Qin Tian stood in the hall, looking at the king of ghosts, he has been staring at his heart some doubts.

"I don't know what the ghost king wants me to do? Not just to see me? "

Hearing that he said so, the ghost king asked in a deep voice, "did you send out the ghost whirlpool just now?"

Qin Tian was stunned for a few seconds, nodded his head and said, "yes, this, there is a problem?"

"No problem. I think you have reached the master level, but you haven't broken through for a long time?"

Qin Tian was very surprised by his words, but when he thought of the realm of ghost king, he could see through his own practice at a glance, so he admitted generously.

"Indeed, I have been wandering for a long time. I wonder if the ghost king can give me some advice."

Qin Tian asked modestly for advice. He had two kinds of true Qi. His cultivation method was different. Now if the ghost king could help him break through earlier, it would be better.

The ghost King burst into laughter, which made Qin Tian's blood boil. He ran the real Qi resistance.

In the face of the ghost King's laughter, Qin Tian overflowed with genuine Qi, forming a huge whirlpool above his head and covering him in the center.

"Qin Tian, help you, but you have to promise me a condition!"

Mr. Qin suddenly stops, Qin Tian just feels a whole body loose, the whole person is paralyzed.

Seeing the realm of ghost king, I'm afraid that I can't fight against it at present.

"Ghost king, please say, as long as I can do, I will do my best."

Qin Tian restrained his breath, and the ghost king also saw his strength. At the moment, he said, "I want Li Xiaoshuang to win the competition and get rid of the Dharma protector when necessary."

Qin Tian is shocked, get rid of Dharma protector?

"Ghost king, if the guardian is guilty, the ghost king can clean up the door by himself. Why let us carry the pot? Even if it's for my practice, I don't think it's a good deal. I won't do it! "

Qin Tian refused, and didn't want to run this muddy water.

The ghost King squinted at him and suddenly stretched out his hand. A strange black halo appeared in his palm.

Qin Tian looked at the past and was immediately attracted by this thing.

"Dharma protectors want to defend one side. This is just my part. Sometimes, many things are not as simple as you think. If you can help me clear Mang Mountain, this black war stone will be given to you. It can help you enhance your skills and be of great benefit to your cultivation."

In fact, the conditions offered by the ghost king are very good, but Qin Tian thinks that the risk is too high. However, his current cultivation needs to be further improved, and it has not been broken through for a long time.

He moved, can see the ghost king in the eyes of the essence, Qin Tian some hesitation.

"Dharma protectors have profound skills. We are not rivals. This task is too difficult. Besides, I don't understand why it is me who has so many talents in Mang Mountain?"

It's not that there are elder he Tianlang and the old ghost. Although he can't see the cultivation of the old ghost, he can't be bad. He should still be above he Tianlang.

So with them, how can it be their turn to solve their internal problems?

Qin Tian thought there was a trick in it.

But the ghost king saw that he never agreed, so he sighed: "there are different ways for people and ghosts. Those supporters of the ghost Kingdom Dharma protectors will not and dare not retaliate against you. If it is our people, it will be a fight again. Do you understand?"

See Qin Tian does not speak, ghost King some angry!

"Are you a man or not

Qin Tian

He's been on the line for a few days

But I can't help it. Who called them ghost king.

Qin Tian nodded and agreed.

"But you must give me that stone first, otherwise how can I deal with the Dharma protector?"

The ghost king also kept his promise and gave him the black stone.

As soon as Qin Tian got his hand, he felt warm and full of strength.

"This is a treasure of the ghost world. It can enhance your skill. But you should be careful. If you don't use it properly, it will eat back your cultivation. So be careful. Also, I'll tell you something about Dharma protection..."

Qin Tian stayed for more than two hours before he came out. Qixia and Qixia sat on the doorstep to meditate. When Qin Tian came out, he saw several people sitting in a row. He couldn't help laughing and didn't speak. He sat beside them and took out the Black War stone and began to practice.

This is his first time to use it. Just now the ghost king said it very clearly. He dare not forget it.

The two genuine Qi spiraled up to form two huge whirlpools on his head. Qin Tian took out the Black War stone, and the ghost gas whirlpool increased instantly. Qin Tian also felt the ghost Qi in his body began to expand. The rapid expansion made him startled!

"Adjust the breath quickly!"

Next to the voice of he Sirius, Qin Tian quickly adjusted the breath.

"Keep the yuan at the right time and collect the truth. When it is prosperous, it is collected when it is damaged, when it is scattered, it is gathered when it is scattered, and it is taken when it is combinedIn the voice of he Tianlang, Qin Tian gradually calmed down and slowly adjusted his breathing.

Li Xiaoshuang absorbed the ghost Qi of Qin Tian and began to practice. They felt relaxed.

After running for about half an hour, Qin Tian gradually came back.

The first operation was not very smooth. I always felt that there was an obstacle. I really want to have something blocking the source.

"Thank you very much just now."

Qin Tian gets up and bows deeply to he Sirius, and he Tianlang reaches out to help him.

"The power of Black War stone is very strong. If you forcibly absorb it today, it may explode. But Wang, first try to adjust the breath, let the strength of Black War stone slowly penetrate, and then absorb."

He also took a look at Li Xiaoshuang and others who were sitting on the side and said in surprise, "when you practice, they are here? Suck your ghost

Qin Tian nodded and did not deny it.

"They are willing to take me as the master. When they practice, my ghost is revealed, and their absorption can also enhance their cultivation. Isn't it good for mutual benefit?"

"I've never seen a person like you. Other people want to absorb all the ghost gas, and you have to give it to them. No wonder it hasn't broken through for such a long time."

He Sirius's words made Li Xiaoshuang and others blush, and they stood up one after another.

Seeing this, Qin Tian was afraid that they would feel bad, so he took the initiative to explain: "master, it's not because of them that I can't break through. Besides, they practice faster with me. Isn't my strength stronger? Whether in the world or in the ghost world, I Qin Tian alone is equal to four or five people, who dares to provoke me? Even if I beat the Dharma protector's staff, he would not dare to move me? "

Qin Tian is very reasonable and complacent. He Tianlang shakes his head and just reminds him: "don't be too blind and confident. You can do it yourself. There are ten days left. Xiaoshuang must be careful."

"Xiaoshuang, thank you very much

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