They didn't bother about the case any more. They just ordered food.

Ding Hanxue looks at Qin Tian. It's not the first time that she goes out to eat with the opposite sex. It's just the first time she's with someone she likes. So Ding Hanxue is a little shy.

"Come on, have a quick meal. You are busy with your work and seldom have regular meals. Am I lucky today?"

Qin Tian said with a smile, and Ding Hanxue raised her eyebrows: "yes, your luck is not so good. I will go on a business trip in two days. If you are two days late, you will not see me."

"Where to go?"

"It's not far away. I'm just going to report to the provincial government. Why are you worried about me?"

Qin Tian laughed: "you are the daughter of the police chief. What can I worry about? It's not so much about you as about the criminals. They should not be too unlucky to meet you. "

Hearing this, Ding Hanxue has a bitter smile in her eyes.

Is this guy pretending he doesn't understand? I can't tell you!

Forget it, Ding Hanxue simply doesn't talk and lowers her head to eat.

How can Qin Tian not understand? It's just that he is his sister when Ding Hanxue. Besides, who dares to make the daughter's idea of the director of the public security bureau? It's not a suicide attempt?

Besides, he has Li Xinran!

Qin Tian bowed his head and did not speak. After a silent meal, Ding Hanxue went back with the report. Before leaving, he looked at Qin Tian and stopped talking. Qin Tian pretended not to see him, but told her to be careful and safe.

Ding Hanxue stomped and ran back.

Qin Tian speechless, looking at her in after leaving.

After solving the problem of inviting a meal, Qin Tian went to the hospital. He didn't have time to come back for more than ten days. As soon as he entered the hospital, he saw Cheng Yi sitting in it.


Seeing Qin Tian, Cheng Yi seems very excited, which makes Qin Tian a little surprised.

"Why are you here? Is the company not busy? "

"Why, I can't talk to you?"

Cheng Yi's face shows displeasure. Qin Tian takes a close look and finds that her face is different. It seems that there is a trace of black air entangled in her face.

"Cheng Yi, you come with me."

It's very clear outside. If it's really a ghost, you need to go to a deserted place.

Qin Tian takes Cheng Yi to his office behind him. Cheng Yi's face shows a touch of joy. When Qin Tian can't see, her facial features are distorted.

"Cheng Yi, what about Gu Yiming? What have you been up to lately? "

When Qin Tian comes to the office, Cheng Yi smiles at him strangely. After entering the office, he doesn't say anything, but gets close to Qin Tian first.

"What do you care about him? I've come to see you. "

As soon as Cheng Yi's voice fell, Qin Tian firmly clasped his wrist and said in a sharp voice, "you still don't show up!"

Cheng Yi fainted at the sight of the ghost. At the same time, the ghost Qi began to disperse gradually and finally gathered in the corner to form a human figure.

"I didn't expect you to recognize me so quickly. Qin Tian, I can't fight you as a man, but I'm still qualified to be a ghost?"

"Xiaojun? How is it you? "

Qin Tian was a little surprised. Looking at the male ghost face in front of him, how long did he die before he could transform into a body?

Xiaojun sneered: "how can't it be me? If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be forced to detoxify, let alone be killed by them. It's all you, so I'll look for you!"

Xiaojun said and rushed to him. Qin Tian waved his hand, and a ghost gas hit him. He immediately trapped the small army. He was shocked, "how can you have ghost gas?"

"Xiaojun, it seems that you have found the wrong person for revenge. You can't blame me for this. On the contrary, you have to thank me. If it wasn't for me, you would not have been wronged."

Qin Tian looked at the small army struggling and felt helpless. With a wave of his hand, the black air was scattered and the small army was free.

"Don't think I'll appreciate you if you let me go!"

"Don't get me wrong. I don't want to let you go, or I think you are stupid enough to be a man and a ghost! I won't be so polite next time I see you

Qin Tian's words made Xiaojun tremble. He was really not Qin Tian's opponent. He was crushed by him when he was a man, and he ignored him when he was a ghost. Qin Tian was so powerful that he would not be his opponent even if he practiced for another 100 years. Xiaojun was a little lost. He was about to hide his body and was suddenly called out by Qin Tian.

"Do you know the whereabouts of Chen Jun?"

Chen Jun?

Xiaojun shook his head, "I don't know, but three fat often give him to go to the big health care. They have a VIP room there, and they are there every time. I don't know whether it is now or not."

Three fat died, small army is aware of, but do not know where Chen Jun went.

After a few minutes, he asked, "you take Li Xiaoshuang and they go to find Chen Jun. If you find them, I'll take you to practice, so you won't be so weak."

"Practice? You mean, ghost? "

Qin Tian nodded, it seems that the small army in this period of time to grasp the news is really a lot.Hearing Qin Tian's words, Xiaojun nodded and agreed after a long silence.

In fact, he regretted the moment he was hit and killed. He also knew who killed him. His strong resentment made him unable to come down to the underworld and reincarnate. He had to stay in the world until he met Cheng Yi. He didn't think that Qin Tian was so powerful.

Small army compromise, Qin Tian let him into the jade pendant hiding, by the way, let ghost bag teach him some basic self-defense skills, so as not to be taken away.

After solving the problem, Qin Tian looks at Cheng Yi on the ground and picks her up with a sigh. Cheng Yi is very tight today. The black suspender is covered with a short leather jacket of the same color. Under it is a pair of black jeans, which tightly cover her long legs.

The little girl is also quite material, probably can compete with Lin Wanru.

Qin Tian puts her on the sofa. She gathers her true Qi on her finger and points to her navel. After a few seconds, Cheng Yiyou wakes up. Seeing Qin Tian, she sits up in a hurry, her eyes filled with amazement.

"Get up, why faint at the door of our hospital, fortunately met me."

Qin Tian doesn't change his face. Cheng Yi is a little surprised. He covers his head and looks back for a long time without any impression. Finally, he gives up.

"When did you come back?"

"Yesterday, where was Gu Yiming?"

"He? He, he's making a lot of money. He's pissed off! "

Cheng Yi was angry when he thought about it. Qin Tian was surprised, "what's going on? What's the big money? Is it not good sales that I give him?

Cheng Yi quipped his lips. "It's good. The sales volume is not a problem all the time. It's just because it's too smooth. Gu Yiming says he wants to find something exciting, so he runs to smuggle cars."

Qin Tian was stunned by her words, smuggling cars?

"Where did you smuggle it?"


Myanmar again!

Qin Tian sighed. He didn't expect that he was so close to Myanmar. First, Lin Wanru's jade mine, then Gu Yiming's smuggled car. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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