But I didn't expect to kill a Tang Qingyang on the way. A few words would polish all his courage.

Then Xiao Ya scoffed at Tang Qingyang and said, "yes, I know all about it. What's wrong!? I am willing to be a junior for him. I am willing to ask him to do me. I wish he would roll on my bed every night. Do you have any opinion!?

Xiao Ya's words, listen to Tang Qingyang instantly petrified!

of course, at the same time, there is also qintian nearby!

Finish saying, Xiao Ya almost without hesitation, pull up Qin Tian, "go, elder brother, let's go dancing!"

With that, they walked towards the dance floor in the middle of the bar.

Qin Tian was pulled by Xiao Ya, and his head hasn't turned around.

Seeing Qin Tian's appearance, Xiao Ya immediately blushed.

"Brother, what I said just now is deliberately said to anger Tang Qingyang. Don't take it seriously."

Qin Tian's face wry smile, "I understand."

I know a ghost! You think I'm stupid!

Xiao Ya looks at Qin Tian with a sweet smile on her face, but her eyes twinkle with a trace of loss.

How she hoped Qin Tian could take what she said seriously!

For more than a month, Xiao Ya asked herself every night, do you really want to give up the man whom she has always loved since childhood!?

Why can he continue to be with Lin Wanru after he has Li Xinran!?

Why only refused me!?

Therefore, Xiao Ya finally got an answer: let go of chasing, do not leave regret!

So today Xiao Yacai specially bought such a hot suit and asked Qin Tian to come to the bar!

Qin Tian can see that Xiao Ya's mood is not particularly good today.

Xiao Ya is twisting her body in the middle of the dance floor, which seems to be a way of venting emotion!

Originally, the dance floor is a place for people to revel in, but with the appearance of Xiao Ya, the dance floor gradually quieted down, as if Xiao Ya is today's leading role!

It has to be said that Xiao Ya is really sexy when she writhes wantonly. For a time, not only Qin Tian is stunned, but also the people who stop around put their eyes on her, and even some punks blow hooligan whistles at Xiaoya!

Tang Qingyang, who was on the bar in the distance, was livid, but in a flash he seemed to think of something. With a sneer, he took out his mobile phone and took a few photos with Xiao Ya towards Qin Tian and sent them to Lin Wanru!

Tang Qingyang sneered and looked at Qin Tian on the dance floor. "Boy, you're cruel. I don't believe you can make so many women's willing to pay back. Lin Wanru can bear you to take her money and come out to soak up little girls!"

Tang Qingyang sent a picture to Lin Wanru by wechat, and then pressed the voice key: "Wanru, this boy is not authentic. Take your money to pack Xiaosan. Do you want me to help you clean him up?"

A few minutes later, Tang Qingyang's mobile phone screen lit up. Tang Qingyang looked down and saw that it was Lin Wanru's message. He quickly opened the voice that was less than three seconds ago. Lin Wanru said coldly: "well, I let it go. What's the matter?"

"Hold the grass!"

Tang Qing almost threw the mobile phone out!

At this moment, Tang Qingyang even began to doubt whether the world was wrong or himself!

Even Lin Wanru such a valuable woman, all reduced to let her boyfriend go out to pack small three!? How can such a good thing not fall on me!?

Tang Qingyang breathed out a long breath. He felt that his lungs were going to explode. He took a dead look at Qin Tian. He couldn't think of any good place for this boy. Lin Wanru should treat him like this!

After drinking the wine in his hand, Tang Qingyang went straight to the stairs not far away, where there were several bars watching the black suit.

"Tang Dashao, what's the instruction?"

Obviously, all black suits know Tang Qingyang.

"Go upstairs to find the second brother, and say Tang Qingyang is welcome!"

"Yes, Tang Da Shao, wait a moment!"

With that, the black suit turned and went upstairs.

Tang Qingyang asked for a glass of wine from the bar. He held one hand tightly and looked at Qin Tian on the dance floor with hatred. "Boy, I'll see how you can get out of the royal court bar today."

Time is not long, upstairs came down a ruffian man, a bag bone, bare arm, a suit, left chest tattooed with a black skull head, especially the neck of the gold chain, in the bar light fully exposed the essence of his nouveau riche!

It's strange to sit on the top of the body, but it's not typical to sit on the top of the body!

When Tang Qingyang saw the man coming down, he immediately stepped forward, "second brother, long time no see!"

The second brother, Chen Er, is the head of this bar. He often peddles some drugs in the bar, so he makes some money."Oh!? Tang Dashao! "

Chen Er Yi saw that he was really Tang Qingyang, and immediately his eyes brightened up, and he hugged Tang Qingyang together!

How much less money has he made in the past five years!

For a moment, Chen Er looked at Tang Qingyang as if he were looking at the God of wealth!

Tang Qingyang naturally understood the reason why Chen Er welcomed him, so he immediately explained his intention to him. Chen Er could easily solve the problems in his bar, especially when he heard that there was a girl, he immediately agreed to come down and walked towards the dance floor with people shaking and shaking!

And at this time, Qin Tian is dancing with Xiao Ya on the dance floor, while dancing carefully for Xiao Ya to block some evil sex wolves.

But at this time, just listen to a sound, all the people on the dance floor stopped and stepped back towards the surrounding!

"I haven't seen such a lively bar for a long time. Let me see who's so capable that he's got everyone hooked up!"

With that, Chen Er came over one step at a time, followed by a dozen hunks in vest and shorts.

Xiao Ya was scared by the sudden accident. She stopped dancing and hid in Qin Tian's side.

At this time, a little gangster came to Chen Er, pointed to Xiao Ya and said, "second brother, look at that girl. Is Tang Dashao saying that?"

Chen Er looks at the past with his younger brother's hand. As expected, he sees Xiao Ya hiding behind Qin Tian. A pair of triangular eyes immediately light up!

It's really the best!

In the bar, the quality of women is generally not high, and occasionally one is also rare!

"It's so watery!" Chen Er licked his lips and looked at Xiao Ya. His hands kept rubbing back and forth. "How long has it been since such a girl appeared in our bar?"

Although Xiaoya is not the first time to see this kind of scene, but the little woman's mentality is always the small woman's mentality, immediately scared to hide behind Qin Tian.

Qin Tian looked at the visitor and his face sank.

To tell you the truth, I was very upset all night. I prayed for this group of bastards. Don't bother yourself. He didn't want to dirty his hands!

Seeing Xiao Ya hiding behind Qin Tian, Chen Er Yi's face suddenly sank. He went to a place not far away from Qin Tian, pointing to Qin Tian and shouting, "little boy, you know who I am, don't you?"

"I don't know." Qin Tian, with a cold face, frowned.

"I don't know!"!? Son of a bitch, you want to die!? Don't even know the name of our eldest brother Chen Er, dare to dance here!? Do you know this bar is covered by our second brother? "

Next to a small gangster shouting to Chen Er held a stinky foot, Chen Er immediately straightened his back, let himself look a bit temperament.

Qin Tian glanced at them and snorted, "I don't care if you are the elder brother or the second brother. Before I get angry, all of you will get out of my way!"


Qin Tian's words, instantly exploded in the crowd!

He dares to challenge Chen Er here!

"It's over. Get away from here. This boy is dead!"

"Come on, come on, don't splash blood!"

"I'm so bold. This guy actually scolds Chen er for a girl. Is he crazy?"

For a moment, everyone tried to stay away from the dance floor!

Chen er's villains are also stunned. It's been some years since I saw the show here. It's the first time someone dares to talk to himself like this!

"Hold the grass, you are paralyzed, you want to die!"

At this time, Chen ER was given a chance to make a fool of himself. He quickly picked up a wine bottle from the nearby table and smashed it at Qin Tian's head!

"I'll kill you!"

The little bastard called, and the wine bottle came down with the wind!

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