"God, what's wrong with my geomancy?"

Concerning Gu Jiahong's life and death, Gu Yiming is most anxious.

"There is no problem with the geomantic omen of your home. Even if the items in your house are placed in a reasonable way, even if you are not rich and wealthy, you will definitely be able to enjoy the wind and water, and your family will be safe. There will be absolutely no illness in your house!" Qin Tian looked around for a week, pointing to the decoration of Gu's family and chatting.

"But the bad is in this pillar!" Qin Tian pointed to the pillar in front of him, and everyone's eyes were attracted to the past!


Is it not a pillar that people are forced to face? How bad can it be? Can't we still have infectious diseases?

"God, you'd better make it clear, or we can't move this pillar." Li Zheng gets close to Qin Tian and lowers his voice, which means brother Tian, don't pretend to be an expert. Hurry up.

Qin Tian ignored him. He took out his mobile phone, opened the compass app, turned left and right in the lobby, pointed to the direction, and then said, "if I'm not wrong, some people have visited Fengshui at the beginning of the construction of the house of my family, and the geomantic Bureau of official wealth has been set up!"

"Fengshui Bureau of official finance?" With one voice, they all expressed an expression of "what is that?".

"Yes, come with me Qin Tian said, with the people out of the hall, all the way forward, came to the mountain not far away, far away can see Gu Yiming's villa.

"Look, what's the shape of this house Qin Tian asked indifferently.

"What else can a house look like? It's just a house... Ah!"

Li Zheng and Gu Yiming and others looked in the direction of Qin Tianzhi and sent out screams one after another!

Fengshui Bureau, Fengshui Bureau, Guancai, Guancai... Coffin?

"This house... Is like a coffin!"

It turns out that Qin Tian was not talking about the Fengshui Bureau of "official wealth", but the Fengshui Bureau of coffin!

Gu Yiming said this sentence, everyone shuddered!

Gu Jiahong, in particular, is pale and unsightly! I didn't expect to sleep in a coffin for years!

"But God, it's not right. Didn't you just say that this is a auspicious Fengshui bureau? How did it suddenly turn into a coffin? " Gu Yiming is very puzzled. Can a coffin be regarded as an auspicious thing?

"Yiming, you don't know. The ancients have the cloud, coffins, officials and wealth. In metaphysics, the Fengshui Bureau of official wealth is also a rare good one, but it is extremely demanding on geographical conditions, and few people can put it out. The land of caring for your family just meets all kinds of harsh conditions of the Fengshui Bureau of coffins. Only then can you have the great family business of going with the wind and flowing water! "

Qin Tian explained.

"That's not right. Since the wind is going well, why is my father sick now?" Gu Yiming is in a hurry.

"I said, the blame is on that pillar!" Qin Tian looked serious, turned to look at Du Xiaohuan, "aunt, this pillar, is not the original villa with it?"

When Du Xiaohuan heard this, he immediately said: "yes, yes, it was half a year ago. When the villa was overhauled, a master architect said that the villa was not very stable, and it might collapse over time, which made it possible to prop up a pillar there..."

"that's right!" Qin Tian sneered, "this is someone who wants to hurt you!"

Qin Tian said a word, suddenly aroused a thousand layers of waves!

Someone is going to take care of his family!?

Gu Jiahong trembled his lips and couldn't speak at all! In recent years, Gu's business has been smooth and his wealth has been widely developed, which has aroused the envy of people from all walks of life. There are plenty of people behind his back. But is it so easy for Gu Jiahong to start from scratch? Boxing depends on their accumulated skills for many years to resolve one by one.

However, no matter how Gu Jiahong thought, he would be defeated by the ghost he didn't believe in most!

"Does... Have anything to do with this pillar?" Gu Yiming continued to ask.

Li Zheng came over to pick him up for a while, "calm down and listen to Tian Ge. What's the total insertion?"

Gu Yiming also wanted to say something, but was stopped by Gu Jiahong and stood on one side honestly.

"The Fengshui Bureau of coffins can be divided into two types: the auspicious and the ominous. The most auspicious ones are the living coffins, and most of them are arranged by geomantic physiognomy masters; the main culprits are the dead coffins, because they are too harmful to the moral integrity, no one will arrange them, and most of them are formed naturally."

"The difference between a living coffin and a dead coffin is whether there are coffin nails!"

Living coffins live in living people, naturally there will be no coffin nails, dead coffins are not the same, who has seen the dead sleeping coffin without nails!?

All of a sudden, everyone here suddenly realized!

This pillar is the coffin nail that nailed the coffin!

Qin Tian didn't find that when he was walking around the house before, he was standing at a high place overlooking the villa. A black air was emanating from the pillar. "Moreover, Fengshui bureau can not change a person's fate so quickly. If there is no accident, there may be something hidden in that pillar, which leads to Uncle Gu's physical condition plummeting."Gu Yiming at this time can no longer take care of his father and Li Zheng's obstruction, and quickly said to Qin Tian: "something? I'll get someone to break it up at once

As he said, Gu Yiming took out his mobile phone.

"Don't look for the people who built the house before!" Qin Tian kindly reminded.

Time is not long, a decoration team into the Gu family villa, a group of people standing in front of the column, began to plan how to demolish in order to minimize the loss.

After a short time, the impact drill started to knock down from the top of the column. Soon, half of the column with more than one person was removed.

"Ah, look, what is this?"

When the decorator called out, everyone gathered around. A blackened oil paper package was built into the pillar, and the strange smell was faintly smelled from it.

Qin Tian took the gloves in the hands of the workers, carefully opened the oil paper package and opened it in front of the public.

For a while, everyone was stunned. What was wrapped in it was a seven inch coffin nail!

Even Gu Jiahong, who never believed in ghosts and gods, also took a breath of cold air. All this was said by Qin Tian!

For a time, all the people's spine hair cold!

"This oil paper is not ordinary oil paper. It should have been soaked in body oil." Qin Tian wrinkled his nose and smelled the smell carefully. Then he took the seven inch coffin nail and carefully examined the marks on it. "This nail is not ordinary. The blood on it should be the blood of a person who died."

Speaking of this, Qin Tian's face became extremely cold and stern, and the heart of his hand was too cruel. How much hatred is there? How cruel it is!

A moment of body oil, a moment of the blood of the people who died suddenly, people heard the words and felt a burst of hair.

Surprised, Gu Jiahong also felt that his body was lighter. He simply moved his body and stood up from the wheelchair!

"How are you, dad?" Gu Yiming looks at Gu Jiahong in surprise, and then turns to face Qin Tian, "brother Tian, great grace, don't say thank you. Later I Gu Yiming is your brother. If you have any orders, you'll have to go through fire and water!"

Qin Tian smile, over Gu Yiming, eyes fell on Gu Jiahong, "Uncle Gu, the body is much lighter?"

Gu Jiahong shook his head with a wry smile. "I'm sorry, doctor Qin not only has excellent medical skills, but also metaphysics is so amazing. My old man's old eyes are dazzled. It's better for my son to see people correctly, and please don't blame him..."

then, the old man bowed and swept the floor, which was a great gift to Qin Tian!

Qin Tian also did not reach out to help, is the so-called causal cycle, he saved his life, this worship he can afford!

"Uncle Gu, there are some things that are not superstitious. It is the so-called that all things have spirits. Everything in heaven and earth has his law, and we humans are just a drop in the ocean."

Gu Jiahong was so ashamed that he changed his attitude towards Qin Tian. He invited Qin Tian into the house to have good tea and water.

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