Wang Xiaoping was completely paralyzed and didn't know what to do.

It took him a long time to exhale, and there was no fluke any more.

"I said that buyers are my friends, all of them are sons of Songshan city leaders. If you want to find them, you can find them!"

His colleague, Ding Xue, took a look at the amount and explained it to each other? How can only a few hundred thousand people deliver the goods? "

"Because they all have shares in the skin care companies, it is temporarily offset. They said that they sold out and paid directly. In the future, my workshop will be the place where they launder money."

Wang Xiaoping's words let Ding Hanxue take a breath of cold air. Unexpectedly, these dealers are so cunning that they let the decent young men start the company and pull them into the water to make their own umbrella.

If Qin Tian's health cream formula was not stolen this time, Qin Tian would not have thought of going straight to his old nest, let alone found so many.

After the trial of Wang Xiaoping, it was late at night. Ding Hanxue rubbed her sore neck and was tired. As soon as she came out of the interrogation room, she smelled a fragrance, and her stomach was filled with greedy insects.

"Captain, come here quickly. Mr. Qin is really considerate. There are still night snacks when people are gone. It's worthy of the room leader. The man you like is really good!"

The flowers of her colleagues made Ding Hanxue blush. She was a little shy and said, "don't talk nonsense. He's not my man. Do I still need to find a partner when I pass it out?"

"Oh, Captain, don't be modest. I think Mr. Qin is very good. He is rich and has a good face. At the same time, he is loyal, respectful to women, considerate and gentle..."

Colleagues count the advantages of Qin Tian, Ding Hanxue quickly raised his hand to stop them, "you are enough! Is he so good? How many times have you met him that way? "

"Captain, we look at him from a man's point of view. Although we haven't seen each other several times, our party's police have developed a pair of golden eyes. We can't mistake him!"

Ding Hanxue is speechless by her colleagues' words, but she has to admit that they are all right.

Qin Tian has left the police station, Wang Xiaoping called, Zhang Dafeng also sent in, the next look at the police processing results.

Code after code, although the key case, but he forced others to disclose company secrets is also a fact.

Because it was late at night, Qin Tian didn't go back to his parents' home. Instead, he found a hotel nearby. When he got up the next day, he found that there were more than 100 unanswered calls in his mobile phone.

More than 30 of them belong to Li Xinran, others have their parents, and Ding Hanxue. Qin Tiancai finds that he doesn't know when the mobile phone is turned to mute.

He quickly went back to Li Xinran.

"Wife, what's up?"

"How can you come back? Something happened. The little army ran out to ask his parents for money, but he was killed in a car accident on the way! Now your cousin goes to the parents' house to make trouble

"What about Lu Wan?"

"When they made trouble, Lu Wan and they hit people. People on both sides entered the police station. Dad fainted in anger. My mother and I were with me in the hospital."

Qin Tian was surprised and asked, "did you get hurt?"

"No, Lu Wan, they were slightly injured. Go and see them."

Li Xinran's words let Qin Tian sigh. He thumped the bedside and quickly put on his clothes to wash. This time, Ding Hanxue called again, and Qin Tian received it.

"Busy man, your brother is in the Bureau. Come and get some people!"

Hearing Ding Hanxue say so, Qin Tian is relieved. They should all be OK.

"Thank you for taking care of it. I'll treat you to a good meal later."

Hang up the phone, Qin Tian straight to the police station, these days he also feel that he is a bit too back?

When they arrived, they saw their cousins in the temporary detention center. When they saw Qin Tian, they yelled, "Qin Tian, you son of a bitch, you killed the little army. I'll fight with you!"

Qin Tian walked over and said in a cold voice across the iron fence: "you killed your son yourself. You are the murderer! If you didn't cover up again and again, he would have been better! And face to blame others! I tell you, if my brother and my parents lose a hair, I'll kill you

Qin Tian's voice was fierce, and his cousin was stunned when he saw his fierce eyes. He did not dare to speak any more.

Qin Tian goes straight inside to help Lu Wan and their bail. As for his cousin, he should be locked up for making trouble!

When Qin Tian comes out, Ding Hanxue stops him.

"You can, so many thugs? Do you know how hard I tried to help you with this case? "

Qin Tian quickly bowed to Ding Hanxue and bent down 90 degrees, which made Ding Hanxue startled. He pulled Qin Tian to one side and pretended to be angry and said, "what are you doing?"

"Thank you! This is the highest treatment in our family. I can't express my gratitude to you. I can only bow, or I can kneel down for you. "

Qin Tian tries to kneel down. Ding Hanxue pulls him and finds that he doesn't mean to bend his knees. Knowing that he is playing with himself, he is speechless.

"Don't be angry. I'm serious. And my cousin. Her son is a drug addict. Before that, her son went to my house with a knife and robbed him. I called the police and sent him to the drug rehabilitation center. This time, it's cheap for him to run out and be killed by a car. However, watch out for the cousins. I don't want my father to be harassed by them again.""We can't do that. You're wrong to fight."

Ding Hanxue refused, Qin Tian nodded and said in a low voice: "it's not to let you violate the rules, but just let you talk to her. Don't make trouble like this in the future. It's not good for them. I'll also take care of my father's side. I'll teach her a lesson if it makes a big fuss and annoys me. Then it's not as simple as coming to the police station."

Qin Tianneng said these words have shown that he is very angry, but his father said again are relatives, so many people are watching, make a big noise, it is not good to meet again in the future. Besides, Xiaojun is dead, and it's inevitable for my cousin to be sad.

Ding Hanxue nodded and agreed, "you can rest assured that we will enlighten those who should be enlightened. At this age, we still have to bear the pain of losing children. We understand that, but breaking the law is illegal, so are your people. In the future, don't stay near the community, which will frighten the neighbors."

"Yes, you can rest assured that there won't be another one."

Qin Tian promised, but if the cousin still like this, he would not be so gentle. This is the third time that a small army has been involved.

Taking Lu Wan and them out, Qin Tian ignores his cousin's abuse behind his back and leaves directly.

The death of a drug addict was nothing, but Lu Wan told him that the death of the small army was strange, and Qin Tian had to pay attention to it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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