Jiao Cheng doesn't have any courtesy. He kicks this guy out directly. It's bloody. It looks like it's not easy!

Xie Xiaolan also remembered in an instant what Qin Tian said just now. Brother Jiao came from the special forces, How can Jin Haitao be his opponent!

she is still so strong and powerful in her forties. It really makes her have a wonderful feeling in her heart. This feeling is such a feeling!

Now she has been a very helpless and helpless feeling for a long time, but suddenly stood out a big brother to help himself, can she not be moved?

Isn't that what women are like sometimes? They are faced with such a situation, because this situation determines whether you can win the favor of a woman. Today's focus is to face this idea!

is awesome half day. Qin Tian sees it very clearly. Jiao Da brother is very powerful. He is half dead and alive with a strong momentum. He beat him to the ground and screamed at a cry of Ao!

It's really right!

Xie Xiaolan is a woman from an ordinary family, relying on her own efforts to run the flower shop. She said that the business is not for her own money, but for her father to have money to see a doctor!

At this time, she has to be bothered by this ex husband. This kind of thing is definitely not good. But if she has a focus, the situation will be really different. Now this matter has reached this point, which is a very interesting thing!

Qin Tian is really smiling at the side. It makes people feel helpless. In this case, he really feels relieved and happy for elder brother Jiao. Is there anything better?

Today's drinking is originally a lot of drinking, but both of them use their energy to eliminate the alcohol gas. This is the situation now. Many people understand this truth now, because if you don't understand it now, it will be very difficult to understand it in the future!

The development of things is such a situation, many times you need to think clearly before you can understand, but now it is not to think can understand things, this really has come to a very clear very clear time!

Jin Haitao rolled outside the door of the florist's shop, gnashing his teeth. His arrogance came back again, struggling to say, "good guy, do you like to meddle in your business so much? I think you can manage it several times. It's easy for you to do this. You have no way out now! "

"Ha ha, you can try it. If you come again tomorrow, your miserable situation will be more troublesome!" Qin Tian also said rudely that he would not let go of this guy. When he went back, he would let niugen and xiaonannan come out. Since he was so shameless, he would leave the imperial capital completely, and he would not dare to come in all his life. This is the best thing!

Because the existence of such people is the scum of society, never come, there is something more clear?

Jin Haitao snorted, "are you relying on yourself now? Well, I'd like to see when you can hold on to it. Wait for me! "

"Jin Haitao, they are all my friends. I advise you not to come, otherwise, I will be rude!" Xie Xiaolan is also very angry. Today's 10000 yuan was saved by selling flowers for a long time, so he took it away. It's really unthinkable!

Therefore, her heart is very grateful for the focus in front of her, and her heart is very grateful. This kind of gratitude is from the heart. Now this situation is such a situation, because they understand that if the development of things has reached this level, they need to unite!

If we can't unite, the development of things will be very troublesome. At this point, she can only regard Jiao Cheng and Qin Tian as her friends. Only in this way can we let Jin Haitao go. If this guy doesn't go away, the development of things will be difficult!

"My friend, don't pretend to be a flower buyer. What kind of friend are you?" Jin Haitao said with a grim smile and disbelief.

"It's me who buys flowers, and he is my friend!" Qin Tian looks at Jiao Cheng and Xie Xiaolan in front of him.

"Yes, now Xiaolan and I are friends. If you dare to mess around, I'll be impolite. If you come again, you can chase the camera here and call the police directly. I don't care about you!"

"Yes, you'll be caught. I'll see how you'll come!" Xie Xiaolan said impolitely.

"Xiaolan? You are so cruel. You let an ordinary friend teach me a lesson? You want to call the police and arrest me to jail. Do you have no feelings for me Jin Haitao says angrily, he has noticed that Jiao Cheng looks at Xie Xiaolan with incomparable tenderness in his eyes!

A woman in her thirties and a man in her forties are not impossible!

This moment let his heart directly jealous, this feeling is really dying, he already did not know to say that we are good, in the heart is very sad, very helpless, very anxious, this kind of anxious heart let his progress collapse!The anger in his heart is crowded together. This feeling is really speechless, but he really has to face all this well, so that he can understand that it is not so easy to deal with it. If he wants to find trouble again, it is not easy!

"Old man, you want to pursue my wife?" "Jin Haitao said angrily looking at Jiao Cheng.

"Yes, I want to meet Xiaolan. I think she is very good!" Jiao Cheng said frankly.

Immediately, jinhaitao immediately got angry. "Well, xiexiaolan, you can. You have been cheating in marriage. I also said that I am a gambler. I think you have a new love. You bring me a green hat. I will not let you a bitch!"

"When I pursue you, I have no intention, even respect you, never forced you, married?

It's just a few days before you choose to divorce, my day I haven't slept with you yet. Now you play this set for me. I'm not happy! " Jin Haitao's heart really broke down!

He has been eating, drinking, drinking and drinking for three days, and he is addicted to drinking water and gambling. Xie Xiaolan finds an excuse to leave jinhaitao directly, and then he has not returned to find him again. After about half a year of time, Xie Xiaolan finds that this man is becoming more and more non-existent!

In fact, they are introduced by the family, but they are the people in the next village. They think they are good to each other. You can see all kinds of appearance, but they don't want to. It's not right to get married!

So Xie Xiaolan really did not think much, she has been 33 years old, just want to marry and become a family, did not expect to enter the marriage grave!

"I am angry. What kind of man are you, who are you before you get married? You're a cheat! " Xie Xiaolan scolded politely.

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