Qin Tian went to the front of the rack. When he came to a scroll, a glimmer of light flashed through his eyes.

"I don't care for anything else. This painting sticks into my eyes. Just it." Then Qin Tian took the painting to the counter.

"Good!" The shop owner clapped the table happily, "brother, with this painting and that pair of words, we even have 300000 Liang clear. No one owes anyone in the future. We can't go back on our regrets!"

Shop owner anxiously looks at Qin Tian, so many people are present, as long as Qin Tian nods, who comes to trouble later is useless!

"Once a word has been said, it will never be recalled." Qin Tian smiles indifferently.

"You are a loser and a loser. What are you talking about?" Li Cheng listen to Qin Tian's words, excited jump three feet high, if not for Li Xinran stopped, would have kicked up.

This broken painting is not as good as his one!

"If you go back and solve the problems of your family, you will send them away soon." As soon as the shop owner saw the deal, he rushed out.

"Qin Tian, how did you decide? Ask Dad anyway." Li Xinran stopped Li Cheng and complained about Qin Tian.

She didn't care about the 300000 yuan. She was worried that Li Cheng would be angry.

"Young man, can you show me that picture in your hand?"

Suddenly, out of the crowd came an old man with crutches, eyes with glasses, staring at the painting in Qin Tian's hand for a moment, as if there was some magic on it!

"Oh, master Zhong, why don't you say hello to me when you are here, so that I can pick you up in person!" As soon as the shop owner looked at the man, he jumped up from the chair and rushed out to help the old man.

Master Zhong?

Li Cheng, who was about to faint in anger, immediately turned his head and looked at the visitor. It didn't matter. Li Cheng's eyes widened and he was so excited that he couldn't express his emotion.

Zhong Yukong is the first person worthy of the name in the field of antique in Songshan. None of the ancient authentic works can escape his eyes. If he says that this thing is true, it must be true. If he says that it is false, it must be false!

Zhong Yukong ignored the fat boss and went straight to Qin Tian.

"Young man, can you open this picture?"

Qin Tian didn't know Master Zhong. He didn't react for a moment, but Li Cheng snatched the painting in his hand. "Why are you in a daze?"

With that, he placed it on the table, "master Zhong, have a look."

Zhong Yukong is close to the ancient paintings. He first hears them and then looks at them. From the corners to the details, he does not miss any corner.

"This painting is good. It looks like the bamboo of Zheng Banqiao." Zhong Yukong nodded, very appreciative.

"Yes, you always look carefully. This is the bamboo of Zheng Banqiao copied from it." Fat boss accompanied in the side of the stink, said also elated to look at Qin Tian.

To be honest, I don't care about the deal.

"Well, although it's a copy, it's also an excellent copy. It's rare." Zhong Yukong took back his eyes and looked at Qin Tian, "young man, I am willing to pay 50000 yuan for this painting. I wonder if you are willing to part with it?"

"Fifty thousand?" When the shop owner listened, his fat face trembled and a copy painting was worth so much?

I knew I wouldn't give it to Qin Tian. It's a pity that so many people just looked at it. Now it's too late to regret.

"Old man, I'm not going to do this painting." Qin Tian smiles.

"Young man, fifty thousand yuan is a lot of money. It's enough to make up for your loss. Why not Zhong Yukong said again, "if it's too little, I can add another 20000. After all, it's a treasure. If it's not rare, I won't give this price."

"That's it, young man. Sell it quickly. It's a lot of money for 70000 yuan."

"Master Zhong is an expert. Sell it quickly."

"Master Zhong says it's worth 50000, so it's only worth 50000. If you open a price of 70000, what's more to hesitate about?"

The onlookers began to advise Qin Tian to mix in this circle. What he said was an eyesight.

"Excuse me, master Zhong. I'm not going to sell this painting!" Qin Tian frowned and shook his head. He didn't want to refute people's face for no reason, but the old man in front of him was a little difficult.

"No? What do you say you don't sell? Did you spend your money? " Li Cheng kicked Qin Tian's thigh from behind. He couldn't bear it any longer. He took up the painting and put it in front of Zhong Yukong. "Master Zhong, if you like this painting, you can sell it to you. You should make a friend!"

Li Cheng knows Zhong Yukong's position. If he can build this relationship with this painting, as long as he can give him some advice in the future, he can't buy it for 300000 yuan.

"Dad, no, this painting can't be sold!"

Qin Tian has won the scroll, and his expression has never been firm!

"Qin Tian, what are you doing?" Li Xinran said Qin Tian angrily. What's wrong with him today? A broken painting. The dispute is like this.

The shop owner saw Zhong Yukong open the price to 70000, his heart was bleeding."Young man, let me ask you again. Are you really not going to sell this painting?" Zhong Yukong still does not give up.

"I'm sorry, I can't sell it!" Qin Tian apologized again.

Zhong Yukong listened, sighed, reluctantly moved away from the painting, and murmured: "in your hands, it's a pity, it's a pity..."

Zhong Yukong's words made everyone at the scene confused. What's the pity of a copy of tens of thousands of yuan?

"Mr. Zhong, wait a minute!" Qin Tian said with a smile, "since you said that this painting will be covered by dust in my hands, I have to uncover the secret here. You can palm your hand and see how much the painting can sell!"

On hearing this, Zhong Yukong turned his body and looked at Qin Tian in surprise. Could it be that the young man had already seen the mystery of the painting?

"Young man, with such a big voice, how dare you speak so in front of master Zhong!"

"That's it, and it's a secret, bullshit!"

"I'd like to see how this young man, who has no idea of his talent, should face himself later!"

When people around him heard master Qin TIANYAO's palm, they began to speak in defiance.

"Young man, speak louder." Zhong Yukong stares at Qin Tian motionlessly, trying to see something from his face.

"I don't want to sell it to you because there is something else about this painting. Its value is far from what you can imagine!" Qin Tian said.

"Joke, this broken painting has been in my place for at least five years. If there is a mystery, can we wait for you?" The shopkeeper chuckled.

"Don't believe it?" Qin Tian raised his eyebrows and asked.

"I believe in you! You think you are an expert after watching the treasure program for a few days. You are still far from it A word from the shop owner ignited the hearts of the onlookers.

"Young man, don't trust big, sell it to master Zhong as soon as possible to recover some losses!"

"Young people are beyond their means."

Qin Tian listened to these sarcastic voices and looked back at the shop owner, "since the shop owner doesn't believe it, dare you make a bet with me?"

Qin Tian's tone is full of provocation.

"Oh? How to bet? " The shop owner also sneered.

"If there is another mystery in this painting, you will lose. You must return the 300000 that my father gave you!" Qin Tian has a voice.

"Good! What if there is no mystery? "

"If there is no mystery..." Qin Tian snorted coldly, pointing to the Huiteng outside, "you look at the car outside, there is no mystery, I will lose the car to you!"

"Good! You asked for it. Today, I will let you, a young man, know what it means to be ignorant of heaven and earth! " As soon as the shop owner patted the table, he agreed on the spot. A lot of 300000 Chinese dollars were piled on the table.

"You... You black sheep!" Li Chengqi couldn't speak. He clapped his thigh and stood with Li Xinran. He regretted that he had let his daughter marry this loser. If he had known this, he should have forced his daughter to marry him!

Qin Tian fiddled with the painting. After a while, he told Li Xinran, "go to the next store and buy a bottle of high wine."

After a short time, Li Xinran brought a bottle of 68 degree Laobaigan. Qin Tian took a drink and sprayed it on the painting. Over and over again, the whole painting was evenly sprayed wet.

"Everybody, open your eyes."

As soon as the words fell, Qin Tian took a pair of tweezers to pry open a corner of the painting. He actually divided the ancient painting into two layers!

"Hiss -"

the sound of backward pumping air conditioning comes and goes!

Qin Tian actually tore off the surface of the ancient painting!

"There's a picture hidden in it!"

Some people shout, all people's eyes are attracted by Qin Tian in the past!

"This... This is Zheng Banqiao's original work, the original work! How can this be possible, how can it be! "

The shop owner was so frightened that his legs softened and he sat down on the chair.

Zhong Yukong was surprised to see the young man in front of him, and the waves in his heart swept like a raging wave!

This young man has such insight!

Before I made a price of 70000 yuan, I could see the mystery behind the painting, but I was not sure whether there was an authentic work hidden in it. I didn't expect that the young man's eyesight was more poisonous than himself!

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