Qin Tian's mood is undoubtedly excited. Everything is true. He really inherits the Taoist's medical skills and martial arts. Judging from the strength of his hand just now, it seems that another ten or eight punks are not their opponents.

After receiving the money, Qin Tian asked the punks to leave, took the money and went to his mother. Looking at the woman in front of her, she was only 40 years old, but her face was full of vicissitudes, and even her temples had white hair.

Qin Tian convulsed heartily and handed the money to the woman: "Mom, it's OK, it's all right!"

Seeing her son, the woman was also excited. Her eyes sparkled with tears. She opened her mouth and explained, "my pancake fruit is really OK. There can't be insects in it. They are all deceptive!"

"Well, mom, we won't set up a stall, and my son will support you!" Qin tianqiang endured the pain of his nose and helped his mother into the room.

"Don't worry about me. I'll go in and pour some water for your father. You can talk with Xiaoya first. Thanks to the girl's busy work in our house, I don't want to do anything!"

Qin Tian took a deep breath and nodded. Then he turned around and looked at the beautiful, youthful girl in front of him. For a moment, he felt a little bitter in his heart.

The girl's name is Xiaoya, who also lives in this bungalow district. She played with Qin Tian when she was young, and her brother's cry after Qin Tian was very sweet. Qin Tian always took care of Xiao Ya as her own sister. As time went by, Xiao Ya grew so beautiful.

However, he has become a son-in-law.

"Thank you, Xiaoya..."

"Brother..." Looking at the man in front of her, Xiao Ya can't control her mood any more. She rushes forward and hugs Qin Tian on her shoulder and cries wildly.

When Qin Tian didn't come back, Xiao Ya took care of her.

What bitter what tired to bear, in order to wait for Qin Tian to come back.

Now, he came back, Xiao Ya felt that the whole sky was clear, all the efforts of these years were not in vain, and all the grievances and bitterness had disappeared.

And now, Qin Tian has become different from the past, with full confidence, patting Xiaoya on the shoulder: "it's OK, after everything is gone, I'll come back often!"

Xiao Ya is touching Qin Tian's face with tears, for fear that all this is not true.

Qin Tian takes Xiao Ya into the room. His father is lying on the bed, talking with his mother. Seeing Qin Tian come in, Qin Zheng worries: "son, those people you just hit are Fang Zhen. He is a famous underworld in the city. We can't afford to offend you. We should send the money back to people!"

"Dad, don't worry. You can take the money and use it freely. I know Fang Zhen. I'll say hello later!"

In order to appease his frightened parents, Qin Tian can only tell a lie in good faith. He doesn't know what Fang Zhen is, but he has heard of it. However, no matter who he is, relying on his own ability is not enough to be afraid of.

Qin'an and Zhao Yuzhi look at each other. They are very confused. They don't know how their son is now.

In the afternoon, Qin Tian originally wanted to have dinner at home before leaving, but he received a phone call from his wife Li Xinran. Li Xinran in the phone was very anxious: "Qin Tian, you should come to the hospital quickly, Dad's hospital has an accident!"

Qin Tian's heart cluttered. Although Li Cheng looked down on himself, Qin Tian was still afraid that his wife would be wronged, so he quickly put down the phone and rushed to the hospital.

In the hospital, a sea of people surrounded many people.

"If you can't cure Mr. Zheng today, all the people in the hospital will be laid off for me!"

A man in a suit stood in the same place, very angry. This moment, he did not know how many cups he had broken: "aren't you the best hospital in the city? Aren't all the experts in Songshan city here? What's the solution? It's a bunch of fuckers

The man in the suit took a deep breath, then went to another man in casual clothes and said, "Zheng Shu, remember, do you want me to pack a plane now, we can fly to America!"

Although the man was dressed in casual clothes, his brows were tight, his expression was solemn, and he did not speak. Instead, he got up and walked to the conference room.

Qin Tian saw Li Xinran in the crowd at a glance, wearing a long skirt and a white shirt on the upper part. Li Xinran's front was very large, and his shirt could not be bound at all.

"What happened?" Qin Tian stepped forward and asked.

Li Xinran didn't expect to be able to help when Qin Tian came. He was a little more down-to-earth in his heart. He said, "Zheng Shu, the leader of Songshan City, suddenly fell into a coma. The expert group didn't seem to find out the cause."

When Li Xinran spoke, Li Xinyu, not far away, saw Qin Tian coming and frowned: "what are you doing here?"

Li Xinyu works as a nurse in this hospital. It must be said that Li Xinyu has a charm in her nurse uniform.

"Elder sister, I sent Qin Tian to see if I can help you."

"What can a wimp do for you?" Li Xinyu sneered: "Zhang Yuhang has gone to ask for a foreign doctor. It should be here in a short time. You should let this loser go back. It's embarrassing here!""Shut up, can you keep your voice down?" It's not Qin Tian who is talking, but a man in a suit. Qin Tian can see that this man should be Zheng Shu. Ji's confidant. At the moment, he seems very anxious and impetuous.

"Yes, yes, Secretary Wang. I know, I know!" Even if he was reprimanded, Li Xinyu had no temper at all, and made a strong smile.

Zheng Shu. Records are Songshan city fengjiang big. History, and in front of the Secretary Wang is like a spokesman, natural water rises, speak very well.

In the conference room, Zheng Shu Ji walked in with a black face and asked, "President Li, what are the results of the experts' discussion?"

In a word, all the experts present bowed their heads. Li Cheng explained stiffly: "Zheng Shu. Ji, now experts agree that the old man's coma is due to brain nerve necrosis, which may turn into a vegetative person, and there is almost no possibility of treatment for the vegetative person..."

"Are you sure?" Zheng Shu. Record the voice obviously several decibels, can see, he is really angry.

Since entering this hospital, it has always been his secretary, Zheng Shu. Ji, who has been angry and threw things. He has always restrained his emotions. However, when he hears this news, he is afraid that he can no longer restrain himself.

"This Zheng Shu. Remember, I.... "

Qin Chengyi didn't know what to do. As the president, he knew more about the importance of this matter. If the father of the leader of Songshan city was paralyzed in his own hospital, he might not be able to keep it.

When Qin Cheng was at a loss, there was a noise outside.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, American Western medicine expert Locke is here!"

Hearing the noise, Zheng Shu Ji frowned and asked, "who will talk outside?"

Li Cheng also knows that Zhang Yuhang went to ask for a foreign doctor. When he heard Zhang Yuhang's voice, Li Cheng also knew that 80% of them had been invited. He thought that his son-in-law was so excellent that he could even invite well-known foreign doctors.

If Zheng Shu Ji's father is cured and Zheng Shu Ji's father is put on the line, it will be difficult for him to develop in Songshan city in the future.

"It's my son-in-law, Zhang Yuhang, who knows Locke, a famous foreign doctor. Now it's time for me to come."

"Go and have a look!" Hearing that a miracle doctor is coming, Zheng Shu. Ji quickly turns around and goes out.

In the corridor, Zhang Yuhang is wearing a silver suit with a straight body, which is quite elegant. Beside him, there is a foreigner with short hair, who is obviously the so-called foreign doctor Locke.

"Where is the patient? Time is running out. I want to see the patient!" Locke was wearing a white coat, very arrogant, even Secretary Wang came forward to say hello.

When Locke enters the ward, there is panic outside the ward.

For a while, the corridor became quiet and the needle could be heard.

Ten minutes later, Locke came out and took off his mask. Zhang Yuhang and others rushed forward to ask how it was. Locke waved his hand, indicating that there was no need to panic: "the old man's brain is indeed necrotic, causing cardiovascular blockage, resulting in hypoxia in breathing. It is necessary to stimulate the heart with electric shock and dredge the heart collaterals and channels!"

"Are you sure?" Zheng Shu. Remember to use electric shock, in the heart cluttered a, forced to endure anger asked.

"Of course, no problem. I have seen this kind of medical record abroad." Locke's face was proud, as if he was very confident in his own medical skills.

"Well, please ask a miracle doctor for my father's treatment. If it works, Zheng Dakang will surely thank you very much." Seeing the hope, Zheng Shu. Remembers that there is a glimmer of excitement.

Having said that, Locke has begun to direct Li Cheng to prepare the equipment, which seems to be the leading figure in the audience.

At this time, Qin Tian stood not far away, sneering with a voice that everyone could hear.

"If he is ill, he will die if he is shocked more than three times."

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