The bald boss wants to cry without tears. How can he be such a master?

Qin Tian ignored him and asked Yang Bing to take him outside.

"Give him a piece of paper. You have been dealing with Lin Shengbing all these years. Besides you, what underground forces in Baiyuan county have dealt with him, as well as how many investment projects you are involved in, and how to pay for them, please write them down!"

Bareheaded and stupid, he almost knelt down.

"Big brother, I can't, isn't it for me to die? If we betray him, will our brother still be in Baiyuan County in the future? "

"Hun? The whole Songshan Mountain belongs to our Tiange. Do you want to mix in Baiyuan county? If you don't want to go out crosswise, write it now, or you will become a broken leg and bald head immediately

Yang Bing waved his fist. The metaphor was very vivid. He was so scared that he quickly looked at his leg. He had broken one. If he broke another, he would be a broken leg.

Bareheaded did not expect that he chicha Baiyuan county so many, actually will let an unknown person threaten, his face suddenly sank down, his eyes also showed fierce light.

"OK, I'll write it!"

It's not evidence. If they want to engage in Lin Shengbing, they write it down and let them fight with each other. Anyway, it's not their fault. He pushes all of them to Lin Shengbing.

Qin Tian watched him brush and write on his Land Rover cover. He wrote it in a short time. The main contents were the accounts, the amount of money and the name of the project. There were seven or eight items in total, almost tens of millions.

"Big brother, can you let me go now?"

Bareheaded flatter way, Qin Tian smile, just now he can see clearly, the fierce light in the boy's eyes can not escape his eyes.

"Go? Where to go? When you leave, I'll be in a bad mood. I'm not finished when your people come to me? "

Qin Tian patted his shoulder, the tone suddenly became cold, "I think well, or think you are a little bit worse."

Qin Tian said this, bareheaded exposed the true face.

"I've had enough of that! Give it to me, brothers

As soon as his voice fell, he saw a wave of people rushing in from outside the courtyard of the Planning Bureau, each holding an iron bar in his hand and rushing up with a howl.

Qin Tianxia consciousness will Yang Binghu behind, "you go to protect Liu Bureau, lest they hurt Liu Bureau by mistake."

"And you, my God?"

"They can't hurt me. If you go up, the safety of the Liu Bureau will be left to you. "

Yang Bing is only good to listen to his words, bareheaded is still on the side of the howling, "to the old word scrap him!"

"Bald, this is the Planning Bureau. Are you sure you want to be here?"

Bareheaded can not manage so much, those thugs also ignore, run directly toward Qin Tian.

Qin Tian sighed and was speechless. His figure flashed to the back of the crowd.

"Here it is."

Qin Tian slapped his fingers at them, and the gangsters turned back. Qin Tian quickly grabbed one of the sticks and smashed the melon seeds into the bald brain bag!

Maybe it's because Qin Tian's eyesight is too good, or maybe it's because his bald head is too conspicuous. When he screams, his bald head blooms and his face is covered with blood and he faints directly.

Seeing this, the gangsters became angry and ran towards Qin Tian. Qin Tian took them out of the Planning Bureau and started fighting on the road outside.

This scene was seen by Yang Bing and Liu Ju upstairs. In the middle of the crowd, Qin Tian was swift and violent. He even kicked and kicked, and his feet saw blood. Everywhere he went, he was howling.

"Yang Bing, general manager Qin, have you practiced?"

On the ground lay a piece of, Qin Tian is safe and sound.

Yang Bing nodded, "yes, my heavenly brother is a bull, and so on. I can't get close to him."

As soon as Yang Bing's voice fell, he saw Qin Tian pick up the stick and walk towards his bald head.

"Mr. Qin, you can't kill anyone!"

Liu Bureau suddenly thought of what, turned and rushed down, as a result, Qin Tian has been toward the other bareheaded leg smashed down!


Bareheaded screamed and fainted, which really became a broken leg and bald head. When Liu Bureau and Yang Bing came down, they were shocked to see this scene.

"If you break your leg, you won't break your promise."

Qin Tian's voice was cold. He turned to look at Liu and threw the stick in his hand.

Liu Bureau looked at the outside, and then looked at the eyes, palpitation.

"These people are not open-minded, because they did not get the project, they had a grudge, rushed into the Planning Bureau and smashed it, injuring deputy director Lin. I did it to protect Liu Bureau and public property."

Liu bureau a Leng, and then react to come over, Qin Tian this is the connection to find him good.

After a while, the police car roared to the gate of the Planning Bureau and found that a car couldn't be loaded at all, so he sent a car over again.

Liu Bureau rushed to meet up, the police saw Qin Tian, found is the old face hole, after the Liu Bureau explained, also did not embarrass him, directly took the bald head.

Qin Tian conveniently wrote the information to them, "there is another one in the office of the deputy director upstairs.""Yes, it's deputy director Lin, who was injured by them."

Liu Bureau quickly added that the police called an ambulance and took all the people away, leaving Qin Tian and Yang Bing with their hands in their pockets to watch the police car go away.

"God, this is settled?"

"If we get rid of the bigger problems, we'll solve them later."

Qin Tian's words made Yang Bing feel guilty. He didn't know what to say.

"God, I didn't expect that my family's affairs caused you so much trouble. I'm..."

"Brothers don't say this, you remember, when I use you Qin Tian, you go all out, you have difficulties, I will not sit idly by."

Yang Bing was deeply moved by Qin Tian's words. To tell the truth, he had nothing to ask for when he met such a boss. He would follow Qin Tian in the future, even if he would risk his life.

"Well, let's buy some materials here now and let the brothers work harder to transport them."

In this way, the school can be built quickly, and the matter of recruitment is left to Li Xinran.

After solving this problem, Qin Tian was relieved and sorted out all the things before he had time to practice.

Baiyuan County mission failure, Lin Shengbing was beaten into the hospital, the news reached the minefield financial group, Inoue taro sitting in a wheelchair face red.

Facing the person outside the door, he said in a deep voice, "have you arrived at the Liusheng family?"

"It's here."

On hearing the speech, Inoue taro immediately turned his wheelchair to the front hall.

"Liu Shengjun, I've been looking forward to you for a long time, and I've finally come to see you."

Inoue's eyes flashed with pride when he saw him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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