"Have you examined yourself?" Qin Tian asked him with a smile.

Just now, he had already checked the pulse of a woman. Except for some weakness of Qi and blood, there was no symptom that could affect fertility.

"Check me!" The man was obviously stunned for a moment, "check what I do, have a baby, it's a woman's business, what's the relationship with men!"

The man's face showed a scornful smile, and his wife's eyes were full of blame, as if his wife had done something wrong.

"Big brother, you're not right about that!" At this time, standing on the side of Chen Qiang suddenly opened his mouth.

Qin Tian seldom saw Chen Qiang speak when he was in the doctor's office, so he didn't interrupt him.

"It's a couple's business to have children."

The man was educated by Chen Qiang, and his face was obviously ugly. He was young and young. What do you know? I'm in good health. I do more work every day than you do in a year. What can I do? "

"Don't be stubborn. What you do has nothing to do with whether you can give birth to a child. If you want to have a son, please let my master show you. If you have a disease, you should be cured early, and don't talk about it."

Chen Qiang was born in a remote rural area. He fully understood the feudal thought that men were superior to women in the mountains and corners of the country. He immediately urged this man without any affection.

"Yes, elder brother, I'd better let doctor Qin show you. Doctor Qin has a good hand. If you have problems, you can cure them as soon as possible."

"Yes, don't exclude doctors. They are all good intentions."

"It's a couple's business to have children. The country has already popularized education. You'd better check it out!"

People in line outside the door also have words to persuade, the man's face can not hang, immediately fell a big red face.

"Sit down, brother. I'll check your pulse."

Seeing his embarrassment, Qin Tian quickly reached out and pointed to the seat beside him.

Although the man is a bit stupid, but not stupid, knowing that Qin Tian is looking for a step for him, he does not hesitate to sit directly on the chair and put his hand on the pulse pillow.

Qin Tian felt the man's pulse, and the expression on his face gradually relaxed.

"All right." With that, Qin Tian took up his pen and wrote the prescription on the yellow paper.

"Doctor, doctor." When the woman saw Qin Tian prescribe a prescription, she spoke for the first time.

Qin Tian heard a woman call him, quickly raised his head, "what's the matter?"

The woman looked at Qin Tian with an embarrassed look on her face. "Doctor, our family condition is not good, can you prescribe some cheaper medicine when you prescribe medicine...

Qin Tian immediately laughed out," it's OK, you can take whatever medicine you should take, if you have money, you can give it on credit if you don't have money. Let's cure the disease first. "

With that, Qin Tiantou continued to write the prescription.

Soon, Qin Tian handed the prescription to the man's hand, "according to this prescription, one dose a day, eat for a month, and then roommate again after a month, which guarantees you to fulfill your wish."

"Thank you, doctor, thank you..." two people took the prescription and kept bowing to Qin Tian.

Chen Qiang stood on one side, compared two people's posture, took two people then went outside to fill medicine.

All afternoon, Qin Tian sat in the clinic to see the patient. Until more than nine o'clock in the evening, Qin Tian returned to the villa.

Every night is the time for veterans to practice martial arts. Because there are more people practicing here, there is a spiritual whirlpool over the villa. Although it is not big, it is still very spectacular.

As far as the level of martial arts known to Qin Tian, the first level of human warrior was Lian Ti, followed by Wushi, Zongshi and Jindan.

These veterans are at the level of physical training.

Body building, as the name implies, is to temper the body, all preparation is to create a strong body.

After this period of practice, Jiao Chengkou learned that although the accumulation of genuine Qi was not very obvious, their physical fitness was constantly improving. In terms of reaction speed and strength strength, many veterans almost recovered to their peak in their twenties.

This discovery, let people more and more infatuated with practice!

"OK, brother Jiao, let's all stop for a moment!" Qin Tian stands at the front and tells Jiao Cheng to wake everyone up.


With a sharp whistle, Jiao Cheng stands in front of him, his Qi sinks into the Dantian, and he shouts out: "assemble!"

Almost instantly, all the veterans, whether they were sitting or lying down, stood in front of Jiao Cheng.

"Brother Qin Tian has something to say, please listen to me!"

For a time, all people will focus on Qin Tian's body.

"I want to ask you something when I interrupt your practice today." Qin Tian looked at the crowd, his face full of seriousness. "Do you remember the four big holes in brother Jiao's body that were pierced by people?"

When they heard the words, they immediately looked angry."Remember, how can't I remember, the instructor was almost dead!"

"This is absolutely impossible!"

"That is, if I know who the instructor was injured, I must have picked his skin!"

"Brother Qin Tian, will you go to avenge the instructor at that time!? The brothers have been waiting for a long time! "

For a while, the crowd was excited, and there was a resentment in their eyes towards the initiator.

Qin Tian looked at them, and his face was full of blood thirsty smile.

"Then tonight, let us send troops to Shanghai sea, blood washed the Wu family of Shanghai sea!"

"Blood washing of the Wu family in Shanghai and the sea of Shanghai, blood washing of the Wu family in Shanghai and the sea..." br >

the roar of the earthquake sky came from the garden, full of the special feelings of soldiers, for a short time, a dozen lords opened the community in the moonlight, and the direction was clearly the Wu family in Shanghai!

And at this moment, Wu family manor.

"Master, there is a call from Songshan, saying that the boy named Qin Tian has taken his army veterans out of Songshan!"

The Butler in long clothes trotted all the way to the villa hall, and Wuhai hall was watching TV with his cigar.

"Oh!? Finally, it's coming!? " Wu Haitang sneered, "tell the two mercenaries, if I can kill Qin Tian and the retired soldiers this evening, I will double their commission!"

"Yes, sir!" The housekeeper heard that, immediately turned to a row of temporary simple rooms not far away ran past.

Wu Haitang's face showed a grim smile.

In order to wait for Qin Tian to come, he paid a lot of money to hire two mercenaries, the purpose is to wait for Qin Tian to send to the door!

Wuhaitang is to see, what is the ability of this Qin Tian, can kill Ji Haoyuan of Ji family!

After more than two hours of driving, a large number of Lords finally stepped into the Shanghai sea!

"Report to the instructor, who has entered Shanghai sea area, about 20 kilometers from Wu family!"

A veteran with a face full of camouflage and full single soldier combat uniform was reporting solemnly to Jiao Cheng through the interphone.

Jiao Cheng and Qin Tian sat in the command car, heard the report from the front, immediately picked up the walkie talkie and said, "go straight to Wu family!"


The army veteran of over 80 sat in a dozen of the Lords, and filled the Lord.

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