There are too many people in the imperial capital, and there are all kinds of people. Therefore, if you hold a concert here, the safety must be guaranteed. Otherwise, it will not be able to open. Now this is such a thing!

If the work of the concert becomes a kind of mass malignant event, it will not be a good thing for Jiao Jie, and her reputation will be seriously affected.

Because now the news is like to add flavor to these things, so many people must have some ideas about Jiao Jie, a rising star!

After thinking about it for a few seconds, Qin Tian said directly, "you can rest assured. I'll let Lei qianjue transfer his staff to help you maintain order. There should be no problem in this way."

"Lei qianjue is your servant now?" Jiao Cheng met Lei qianjue once before in a box, so I still have an impression on this person.

"Yes, this guy's strength is very strong, which can't be compared by Fang Zhen's people!" Qin Tian zhengse said.

"That's natural. This is the capital of the emperor. There's no comparison between the top leaders in Songshan and those in Songshan!" Focal range is also a fact that cannot be admitted.

"It's not a problem for me to send five or six hundred people directly this time!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

"That's the best thing to do!" Jiao Cheng is also relieved. "When can they come? Time is running out

"Soon, you wait. I'll call Lei qianjue right away." After Qin Tian finished, he hung up the phone and called Lei qianjue directly.

"Boss Lei, are you still in Panlong area

"No, no, no, no, brother Tian, you are the boss. The Panlong area is almost handled. I will be in the imperial capital now! By the way, Jiangfeng, the big man of Yancheng, is here with me

"He didn't go back to Yancheng. What did he do here?" Qin Tian said slightly surprised.

"Yes, I want to wait for God's God yuan Dan to come out and go back again!" Lei qianjue said with a smile, "this guy is a thief."

"Ha ha, I promise you will definitely give it to you. It happens that I refined some today, and each person gives you two, which can be regarded as a kind of reward!" Qin Tian said.

"Wow, that's great. Oh, my God, my God, I really said," do it! " Lei qianjue is also excited.

"By the way, I'm calling to ask you to do something for me!" The corner of Qin Tian's mouth is also curved up a wonderful arc!

"What's the matter, my God, don't be polite to me!" Lei qianjue said respectfully on the phone.

Qin Tian slowly explained: "the big star Jiao Jielai held a concert in the birdcage stadium. Now the security there is not strong enough. I need you to dispatch no less than 500 people to maintain order and protect the safety of fans."

"Jiao Jie? I really know about this. Tang Qiuling asked me if I could get tickets, but I didn't expect to have something to do with God! "

"I'll tell you to put up with it at once, and transfer all that can be transferred to me!" Lei qianjue also said without hesitation.

At the same time, his face also showed a look of fun and smile. What's the relationship between Tiange and this big star?

Qin Tian nodded with satisfaction and said, "now go and arrange for people to go there. You can arrange for elder brother Jiao. I'll call you back!"

After hanging up the phone, Qin Tian gives Lei qianjue Jiao Cheng's phone number, and then returns Lin Xiaoyao's phone number. I don't know if this girl is free or not!

Lin Xiaoyao said that he and his classmates would meet over there.

When it comes to the students who are studying, Qin Tian can't help asking about his last trip to Yancheng: "by the way, is the young master of the Shen family still there? You come with those people? "

"Hey, no, I got to know new students here. They came to study. They were from other classes. They had a good time recently." Lin Xiaoyao said with a smile.

Qin Tian is speechless. No wonder this woman hasn't turned over herself recently. It turns out that she has found a new partner. It seems that Lin Xiaoyao has really found a new life skill recently, so she can only wish for her!

Qin Tian got up and called Li Xinran and Zhu Yu, saying that he would go to the concert tonight and let them go home by themselves. Then he drove to the birdcage stadium.

After arriving at the destination, I found that the stadium was really overcrowded outside and looked very lively everywhere.

This gymnasium is a comprehensive gymnasium that can accommodate 890000 people, but Qin Tian has not gone in yet. Just looking outside, he feels very huge!

Because there are more than 100000 people standing around outside. It's really terrible!

Jiao Jie has been preparing for a concert in the capital for a long time. Many college students and young people like to come here to participate in various concerts. Therefore, Jiao Jie is able to take over the advantages of time, place and people.

When many people can't get in, they can only come outside to cheer on their idols. There is a big screen outside and you can hear the singing of the concert in the venue. It's normal that so many people gather around the venue.After Qin Tian arrived, he contacted Jiao Cheng directly and saw him with Xie Xiaolan. After seeing Qin Tian, they also said hello with a smile!

"Are you all together?" Qin Tian looked at them and asked with a smile.

Jiao Cheng and Xie Xiaolan both smile and nod, looking very happy.

Qin Tian didn't want to tangle in this topic, and then asked, "by the way, is the person arranged by Lei qianjue arrived?"

"We have assembled outside the stadium, and the force of public security should be more powerful." Jiao Cheng said with a smile.

This time, Lei qianjue even took 800 people to come over and completely solved Jiao Cheng's worries about security.

Qin Tian nodded and said, "that's good. Are you going to take sister Xiaolan in?"

"Tiange, I have to check the security situation of each post, so I can't accompany Xiaolan in the first time, or you can take her in and sit down at that time?" Jiao Cheng said with some regret that he was responsible for the security work and could not accompany Xie Xiaolan to the concert for a while.

"It's not that many people have been arranged. You can go in when you go around!" Qin Tian zhengse said, in other words, what is he worried about now?

"Mm-hmm, yes, according to the reason, there is no problem, but I am worried that some organizations have ulterior motives, which is not easy to do, after all, these people are also arranged by me!" Jiao Cheng says helplessly.

"In this case, let sister LAN accompany you to check it!" Qin Tian smiles. He doesn't want to take it because he wants to join Lin Xiaoyao.

Xie Xiaolan saw that she was pushed back and forth by two men, and her face was slightly red. She said with a shy meaning: "then I will accompany elder brother Jiao to check it out."

Qin Tian can only wave goodbye to them, because Lin Xiaoyao's phone is coming. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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