At night, incomparable silence, suddenly, Qin Tian's ears moved slightly, and his eyes burst out a burst of startling killing intention.

Villa back garden, a break through the shadow of the night, rushed in!

"Report, report, mouse successfully sneaks in, successfully sneaks in!" The shadow, with its back against the garden wall, reports to the hidden microphone in a very low voice that is almost drowned out by the insects on a summer night.

"Headquarters, copy it! Mouse, get ready, wait for others to sneak in and make a surprise attack In the headset, the headquarters sent a reply, the mouse answered slightly, and then stopped speaking.

However, as soon as the voice of the headquarters fell, the low wall beside the mouse suddenly moved! A perfect match in the dark, a matte military dagger, from top to bottom, suddenly fell down, the blade of the knife stabbed into the skull of the mouse! It's amazing how powerful it is!

"Ah..." the mouse was frightened, leaving only such a sound!

"Mouse, mouse, what's wrong with you?"!? When you hear me, please reply When the headquarters heard the scream, it immediately felt that the situation was not good, and kept calling for the dead rats that could not die again!

About 500 meters away from qintian villa, there is a cave covered with green camouflage. Inside, the commander who answered just now was thinking about the problem in a panic.

Then he began to call the other sneakers, "everyone, report your location!"

"Report commander, I'm at the side door of the garden... Ah..." in the earpiece, an echo just said half way, suddenly a cry, there was no more half a sound, completely lost contact!

The man in the headquarters changed his face on the spot and called out in an emergency: "let's get the idea in hand, everyone, hide on the spot!"

It has to be said that these people may not be skilled in killing, but they can be hidden. In the dark, they are like ghosts, lurking in every corner of the garden, waiting for a fight!

At this time, a young man with the best skills in this group is still walking slowly in the dark. His route is the result of the close analysis of the headquarters, which is the best route. At the same time, there are several blind visual corners on this route, which can be hidden at any time, so as not to be found by the bodyguards!

However, just as he walked slowly, a cold voice sounded from behind him: "stop!"

Immediately, a cold dagger that seemed to be able to cut the temperature was on his neck!

"Say, how many more have sneaked in?" Jiao Cheng asked coldly!

"Don't do it, I'll tell you, there is..." the killer said, and suddenly turned around. The knife in his hand snapped and swept to Jiao Cheng's neck.

However, at the next moment, an unbelievable result appeared in front of him - because he had already seen his body, and his head had fallen on the ground...

in the grass, a figure was crawling on the ground, and not far away from him were two patrol veterans. They saw that they were getting closer and closer to each other Sweat is coming out of it!

"I'll have to fight to death!" The man felt out a metal implement from his body, and the black muzzle of the gun pointed mercilessly at the two veterans who came to meet him!

However, just as he was trying to pull the trigger to solve the two men, an incredible light flew out of the villa and hit him on the forehead!

Take a closer look, it turned out to be a one yuan Chinese coin!

Killer has been dead can't believe that someone can be so far away, with a coin to kill, this... What kind of level is this!? Is our assassination going to be a total annihilation!?

He can't see the result of the assassination!

On the other side of the villa, a man in a climbing suit is hanging on the wall. He is waiting for the opportunity to assassinate. He has even found the opportunity to move towards the direction of the window!

But when he thought it was safe and sound, a window was opened beside him. When he turned his head, a lightning rod with blue light suddenly stabbed his waist!

The strong electric current made him tremble all over the body. For a time, he was incontinent with electricity! With a bang, I fell down from the building. I can't die any more!


a few minutes later, in the temporary headquarters in the mountain behind the villa, the man's face was dark.

In just a few minutes, more than ten killers have died! Men's hearts are bleeding! This is a subordinate who has only accumulated for half a lifetime! I didn't expect that half of the members of the mercenary regiment were killed or injured in a twinkling of an eye!

What the hell is going on here! So many days, their own dedicated research, careful layout of the assassination, unexpectedly so simple was broken!? What is the problem!?

Just when he was so white and crazy, there was a reply from the remaining subordinates in the headset!

"Report commander, this bodyguard team is not simple. It even used a limited number of people to make a patrol with almost no dead corner. The brothers who came in could hardly hide. They were all... Killed!" This man is biting his teeth and saying this sentence. His position is surrounded by Jiao Cheng and others. If you look carefully, you will find that he has lost an arm!You know, the brothers who fought together all have deep feelings, which are exchanged with life again and again! But at the moment, the brothers are all folded here, how can we not grieve!?

The commander clenched his fists with both hands, and his teeth were still biting. His heart kept roaring: "how could it be! How is that possible? I have already investigated the strength of these security guards before I came to China. With them, how can we defeat our elite soldiers!? Why can they do perfect defense in the case of sneak attack? What do they do? "

At the moment, Jiao Cheng and his assassins are killed. At this point, all the killers who sneak in fall!

"Call the commander, call the commander, Black Hawk requests to break in directly and carry out a strong attack. Please reply when the headquarters hears it!" At this time, the Black Hawk lurking outside the villa began to call. Originally, their people were divided into two teams. One team sneaked in from the back garden, causing a riot. The second team was waiting at the front door of the villa, seizing the opportunity to make a positive breakthrough to ensure that the target person would die!

The man in the command department put his arms on the command table, his eyes were decadent, and said to the microphone in a hoarse voice: "plan to give up! Everyone... Evacuate! "

In the intelligence, he knew that the target character was called Qin Tian, and his strength could not be underestimated. But now, the people under his command didn't even see the target himself, so what's the meaning of the remaining battle!? Even if the task is really completed, I think there will not be a few of his brothers to be able to go back with him alive!

All dead, take the money to who to spend!? Brother's life, great!

"Commander..." the second team leader's voice was a bit choked. He couldn't hear the meaning of the commander's words there. For a while, he was also sad!

"Withdraw, the battle here is no longer what our mercenary regiment can intervene in. Let him solve it by himself! Speaking of this, the commander has packed up the necessary things and is ready to leave Huaxia overnight!

However, at the moment when he turned around, as soon as the cold light cut his throat, it was actually a samurai sword!

"a group of wastes, even a few security guards could not solve it, wasting my so long time..." the leader was killed by a man in Island warrior uniform, about 30 years old. After killing the commander, he immediately pressed the communication device in his ear, "Hoo It's Shimoda. I'm tomuhara. Clean up the scene! Yes, please reply

"Shimada, get it!" At the same time, the sniper ambushed outside the villa also stopped chewing gum, held his breath and pulled the trigger of his sniper gun!

"Bang!" The leader of the second team outside the villa suddenly jumped a bloody flower on his chest!

"Captain! ... no, they're going to kill us! "

The sniper named Shimada saw the panic of the second team in the opposite side from the sight glass, and then showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth. He killed the second team outside the villa by name of roll call, a sniper gun with silencer, and sniped 13 people in a row!

At this point, the second group of mercenaries, the regiment is destroyed! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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