"Doctor Qin..." caring for the people can not help but some anxious.

Didn't he know how much the gamble was about?

If this is lost in front of others, the impact will not be great, but the status of dikevin in the medical field even he cares for the people has to admit that if the traditional Chinese medicine is a trick, Qin Tian will not be lost alone, but the whole Chinese traditional medicine circle!

"Professor Guan, I have confidence in my own medicine." Qin Tian smiles.

Dikelvin also laughed, "Chinese people are faithful to what they say. They can't go back to what they say. I hope you won't regret it later."

"Don't worry, Chinese people are most trustworthy. If you say something, you will never regret it. You can be clear." Qin Tian reaches out his hand and gives dikelvin the opportunity to cure the disease.

Dikelvin nodded, and his assistant opened the box. There were all kinds of medicine and equipment in each precise grid. There were almost everything that could be used.

"I'm going to give the patient a reagent injection. With one shot, the patient will recover as usual."

She took her son to see countless doctors. Every time, she came back disappointed. As a mother, she had already lost heart. Seeing dikelvin was so confident, Li Suhua raised hope again.

"Don't worry, Dr. dikelvin is a leader in western medicine. If he says that there is no problem, there must be no problem." Dai Zhongtian comforts his wife.

Although I hope dikelvin can cure his son with a single needle, he doesn't want TCM to lose his backbone. For a time, Dai Zhongtian has five tastes in his heart.

After a while, dikelvin quietly observed the patient's condition and said that it would take effect in a short time. He also took out a lot of oral medicine and gave it to Li Suhua, asking her to give it to the patient later.

Caring for people's heart is not smooth, cold hummed, "Dr. dikelvin, the patient has not woken up, you are anxious to prescribe medicine, anxious point?"

Dikelvin smile, without covering up the pride in his eyes, "my medicine will certainly work, you are ready to admit to me that traditional Chinese medicine is useless."

"Professor Guan, you have helped my son many times, and you have also invited a miracle doctor. We are very grateful for your help. We will certainly not lose you and this miracle doctor for the diagnosis." At this time, Li Suhua also calmed down and began to think of ways to ease the relationship with Professor Guan.

However, Qin Tian could tell that Li Suhua called himself a miracle doctor because he wanted to take care of Professor Guan's face, but he still had no respect for himself.

After that, she apologized to the professor, and then turned to the door again.

As time went by, Dai Xinyu did not wake up. Five minutes, ten minutes, twenty minutes...

the crowd could not bear it.

"Dr. dikelvin, didn't you say it would work in a while? Why has it been so long that I haven't responded? " Li Suhua is a little worried.

Dikelvin's face is not very good-looking, according to reason, the injection will have an effect in 20 minutes, but... What's going on?

Just at this time, Dai Xinyu, lying in the hospital bed, suddenly screamed. His mouth full of blood was constantly overflowing from his mouth. He actually vomited blood!

"Son! Don't scare your mother, son...

Li Suhua fell on the bed and hugged Dai Xinyu.

"No, the patient's physical signs are falling rapidly, blood pressure, heart rate..." a guard nurse called out anxiously.

All the doctors at the scene were flustered. Is Dai Xinyu going to die?

"Doctor Qin, let's move quickly?" Caring for the people pulled Qin Tian.

Dai Zhongtian was pale at the moment, and suddenly attracted by the voice of caring for the people, he quickly turned to look at Qin Tian, as if he had made some determination. He knelt on the ground with a plop, "doctor Qin, I'm old-fashioned and blind. Please help my son!"

Then, with a bang, Dai Zhongtian knocked his head on the ground, and there was no cloud and breeze before.

When Li Suhua saw her husband kneeling down, she lost her pride. Her only thought was to save her son. Even if the dead horse was treated as a living horse doctor, she could never give up a glimmer of hope!

Thinking of this, Li Suhua knelt down in front of Qin Tian, "doctor Qin, please help my son..."

Qin Tian was not in the mood to pay attention to the couple. He took out the silver needle he had taken with him and gave Dai Xinyu a needle.

"Qin Tian, you think about it clearly!"

Li Chengyi holds Qin Tian in his hands. At this time, if Qin Tian makes a move, the responsibility of the dead will fall on Qin Tian. With the social status of Dai Zhongtian, this matter can be big or small!

"Don't worry, Dad. I know."

With that, he tore Dai Xinyu's clothes and connected them with a silver needle.

At the moment, Dai Xinyu is like a weak flame in the dark, which may be extinguished at any time!

"It appears, it appears. It is the soul returning door in the five dragon needling technique!" Caring people are excited to see Qin Tianshi needle, he believes that Qin Tian will be able to save Dai Xinyu!Qin Tian's forehead also has a fine sweat, care for the people do not know, Qin Tian at the moment in addition to exerting his soul to the door, but also use a small number of spiritual Qi to moisten Dai Xinyu's internal organs, which has a great consumption of himself!

Qin Tian repeatedly twisted the silver needle, and Dai Xinyu's blood finally stopped. At the same time, if not, there were bursts of stench from Dai Xinyu's back, which was actually a fart smell.

The stench did not last long, but it was this burst of exhaust that made Dai Xinyu's stomach shrink rapidly and quickly returned to the size of a normal person.

"The patient's vital signs are stable!" The little nurse called again, and the people's eyes focused on the instrument again.

Blood pressure, heart rate and other indicators all stopped in the normal data range.

"That's great. It's a success."

The doctors at the scene were relieved. Dai Zhongtian and his wife were also full of tears.

"Dad... Mom..." the weak voice came from Dai Xinyu's mouth, but he woke up!

Kevin Di was surprised to open his mouth. The security guard, with a few silver needles, cured the disease that he could not cure himself?

"Doctor Qin, you should be worshipped by me!"

Li Suhua waited on his son at the window. Dai Zhongtian cried and knelt down again.

Qin Tian didn't dare to ask big again. He stretched out his hand and held him. "Dai always doesn't have to be like this. The patient's body is still very weak. I'll give you a pair of medicine and let him take it regularly. In less than half a month, he can recover his health."

"Ha ha ha, I'll tell you, doctor Qin is really worthy of the miracle doctor. Dr. dikelvin, are you convinced or not?" Care for the people, elated, unspeakable joy!

Kevin Di grinned bitterly. "It's amazing."

American medicine is almost the world's cutting-edge medicine, but I didn't expect to lose to a few silver needles in China.

"Mr. dikelvin, Chinese traditional medicine is broad and profound. It can not be spread for thousands of years without his reason. It is not comparable to western medicine which has only developed for hundreds of years." Qin Tian smiles indifferently and is proud of Chinese traditional medicine.

"Dr. Qin, I apologize to you for me, and also to Chinese traditional medicine. When I return to the United States, I will submit a paper on traditional Chinese medicine to the Western Medical Association as soon as possible, so that everyone can respect Chinese medicine." Dikelvin said very frank, incomparably ashamed to Qin Tian's apology.

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