Wang Di's face was already ferocious.

she does have body odor, but also the very serious body odor. She walked dozens of hospitals in large and small hospitals, and saw countless doctors who could not be cured. She could only cover up her body odor by wearing strong perfume.

Vanity is like Wang Di, how can you tolerate others saying they have a fox smell!

But Qin Tian is different, not only has the keen smell, but also the amazing medical skill, naturally saw her has the stinky thing.

If she was not aggressive with dinghanxue, she might not break the matter today, even take the initiative to treat her.

After all, this kind of thing, really not suitable for girls to appear on the body.

Qin Tian saw Wang Di deny that he had a fox odor, shrugged his shoulders and said, "no one who is secretive of the doctor has a good ending, and does not admit that even if it is on you, you will not be able to detour."

Qin Tian's voice was not very big, but it was very clear in this quiet place. For a while, the whole restaurant was full of laughs.

Even a few of the lower quality, still pointing to Wang Di low-voice, it seems to step down on others, can raise their general.

Wang Di felt the eyes of the funny around, and the original handsome face was once again ferocious.

"Who is secretive of the doctor!"!? I think you are a secret of the doctor. You are sick, and your family is ill! "

Wang Di roared loudly, and made herself ashamed in front of so many people. She was very reluctant to swallow Qin Tiansheng alive!

"You mean I'm talking nonsense!"

Qin Tian looked at Wang Di with a bad intention, and a joking smile hung on his face. Ding Han Xue saw Qin Tian's expression, and immediately stopped eating hands and prepared to watch the excitement!

Because she knows, as long as Qin Tian wants to hand, no one will have a good end!

For example, I met Qin Tian for the first time and was flirted with, farted for the second time. The third time he saw acupuncture at home, even the last time he was rubbed!

For a while, Ding Han Xue was curious about what Wang Di would have to do!

"Yes! You're just talking about it! Say I have a fox, what about your evidence!? " Wang Di is very confident that the perfume on his body is specially arranged by the special dispenser, which can absolutely cover up the body odor, and it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to smell it.

"OK, then I'll show you the evidence!"

Qin Tian said, I don't know when there is more silver needle in hand. Before everyone has no response, lightning like hand stabbed Wang Di!

"What are you doing

Wang Di was stunned, she felt a little bit of cold in her armpit, and she didn't see it clearly.

"You'll know it in a minute!"

After that, Qin Tian reached out to cover dinghanxue's mouth and nose, and a trace of green energy covered the two people's faces, forming an invisible anti-virus mask.

Qin days voice just fell, Wang Di only felt his armpit a thick, followed by sweat, even clothes are wet a large area!

Sweating!? Impossible, ah, the banquet restaurant always maintains the most comfortable temperature of human body, should not be hot...

can be in the next second, a strong smell, instantly covered the perfume smell on her body!

be frightened and change color, Wang Di wrinkled his nose and sniffed. It's not the smell of the body odor that he covered with perfume.

Suddenly, the whole restaurant was covered by this strong odor, many people tightly covered their mouth.


at this time, the lady on a table beside Qin Tian finally disappeared. Wow, she vomited out, followed by the help of his partner and fled the banquet restaurant!

At the sight of someone leaving, the rest of the people no longer care about the damned demeanor, they cover their mouths and nose to the door.

"What kind of restaurant, I spend millions of dollars every year, is it to enjoy your disgusting service!"

"That is, anyone will put it in. I will never come to your broken place again!"

"The code, really bad, I just bubble on the goddess, hard to smoke away!"

For a while, the restaurant was full of curses.

The waiter of the restaurant quickly responded to the matter to the manager. The time was not big. A man in proper clothes came down from the upstairs and came straight to Wang Di!

"Miss Wang, the waiter told me that you were not fit. I called for a special car for you. In order to prevent accidents, please go home for a while to cultivate yourself."

The restaurant manager was forced to spit up, and stood beside Wang Di politely.

"You want to drive me off!"

Wang Di's face has become a pig liver color, I hate to find a seam in the ground, living for more than 20 years, when have you ever lost such a large person!?

It's all this damn Qin Tian!

"Miss Wang, you misunderstood that you are our senior member. We just want to ensure your safety...""You fart

Before the restaurant manager finished, Wang Di suddenly let out a roar!

When the restaurant manager heard the speech, he immediately frowned and waved to the security guard behind him, "Miss Wang is not fit for eating in the restaurant for the time being. Please send Miss Wang home!"


The security guards couldn't help the stink. As soon as the manager told them, they rushed forward and grabbed Wang Di's arm. They were going to pull her out!

"Let me go Wang Di struggled hard for a while, raised his finger at the manager's nose and screamed, "do you know that I'm here today to see my cousin, the eldest young master of the Li family!? Believe it or not, if you believe my cousin's word, you can't do it here! "

Qin Tian was stunned. Li Zheng is here!?

In Songshan, the name of the Li family is a living signboard. No matter where he goes, countless people will give him face. After all, he is the only successor of the Li family. In the future, he has tens of billions of property waiting for him to inherit.

The restaurant manager was no exception. He quickly let go of Wang Di's hand.

Dai Zhongtian of Zhongtian Group has a deep friendship with the Li family. If Li Zheng blows the wind, he will lose his position as a small manager.

You know, this is the position of millions of annual salary, many people are staring at it!

"You know you're scared?" Wang Di takes a proud look at the manager and slaps the manager's glasses.

For a moment, everyone was silent!

You know, this is Li Zheng's cousin ah, because a meal offended Li Zheng, it's not cost-effective.

For a while, there was no sound in the dining room. I couldn't help but get up and leave.

Wang Di glanced at the whole restaurant with pride. Seeing that no one dared to look at her, he looked at Qin Tian fiercely. If it wasn't for him, how could he have become the laughing stock of everyone!

Thinking of this, Wang Di's face became more and more ferocious. He said to Qin Tian, "if you kneel down and apologize to me now, maybe I can forgive you. If I wait for my cousin to come, I will make you worse than dead!"

For a moment, all the people's eyes fell on Qin Tian. It seemed that they wanted to see how Qin Tian dealt with it. After all, he was Li Zheng's cousin. He did not look at the monk's face, but looked at the Buddha's face.

The restaurant manager didn't care about being beaten in the face, but he also put his eyes on Qin Tian. He felt strange. All the people in the restaurant were covering their mouths, but the two men and women seemed to have nothing to do with them.

Are they dysosmia!? It's so close that you can't smell the smell of body odor!?

Qin Tian looked at Wang Di indifferently and said casually, "how can I not know Li Zheng is so overbearing?"

Li Zheng is the most approachable and peaceful among the second generation of rich childe brothers he has ever met. In this respect, even Gu Yiming is not as good as him.

Wang Di was stunned for a moment when he heard the speech. He didn't seem to think that it was useless to move out Li Zheng's name. Suddenly, he was furious and said, "OK, you don't believe it, do you?"!? I'll call my cousin right away. Don't regret it! "

Qin Tianwen speech, indifferent to the spread of hands, indicating that she quickly hit.

Wang Di was even more embarrassed when he saw Qin Tian's fear. He quickly took out his mobile phone and skillfully dialed Li Zheng's phone.

"Cousin, I'm in the hall. I've been bullied!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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