"Well, I believe you, or I won't let you talk to me here. However, Wang's office is more difficult. You framed his son when he killed him. It's estimated that there will be some trouble. Wang Xiaoping also refuses to explain the source. Our people have investigated the people around him all night, but you are the only one who has seen him frequently recently."

Ding Hanxue's words make Qin Tian laugh. He really didn't expect that the boy's ability to beat a rake is so high. However, without evidence, he can't put the pot of excrement on his head.

"I can tell. Wang Xiaoping is biting me, but it is because we have a good relationship. He thinks that you must want to keep me, so he won't care more about him. In this way, you'll torture me and lock me up with him. I promise to let him tell the truth. Besides, there are my people outside. I've asked them to investigate. I'll tell you as soon as we have news. Now, you take me Go in, and remember, there should be a kind of monitoring. The provincial can't explain clearly when it comes to time! "

"No way!"

Ding Hanxue refused, but Qin Tian didn't understand. She explained: "the imperial capital knows about this case. Wang Xiaoping is an important suspect and can't contact other people."

"That's easy. You let us be in the interrogation room at the same time. I promise I won't talk to him or touch him, but I can make him speak the truth. Do you believe it? Believe me, you might as well try it. If it does, it will be better than what you have made no progress in. How about? "

The confidence and brilliance in Qin Tian's eyes made Ding Hanxue nod. When she realized what she had done, Ding Hanxue regretted.

"Don't be dazzled. Hurry up. I'll have to go when I have something to do."

Qin Tian reminds her that Ding Hanxue has no choice but to follow her.

Wang Xiaoping curled up on the iron bed to count the sheep. The old man said that as long as he didn't admit it, he would have a way to get himself out. So, even if he couldn't get out, don't let Qin Tian get better!

More than ten mouths, and those needles, Qin Tian, you give me remember, I will never let you go!

"Wang Xiaoping, come out!"

Wang Xiaoping a face does not matter to get up, looking at the smile in the eyes of the police outside, his eyelids jump!

I don't know why. He always feels that something bad is going to happen.

"At this time of trial? no Don't you all sleep? "

"We don't sleep if you don't confess, but you'll do it tonight."

Wang Xiaoping dismissive, let him confess? no way!

But when he went in, he found that there was a man inside, and he couldn't see from his back.

"Go in!"

Wang Xiaoping walked in and the door behind him closed.

Hearing the voice, Qin Tian turned around and looked at him with a smile. Wang Xiaoping saw this face and his scalp was numb. The whole person was stunned.

"Qin, Qin Tian?"

Qin Tian smiles and doesn't speak. He just touches the jade pendant on his chest and shouts in his heart: "Qixia, come out!"

Qi Xia floated out, Qin Tian said: "become ferocious some, frighten that boy, let him tell the truth, confession is good, don't be scared to death."

Qixia snapped her fingers, and then the black skin drifted by. She looked pale and bleeding from the corners of her eyes. Qin Tian didn't feel terrible, but Wang Xiaoping couldn't accept it.

With Qi Xia in, Qin Tian simply sat down. Ding Hanxue saw this scene in another room and couldn't help wondering: "what's going on? What the hell is he doing? "

Qin Tian's actions make Ding Hanxue puzzled and Wang Xiaoping puzzled.

"What are you doing? If you have any words, you can say that I have no time to play riddles with you

Qin Tian just ignored him, and Wang Xiaoping didn't realize what he was going to face, and he still talked wildly.

Qin Tian doesn't care about him, just smiles at him, and then signals Qixia to start.

Qixia is not vague. First, she floats to his side and blows the Yin wind to his neck.

There are no windows and no air conditioning in their interrogation room. Where is the wind coming from?

Wang Xiaoping's hair stood up in an instant, and the whole person was not well. Even the sound of wind blowing could be heard in his ears.

"Qin Tian, have you found anything?"

Qin Tian picks eyebrow, just smile, do not speak.

The more Wang Ping was, the more afraid he was. I ran over and held his arm. I was shaking.

"Qin Tian, what's going on here?"

As soon as the voice fell, Qixia appeared in front of his eyes and touched it. Suddenly, a pale face appeared in front of him.

"Ah! What a ghost

He shrieked and hugged Qin Tian's arm. At this time, Qixia's voice reached my ears.

"I was killed by an addict. Do you think you killed me? Isn't it? "

Wang Xiaoping did not dare to look up, but trembled and yelled: "it's not me, it's not me, it's not that I hurt you. Yes, Qin Tian, do you hear me, help me!"

Wang Xiaoping didn't dare to open his eyes to look at her. He just yelled.At this time, Qin Tian said, "if you don't want her to follow you all your life, you can tell the truth. But if you dare to frame me up, I promise, she will follow you with her whole family."

Qin Tian got up and motioned to the direction of the monitoring, and immediately someone came in and took him back. But Wang Xiaoping was not so lucky. He was left alone. He was scared to say, "I said, I said, I said, I'll move, come here quickly!"

Ding Hanxue and others in the monitoring room feel surprised, did not expect Qin Tian just sat inside and said a word, Wang Xiaoping really obediently cooperate with confession.

Qin Tian takes back Qixia and waits outside the interrogation room. Ding Hanxue comes out to see him with a trace of doubt on his face: "how did you do it? What do I think of him as if he was scared inside and said he saw a ghost. What's going on? "

Ding Hanxue didn't believe in ghosts and gods. Qin Tian said frankly: "I found a female ghost to scare him."


Ding Hanxue doesn't believe it at all. She doesn't tell the truth about him. She knows that he must have his own difficulties, so she doesn't ask questions.

Wang Xiaoping inside was very frightened. When the police came in just now, the ghost disappeared. It seems that the ghost was also afraid of the police. He wanted to fool around. But after seeing Qin Tian's eyes, Wang Xiaoping shrank back. He didn't dare. In case the ghost appeared again when he would return to the room, would he not be dead?

Wang Xiaoping thought for a moment or told the truth.

However, he put all the responsibility on Zhao Gang. No matter what he said, Zhao Gang arranged everything. Even Zhao Gang helped him rent the workshop.

When the police visited and investigated, the landlord did point to the photo of Zhao Gang and said that he was the one who rented the house, and he often came to inspect it. Wang Xiaoping is relieved. In short, don't let him be the main criminal. In that case, his father can use his relationship to get him out.

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