Qin Tian and others came to KTV with three plums and an inch. It was originally a commercial center, but recently with the development of the city, it has become an old city. It is said that it is rectification. In fact, many investors are reluctant to start here.

Now that they arrived, even the street lights were on and off, and the tall commercial buildings opened their mouths in the dark, as if to devour them.

If it wasn't for such a group of people to come here, a person would never have the courage to come in.

Qin Tian looked around, but there was no ghost, but it was enough for them to be afraid.

"Three fat, do you know why I like to act at night?"

Not waiting for three fat to answer, Qin Tian said to himself: "because I like the night, black, is the purest color, can turn all colors into the same color as him again, no matter you are white or red, will disappear at night, but except for one point, do you know how to quickly lock a person in the dark?"

Three fat did not know how to answer him, but instinctively shivered.

He doesn't know.

Qin Tian's face flashed a chill, but three fat can't see.

"Blood, the smell of blood can tell where you are, so I can find you. Well, don't say much nonsense. Tie him up and use some strength. It's better to pull out his meat. "

Qin Tian orders to go down, his men immediately do, three fat see they move the real lattice of this just scared up.

"Qin Tian, brother Tian! I'm wrong. You can't kill me, or they won't let you go! "

"It's too noisy."

Qin Tian frowns, the monkey immediately goes over to take off three fat underpants and put it into his mouth.

San Pang struggled desperately, but he was still after several laps. However, he was shaking.

The monkey took out the dagger. "Brother Tian, it's very sharp. It's most suitable for cutting meat."

In the face of three fat, they hate this kind of special forces the most. Every year, because they don't know how many innocent people died, so now Qin Tian wants to be three fat, they will not object to it.

However, Fang Zhen still had a fluke mentality on one side, and felt that this was not a big deal. The only thing that bothered him was that they didn't give them any money.

Qin Tian saw the hesitation in Fang Zhen's eyes and handed him the dagger, "you come, cut the first piece."

Fang Zhen took a look at Qin Tian and was about to refuse, but he saw the monkey in their eyes. Fang Zhen knew that he could not escape this time.

So he took the dagger and was cruel.

"Sanpang, you are my brother. I don't know that you do this business behind my back. You also know that Qin palace is not an organization in general sense. So don't blame brother Zhen. Brother Zhen really doesn't want to see you like this, but you violate the rules of Qin palace and be a regular person in the next life."

An hour later, Fang Zhen finally couldn't help spitting out the soil. His hands were bloody. He held the chair and begged for mercy: "brother God, I can't stand it!"

"Well, you can deal with it. I don't want to see these two people again among the brothers in Qin palace in the future."

Qin Tian gets up and leaves, especially the people he brings along with him. All the people left are Fang Zhen.

"Brother Zhen, what should I do now?"

"What else can I do? Did it! If you let him go, God won't let us go! "

Fang Zhen shuddered at the thought of Qin Tian's means.

However, it is cutting meat, but there is still a shadow of cutting by oneself. After all, this is living human flesh.

After hearing about it, his subordinates were also very embarrassed, but soon they carried three fat out.

"Deal with it cleanly. Don't let people find out. It will cause us trouble."

Fang Zhen told them that these people nodded and dealt with only one person. They were professional.

As for Qin Tian, he didn't say a word after he went out and got on the monkey's car. "Monkey, do you think people can do this kind of thing for money? Don't they have a bottom line?"

"There is no standard for the evil of human nature. There is a saying that hell is empty and the devil is in the world. These people are the demons in the world. My God, you did a good job tonight, but who is the person behind the three fat?"

Three fat always said they would not let Qin Tian go. Who is this man?

Qin Tian has a name in his heart, but he is not sure, but sanpang doesn't put himself in the eye, which just shows that it is that person who supports him?

"The biggest leader in Shanghai and Shanghai, I can't think of the second one except this one!"

"Sleeping trough! Is it him? It can't be true! This is also a character who actually helps tyranny? "

"I don't know, either three fat fool him, he doesn't know, or he is the real boss of three fat, there may be some people in the middle, but we don't know."

Qin Tian has a premonition that after solving the problem of "three fat" today, the people behind him will definitely find trouble for themselves, but he is not afraid that he will not do so!

When he went back to the Qin palace, Qin Tian summoned all the people and asked Jiao Cheng to take over sanpang's court. Fang Zhen was a little upset."God, don't you hit me in the face?"


Qin Tian raised his hand and slapped Fang Zhen, making everyone confused, especially Fang Zhen.

"God, you..."

"This slap is to let you remember that I am the leader of Qin palace. If you don't listen to my command, someone will replace you!"

Qin Tian's voice was full of killing intention. He was stunned by Fang Zhen. He was stunned for a long time and finally bowed his head and didn't say anything.

Jiao Cheng, who wants to make a comeback, is pulled by Gu Yue, so he can only give up.

"From now on, I will let the monkeys go to all the venues. If I find out that there are illegal articles in the farms, don't blame me for not being friendly! Brothers are brothers, but the principles can't be changed! "

"We know that Mr. Qin can rest assured that our site is clean."

Gu Yue took the lead in guaranteeing, and several others nodded.

Qin Tian knew that it was impossible to be completely clean, but it would be good if he could do more than 80%.

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