Fang Mingyu fell to the ground with blood all over his face. After a careful look, he actually broke his two front teeth!

Qin Tian put his hands in his pocket and walked to Fang Mingyu lying on the ground like a dog. His eyes were full of coldness!

"You... You don't come over..." Fang Mingyu has been scared to cry, this person which is a teacher, he is a devil!

In class, even if he let himself pee his pants, he killed dozens of bastards in a blink of an eye. Even the powerful boxer Zhang Dafei is not his opponent.

Even though these things are ignored, he can smash himself on the ground with a stick even though he is hundreds of meters away!

Is this special code still human!? Why do you want to provoke such a person!?

Fang Mingyu wants to die!

Qin Tian came and squatted in front of him. On his cold face, he suddenly had a faint smile. Fang Mingyu was shaking with liver!

"What the hell do you want to do?" Fang Mingyu did not dare to look at Qin Tian. He closed his eyes before he could even wipe the blood.

"I'll give you another chance to run naked, or I'll break my legs. You can choose for yourself!"

Qin Tian's voice is like a magic spell from Jiuyou, which makes Fang Mingyu in a dilemma!

"I... I run naked..." Fang Mingyu tears a nose, he does not think Qin Tian will because he is the people's Hospital vice president's son, let go of himself!

Zhang Dafei and his dozens of people have broken their arms and legs!

He has no doubt that you Qin Tian broke his legs!

At this time, more and more people in the campus, and the things happened in the parking lot were noticed by many people.

Feeling the eyes of the students around him, Fang Mingyu took off his clothes, took off his belt, and his trousers fell to the ground along his thigh, leaving only a small triangle.

Qin Tian didn't intend to let him go naked. After all, Li Xinran was still nearby. He didn't want his wife to see other men's bodies.

"I decided to add a little bit to your punishment for streaking in view of the behavior you just wanted to run away from."

With that, Qin Tian took out the silver needle and pricked Fang Mingyu again!

Fang Mingyu is a frightened bird. When Qin Tian pricked himself again, his face turned pale. All his attention was put on his lower body. He was afraid that urine would leak out!

But... This feeling how some strange, this urine feeling, how can come from the back!?

But in the next second, Fang Mingyu completely changed his face!

Because... He felt an unstoppable shit!

Fang Mingyu was sweating, trying to tighten the chrysanthemum, trying to stop the surging excrement. However, it didn't work out as expected. Qin Tian's acupoint stimulation was far more powerful than he imagined. In a moment, the briefs were surrounded by a piece of yellow earth, and a stench came from him!

"Holding grass, is that Fang Mingyu?"

"He pulled it!"

"I just peed in the morning, and now I pull again!"

As a result, many students regard him as news, take out their mobile phone and turn on the shooting function!

Fang Mingyu's heart is as dead as ashes!

As a result, a beautiful scenery line appeared on the playground of medical college!

A man with yellow leg excrement, red face and two missing front teeth is running naked on the playground with his legs spread out, and the sound of falling yellow excrement sounds behind his buttocks!

Fang Mingyu caused trouble in the school again. Qin Tian and Li Xinran didn't care about him. They drove home.

Is driving the car, Qin Tian's mobile phone suddenly rings, looking down, it is actually the ancient moon calling.

"Mr. Qin, the knife has been made. Would you like to show it to you?" Gu Yue asks respectfully at the end of the phone.

Pro Tian Leng for a moment, did not expect that the efficiency of the ancient moon is so high, just two days ago just ordered to go down, incredibly so quickly finished.

"Then bring it to the hospital."

It's already afternoon. Qin Tian will go to the clinic at that time.

Gu Yue answered and hung up the phone.

After listening to this, Li Xinran turned a dozen steering wheels and drove towards Xiangshan villa.

When the BMW slowly drove into the Xiangshan villa street, we could see a large number of Mercedes Benz parked on the street, a large group of neat black suits standing on both sides of the car, respectfully waiting for someone.

With Qin Tian coming out of the BMW, hundreds of black suits bowed to Qin Tian one after another.

"Mr. Qin!"

Sound shock four fields, Gu Yue also rushed to Qin Tian in front of, salute respectfully toward Qin Tian.

"Say it in it." Qin Tian waved his hand and said in a low voice to the ancient Moon: "after that, keep a low profile. Don't make it known to everyone every time."

Those old people nearby were scared to see a doctor."Yes, remember Mr. Qin's instruction!"

With that, Gu Yue followed Qin Tian into the hospital.

Time is not big, a few black suits will carry five narrow black boxes into the hospital.

"Mr. Qin, look at these knives. They are all made according to the drawings you sent me. There is no error of one millimeter!"

said, as like as two peas, Gu Yue let the black suit open the box. Five long knives with different shapes appeared before Qin Tian, exactly like Qin Tian's design.

Qi Tian looks at several knives in front of him. Three of them are made by Qin Tian for himself, Li Zheng and Gu Yiming. The other two, one long and one short, are made by Qin Tian for Chen Lei and ya ya.

Qin Tian picked up one of the broadbacked swords and looked at it carefully. The green energy gradually penetrated into the blade and felt the strength of the blade carefully.

After a while, Qin Tian exclaimed: "good Dao! I didn't expect that the tool factory in Songshan, which produces knives for daily use, can produce such good knives as the Department! "

There is an obvious difference between life knife and combat knife! Life knife as long as can cut normal vegetables and meat is enough, but combat knife, is to have invincible strength, critical moment even the bullet must be cut!

The two are totally different concepts!

Gu Yue heard Qin Tian's praise, an old face instantly smile like a chrysanthemum.

"Mr. Qin is satisfied! I bought the whole Songshan cutting tool factory in vain

"Huh?" Qin Tian was stunned for a moment and said, "you bought the whole knife factory!"

Just for these knives!?

"Yes, Mr. Qin, don't underestimate these knives. But I found several experts in forging to mix the metal proportion. After smelting in the tool factory and beating by professionals, I finally formed these knives."

Gu Yue said very seriously, Qin Tian was also surprised!

He understood that the ancient moon had no empty words!

In ancient times, making a magic weapon is not only smelting metal, but also making skills!

He just didn't expect that Gu Yue would pay such a high price for a simple request!

Thinking of this, Qin Tian nodded, "Lao Gu, hard work!"

After hearing the speech, Gu Yue immediately laughed, "it's not hard to work for Mr. Qin!"

Qin Tian smile, "you can rest assured, your hard work will definitely get the corresponding return, I qintian will not treat anyone who has helped himself!"

After hearing the speech, Gu Yue's eyes lit up. "Thank you, Mr. Qin."

Gu Yue has known for a long time that Qin Tian is not only powerful, but also has no medical skills. Once he is recognized by Qin Tian, he will have a life!

This is a life!

He is also a red man in front of Qin Tian, and now he has been promised by Qin Tian. What can I worry about in the future!?

Think of this, Gu Yue's waist is quite straight than others!

Since Qin Tian was so satisfied with these knives, Gu Yue ordered the black suit to put the knives away for Qin Tian. But at this time, Qin Tian stopped him.

"Take these five knives back, find a slaughterhouse, and tell the slaughterhouse workers to slaughter animals with these knives. Each knife must be stained with at least one piece of animal blood!"

If Li Zheng and Gu Yiming are here, they will be surprised.

Qin Tian, this is to create a killing blade!

With that, Qin Tian swept the five knives again with green energy, and then picked up one of the best and handed it to Gu Yue's hand. "This knife is guarded by a specially assigned person. Only male animals can be slaughtered, not stained with the blood of female animals!"

Gu Yue doesn't know, so why kill animals with a few knives!?

Qin Tian saw the ancient moon doubts, but also lazy to explain, just a faint smile.

A knife that kills countless animals is called a killing blade, but a knife that only kills male animals can be called a Jiyang killing blade. For some dark creatures, it has 10 times and 100 times bonus damage, which is far beyond the ordinary killing blade! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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