Looking at the lovely appearance of Li Xinran in deep sleep, Qin Tian really can't bear to continue to disturb, so he lies down to sleep.

The next day, Qin Tian still went to work in Li Xinran's BMW. Li Xinran seemed to have a little impression of what happened last night and asked Qin Tian, "husband, what did you do to me last night?"

Qin Tian was stunned and felt guilty: "what did you do? I didn't do anything. Did you dream? "

Li Xinran frowned, fell into deep thought, and said to herself: "strange, I dreamed that someone moved me last night..."

Qin Tian was embarrassed and didn't answer. He turned his head and looked out of the window.

After what happened last night, Li Xinran suddenly became a god like existence in the whole office. As soon as Li Xinran entered the office, everyone got up to say hello to Li Xinran, with a warm smile. They all boasted that Li Xinran had found a good husband and had a good insight. No one said that Qin Tian didn't say a word.

Instead, Ma Bowen was sitting in the corner, and no one paid attention to him.

Qin Tian came early today. He was sitting on the tea table chatting with the other security guards. At this time, elder brother Jiao, the head of the security team, pushed the door in. Qin Tian could see that brother Jiao had bloodshot eyes and disordered hair. Maybe he didn't sleep all night, so he asked why.

Brother Jiao sighed and sat down: "the girl at home fell ill again last night. She was crazy and didn't recognize people. She took a kitchen knife and said she would cut me to death. She didn't let her arm cut me."

With that, brother Jiao rolled up the sleeve of his arm and let out the bandage wound.

Qin Tian frowned. He didn't expect that it was so serious. Before he could speak, elder brother Jiao burst into tears: "ah, what kind of evil has been created?"

Several other security colleagues also understand that they were stabbed by their own daughter. I'm afraid that most parents can't bear it. They come to comfort them one after another.

Qin Tian stood up, took off his security suit, put on his normal coat, and patted Jiao Cheng on the shoulder: "come on, brother Jiao, I'll accompany you to have a look."

Jiao Cheng's eyes were red, his eyes were still covered with tears, and his expression was a little difficult: "can you do it, Xiao Qin, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just The professor of our medical school, who cares for the people, has been asked to visit by me, but he is helpless

Qin Tian did not know what care for the people, nor did he know what level of caring for the people was. He said with a smile, "let's go. How do you know if you don't have a look?"

Seeing Qin Tian so sincere, Jiao Cheng also nodded and took Qin Tian back to his home.

Jiao Cheng's family condition is ordinary, living in that kind of ordinary building. When Qin Tian came, Jiao Cheng's wife Wu Xiaoyan was taking care of Jiao Jie in her room.

"How's it going?" Jiao Cheng walks forward and asks in a soft voice. His voice is full of helplessness.

Wu Xiaoyan saw that her husband had brought people back, and guessed that it was a doctor. She went out to give Qin Tian a glass of water. She came back and sighed, "I just fell asleep. After you left, you tossed for a while."

Qin Tian took the cup and said thank you. Before he stepped forward and saw Jiao Jie, he felt something wrong in the room. There was a damp smell. No, it should be said that it was "rotten".

After realizing that there was something wrong with him, Qin Tian went up to see Jiao Jie lying on the bed. Qin Tian frowned again. Jiao Cheng's face was pale and frightening, and Yintang was a little dark.

"How about Xiao Qin, can you see what happened to my daughter?" Jiao Cheng sees Qin Tian standing in the same place and doesn't move. He is a little flustered.

Qin Tian nodded: "your daughter should be in evil, dirty things attached to the body."


When Wu Xiaoyan heard Qin Tian say Zhongxie, she was startled. Some didn't believe Qin Tian's words.

After all, in this era, we do not believe that there are ghosts in this world, but in fact, there are dirty things in this world.

"Well, what now?" Jiao Cheng asks with a stiff head. Although he can't accept this statement, Qin Tian also tells us a cause.

"I need a pair of silver needles, a candle, a bowl of white wine and a mirror. Please run for a while!"

With this, Qin Tian takes out 200 yuan from his pocket and puts it into Wu Xiaoyan's hand. Wu Xiaoyan doesn't know whether to go or not. She takes a look at Jiao Cheng. After seeing her husband nodding silently, Wu Xiaoyan says hello and gets up and goes out.

After Wu Xiaoyan left, Jiao Cheng asked Qin Tian, "Hey, brother Qin, tell me the truth with my elder brother, can my daughter be cured?"

"Don't worry, brother Jiao. I know you and your sister-in-law don't believe what I said. It's better to let me try. It's not harmful if it can't be cured."

Seeing Qin Tian say so, Jiao Cheng thinks about it and says with a smile of embarrassment: "please, Xiao Qin. If you can cure my daughter's disease, I will give you whatever you want!"

"Brother Jiao is serious. All of them are colleagues. We should be!"

After Wu Xiaoyan came back, it was 15 minutes later. Qin Tian took the thing and put it on the table. First, he poured a bowl of liquor. Then he lit a candle with a match and lit the liquor with the rest of the flame.

When the liquor meets the fire, it burns directly in the bowl and emits a light blue flame. Qin Tian quickly grabs two drops of wine with flame and directly pats them on both sides of Jiaojie's printing hall.Originally, Jiao Jie, who was asleep, suddenly opened her eyes and stretched her body, as if bound by something.

Qin Tian once again took out two silver needles, held three inches, and burned them on the candle for three seconds. Then he put them in Jiao Jie's printing hall and slowly instilled spiritual power. With the instillation of Qin Tian's spiritual power, Jiao Jie's whole person began to go crazy, bared his teeth and stretched out his hands to pinch Qin Tian's neck.

"Brother Jiao, come and help me hold her down!"

Jiao Cheng doesn't know what's going on. Looking at his daughter's pain, he can't bear it. But he still presses Jiao Cheng down. In order to ease Jiao Cheng's worries, Qin Tian instills spiritual power and explains: "I touched the dirty things in Jiao Jie's body. Now it's not your daughter who attacks me, but the dirty things in her body that control her."

In order to treat Jiao Jie, Qin Tian is also free to go, using one of the Five Dragon God acupuncture, soul return door.

With the passage of time, Qin Tian's forehead exudes sweat, and Jiao Jie's struggle is getting smaller and smaller, until he slowly falls on the bed.

Qin Tian also saw a black thing overflowing from Jiao Jie's body, and was about to float out. Qin Tian directly threw the silver needle out of his hand and stabbed it on the black dirty things, and it turned into ashes.

Seeing his daughter as weak and weak as she was, Jiao Cheng quickly asked, "Xiao Qin, is this?"

Qin Tian wiped the sweat on his forehead and said with a smile: "it's all right. Next, I'll be good at home for a few days."

"Really?" Jiao Cheng still doesn't believe it. As soon as he finishes, Jiao Jie in his arms opens his eyes weakly and calls out, "Dad..."

Jiao Cheng's whole body is stunned and weeps with joy. His daughter has never known anyone, let alone her father. Jiao Cheng kneels down on the ground excitedly: "Xiao Qin, I owe you a lot, I owe you great kindness!"

Qin Tian was crying and laughing. He felt helpless. Mother, Lao Tzu is so tired now. You have to let Lao Tzu understand. But he had to stand up and help Jiao Cheng up. He was weak and said, "it's all right. It's just a piece of work."

The woman was careful. Wu Xiaoyan on one side could see that Qin Tian was tired. At this time, she handed a cup of book to Qin Tian. She was very grateful: "Xiao Qin, drink some water."

Qin Tian takes the water cup and drinks two gulps, then feels to recover some strength. Wu Xiaoyan comforts Jiao Jie. Jiao Cheng and Qin Tian talk outside.

"Brother Qin, do you think my daughter is in evil?"

Qin Tian definitely nodded: "yes, but how can you be evil? I want to ask elder brother Jiao, what happened to Qianjin recently?"

After listening to Qin Tian's words, Jiao Cheng frowned and thought carefully. Finally, as if he remembered something, he clenched his fist and said angrily: "Damn it, I said that boy can't say that sentence!"

Qin Tian didn't say anything, but waited for Jiao Cheng to tell him the reason for the accident. Jiao Cheng lit a cigarette for himself, and then said, "my daughter is a kindergarten teacher. A while ago, the father of a child divorced and fell in love with my daughter. He said that his children especially like my daughter to be a teacher. So he should marry him. The old man is not small, and he has some abilities in the local area Big Ben, I asked for Jiao Jie several times. After being rejected, I suddenly said one day that you will come back and ask me! At that time, I didn't understand what was going on. Now it sounds like this is what we are talking about! "

Qin Tian nodded after hearing this, some resentment: "now people, the means are very clever, if the disease has been unable to cure, it is estimated that really have to go to beg him."

"Yes, Xiao Qin, you are really a great benefactor of our family. But what if he still stumbles in the future?"

Qin Tian took out the mirror on the table that Wu Xiaoyan had just asked him to buy. He bit his finger and dropped a few drops of blood on it. Then he handed it to Jiao Cheng: "hang this on the top of your door. No filthy thing can get in."

This time, Jiao Cheng believed Qin Tian's words, and quickly asked Wu Xiaoyan to move the stool and hang it himself.

In the afternoon, Jiao Cheng and Qin Tian return to the security department and see them back. Several security guards gather together to ask how they are doing.

When his daughter is well, Jiao Cheng is in a good mood. After chatting with several security guards for a long time, he says that Qin Tian is very skillful in medicine.

A security guard posted this incident in the school post bar. After all, this is a medical university. How can Qin Tian, a miracle doctor, be buried here as a small security guard?

Jiao Cheng's daughter was also very popular in the post bar before. At that time, Jiao Cheng had no choice but to post at the school post bar for help. After all, he thought that there were many talented people in the Medical University, especially the medical Professor Guan Huaimin, who had gone there in person. After all, the matter became a fire.

Now someone sends a post saying that the disease has been cured. As soon as the post is made, it will be dozens of replies, and it will break 100 in ten minutes.

For a time, Qin Tian became the campus network red.

"Qin Tian? Which Professor Qin Tian has never heard of? "

"Qin Tian, Qin Tian, it's very domineering to look at the name of others!"

"Who is Qin Tian in the end? Professor Guan, a medical expert, is at a loss. Why is he so excellent?"

"The same nine righteousness, you what show?"A few security guards brush the school forum, and someone laughs: "ha ha ha, Qin Tian, you're hot. It's estimated that someone will come to sleep with you later. This is a good opportunity. There are many beauties in our school!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the security department was opened. Someone asked, "who is Mr. Qin Tian?"

Qin Tian stood up to have a look. Many people came, but they were not students. They looked more like school cadres.

"I am. What can I do for you?"

The man was surprised to see that Qin Tian was so young, but he still reached out and explained, "I am the dean of our school. Someone said you had cured a strange disease in the forum. Professor Guan wants to talk to you about it!"

And now standing at the door of Professor Guan, when he saw the moment of Qin Tian, he immediately exclaimed.

"Teacher! I have to honor you, teacher. My medical skills are not as good as you. You are the descendant of the Five Dragon God needle

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