Fan runling complained while crying, but his eyes looked at Qin Tian and others, but he was extremely arrogant, as if someone would clean them up later!

Shen Qianxi frowned and looked at him. Suddenly, he felt that it was not enough to describe his shamelessness with the three words of "shameless".

Qin Tian was indifferent. He heard Shen Qianxi tell Xiaoxiao to go out and call Shen Tianhao. When Shen Tianhao arrived, everything was settled.

However, she doesn't worry about the success of signing the contract or not. She will find another one. But if she offends the Shen family in the imperial capital, jishengtang health cream may not be able to survive in the whole of China!

She was so flustered that she grabbed Qin Tian's arm and said in a quick voice, "if the Shen family is really in Songshan, you will be more or less unlucky. Take advantage of the time you come here, run quickly."


Fan runling sneered twice. He hung up the phone and blocked the door with his chair. "If you don't give me an account today, nobody will want to leave. We Shen Dashao is coming. You can wait for death."

"I'll hold him for a moment. Run." Cheng Yi whispers to Qin Tian, then grabs a fork and rushes to fan runling. He has to fight against him.

Qin Tian couldn't help but pull her back.

"What are you doing?"!? Let me go! I'll hold him, and then you'll take your friends and leave as soon as you can, as far as you can go Cheng Yi is so anxious that he is about to cry. Qin Tian doesn't know who he is offending!

"Don't worry. When Shen dawao comes, who is unlucky is not sure. Listen to me. Sit down and eat and drink."

Qin Tianneng can see that Cheng Yi is really concerned about himself. When he turns his mouth, he can't help but feel a little moved.

"Yes, Miss Cheng, you just listen to Dr. Qin. You should sit down and eat and drink. When it comes to bad luck, it's not necessarily who it is." Shen Qianxi Chuiyi chuckles indifferently. Obviously, she is moved by Cheng Yi's courage. She can see that Cheng Yi has a good feeling for Qin Tian.

"Hum, OK, then you should eat and drink, and cherish your last meal." Fan runling sneered and ignored the blood on his face. He continued to block the door without wiping.

When Xiaoxiao came in and saw fan runling's posture, he was stunned. Especially after seeing his face covered with blood, he couldn't help but sneer and said, "Oh, this is to sing opera!? The make-up is done. "

"I sang NIMA next door!" Fan runling was angry. Seeing that the little girl was still teasing herself, she grabbed a wine bottle nearby and smashed it on Xiaoxiao's head.


A dull sound, only to see Xiaoxiao holding the mouth of a wine bottle, fan runling was smashed seven meat and eight vegetables!

"Ask before you do it next time. I'm also qualified to smash it!" Xiaoxiao sneered and patted fan runling's face twice, standing behind Shen Qianxi with disdain.

Fan runling didn't see what was going on. The wine bottle fell into Xiaoxiao's hands, which was really planted!

"What's the matter? I'm in such a hurry!"

As soon as Xiaoxiao's voice fell, a man's voice came out of the corridor. Then a door was pushed, and two figures came in slowly. It was Shen Tianhao and his bodyguard song Hu.

Seeing some messy scenes in the box, Shen Tianhao's brow could not help but wrinkle!

Without waiting for him to ask questions, fan runling immediately cried and knelt down in front of Shen Tianhao!

"Oh, Shen Dashao, you are here at last! I almost died! "

"Who are you?"

Shen Tianhao frowned. Seeing that he was covered with blood, he flashed back in disgust.

"Shen Dashao, I'm your employee. I called you just now, fan runling of Shen's world!" Fan runling took out his business card from his pocket and handed it to Shen Tianhao.

"Oh, the marketing manager of Shen's world... It was you who called my assistant just now, crying and crying?"

Shen Tianhao looked at his business card, but didn't take it. He glanced at the people in the box, turned his back to fan runling and asked, "you just said someone hit you!? Who beat you? "

Shen Tianhao takes a seat next to him. He is in charge of it!

"He! She! She! And this stinky girl

Fan runling immediately showed his confidence and pointed out Qin Tian, Cheng Yi, Shen Qianxi and Xiaoxiao all over again!

"General manager Shen, the situation is not what he said. Just now..." Cheng Yi was a little flustered, and quickly stood up to explain to Shen Tianhao.

Who knows Cheng Yi's words have not finished, Qin Tian grabbed her to sit back and said with a smile, "I told you, you should eat and drink, and watch the opera well."

If Qin Tian himself were here, Shen Tianhao would not give him face, and he might even take the opportunity to embarrass him. But now that Shen Qianxi is here, Qin Tian will not worry at all.

Shen Tianhao is a typical pet girl maniac. If fan runling's molestation with Shen Qianxi was exposed, then fan runling would have nine lives but not enough to die."Oh?! Are you sure these women are included? " Shen Tianhao frowned and looked at fan runling.

"Sure, Shen Dashao, they all have a share. Look at the wound on my head, it's this smelly girl who smashed the wine bottle!" Fan runling nodded forcefully, and even took out the accusation!

"Oh, so they really want you to die..." Shen Tianhao nodded and his face became angry.

When fan runling saw the boss was angry, he thought it was the rhythm of revenge. He quickly nodded his head and said, "yes, Shen Dashao, they want me to die!"

"If they want you to die, then you can die. How can you still be alive?"!? There are windows over there. Go ahead. If you jump on the third floor, you may not die, but if you head down, you should be about the same! " Shen Tianhao straightened up and said slowly.

Hearing this, fan runling's face was stunned. He thought he had heard something wrong and asked, "Shen Dashao, what are you talking about?"

"I said Shen Tianhao's face was stunned. His eyes were full of cold meaning. He said to fan runling, "I said, let you jump down on your head and die now!"

As soon as the words fell, song Huli immediately pulled fan runling, who was kneeling in front of Shen Tianhao, to the window in a flash!

Shen Tianhao then slowly sat down beside Shen Qianxi and asked with concern, "Qianxi, are you ok?"


Fan runling's body suddenly shuddered, his face turned pale, and he said in horror, "this is Miss Qian... Qian... Qian Xi!"

For a moment, fan runling's face turned blue! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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