of money. You have never paid it back, and you have no ability to repay it. Why should I lend you?" Xie Xiaolan was angry and stomped her feet fiercely. It looked like she was pitiful!Jin Haitao was even more angry and said: "Xiaolan, for the sake of being husband and wife, can you help me this time? You open such a big florist, do business so well, pursue your boss many, 10000 yuan is really too easy for you

"What do you mean? You have no idea how hard it is for me to open this florist and how much money I owe. Let's go. I don't want to see you today, and I don't want to see you again! " Xie Xiaolan said, in the heart is very aggrieved, the eye socket has been some moist, it is obvious that she was hurt too deeply by her ex husband!

Qin Tian and Jiao Cheng are frowning at the same time. Is there such a thing?

It seems that the landlady used to be very troublesome. If you encounter them today, if you don't deal with this matter, you can't say it!

Looking at Qin Tian and Jiao Cheng who are in front of them, Haitao fiercely scolds: "after you buy the flowers, go away. What are you looking at here?"

After saying that, he bypassed Qin Tian and Jiao Cheng, and then continued to look at Xie Xiaolan and said, "Xiaolan, I know you work hard, but I don't work hard outside? Do you want to see me die because you owe a loan shark

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