"How rich." Qin Tian looked at Chen Kaige with a smile. "If you give me five million yuan, I'll never worry about eating or drinking."

As soon as the words were uttered, people around the tables burst out with astonishing laughter.

"Ha ha ha, the loser is really a loser. I want to sell my wife for money."

"This kind of person deserves a lifetime of contempt."

"Look at his head. The green color is not dyed!"

Naturally, Chen Kaige could hear these words, and looked at Qin Tian with a smile, "yes, give me your wife a night's sleep, and I'll give you five million..."

just after the voice fell, a card suddenly flew out and hit Chen Kaige's face obliquely!

"This is ten million yuan. Give your mother to sleep for one night. The money in the card is yours!"

Qin Tian is still sitting on the chair, except for a little bit of cold under his eyes, his expression has no change at all.

"You Chen Kaige's face turned red with a choking sentence from Qin Tian.

As the successor of Chen's jewelry, Chen Kaige has never suffered such humiliation!?

"How dare you Chen Kaige clenches his teeth and shoots out a strong killing intention in his eyes!

"I've always had no merit, but courage." Qin Tian took a sip of the red wine in front of him, and did not pay attention to Chen Kaige at all.

"Good! I hope you remember what you just said! I hope you can live a safe life Chen Kaige bit his teeth and squeezed these words out of his teeth. Without any hesitation, he turned around and left here.

"The young man took out 10 million yuan, isn't it a fake?"

"If you care whether he is true or not, you offend Chen Kaige and you may die."

"Yes, I remember a man who offended Chen Kaige last year and drifted in the Songjiang River the next day..."

the humiliation of Chen Kaige by Qin Tian spread quickly, and many people were whispering.

Li Chengqi's face turned red. If Qin Tian hadn't pulled him secretly just now, he would have to stand up and kill this bastard!

My daughter is so humiliated!

Gu Yiming also heard the discussion of the people around him, lowered his voice and said to Qin Tian: "brother Tian, Chen Kaige is not an oil-saving lamp. Why don't you and your sister-in-law go first...

" no, I really want to see how capable he is. "

Qin Tian has a cold face. Today he is really angry.

Qin Tian has always been in peace with the world. Even if he has acquired the ability to surpass ordinary people, he still keeps a low profile. However, in the end, he gets endless humiliation!

In this case, why should I bear it?

With the passage of time, the front end of the banquet hall has been filled with countless raw stones, large and small. People who have finished the dinner party begin to gather around the original stones and choose the stones they like. Not far away is the cutting point. After paying, they can grind and cut on the spot.

And a little bit of the original stones are in front of the gamblers.

This stone is of excellent appearance. Its shell is black and bright, and its texture is smooth. It is covered with light green moss. As the saying goes, green goes with the moss, so the probability of this stone becoming green is great, even full green!

The price of this stone, at 10 million, is really a big deal, but if it explodes green, it will be hundreds of millions of recycling.

"This kind of stone is very rare. It will definitely turn green. We must fight for it!"

"This is the highest price in the whole raw stone. If it doesn't come out, there will be no justice."

"Don't be so optimistic. The starting price is tens of millions. It will cost at least five times more than that. This is not a small sum of money."

At this time, Qin Tian and others also came to the stone. As the successor of Gu's jewelry, Gu Yiming had a lot of research on jewelry and naturally liked it. He said that he would try to take a picture.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this stone is a bright star tonight. We have seen the starting price. Now we are bidding!"

The auctioneer's mouth brims with smile, incites the scene atmosphere.

With the public bidding, the price is also rising, most of them are hundreds of thousands of dollars, so the auction to a dozen rounds, only 13 million.

It seems that the bidding people did not have the initial arrogance, Gu Yiming slowly raised his hand and called: "35 million!"


There was a commotion in the auction house. The young owner of Gu's jewelry was really magnificent! Raise the price by nearly 20 million in one breath!

Gu Yiming thinks it's nothing. It's only 30 million yuan. It won't hurt your vitality.

"Fifty million!"

Just when everyone thought that Gu Yiming would get the stone, there was another outcry from the crowd, which raised the price by 15 million again!

"It's Chen Kaige of Chen's jewelry!"

"There's a lot of fun here!"

Gu Yiming smiles when he sees Chen Yiming.

Gu Yiming, who could stand such provocation, was ready to bid immediately."Add another thousand..."

before Gu Yiming finished his words, Qin Tian stopped Gu Yiming's action, saying that there was no need to add any more.

This stone may look extraordinary in other people's eyes, but in Qin Tian's eyes, it can clearly feel the value of this stone. The cutting is at most a little bit of green, which is absolutely not worth the public's bidding.

Before Qin Tian didn't know Gu Yiming would bid. Fortunately, Chen Kaige came out to take over the bid, which quickly stopped Gu Yiming.

"My God, why don't you let me continue to bid, that goods challenge me?" Gu Yiming is a little angry.

Qin Tian indifferent smile: "let him, there are good things I will tell you."

"Well, it's a lot of bragging. Are you a family owner? There's something good to tell him. " Chen Kaige sneered: "if you don't have money, you don't have to face yourself."

"Yes, we'll see." Qin Tian didn't say any more, because Chen Kaige's 50 million yuan will be lost, but Yiming's 35 million yuan can still be considered.

"Oh, I can't do more than I can!"

Time is not long, and another stone has become the focus of the public!

"Good thing, good thing! As expected, it is indeed an auction set up by the jewelry leader. Good news keeps coming! "

"This stone is no less than the one before!"

"Of course, it was brought back from South Asia. Many people died for this stone!"

Hearing this amazing past, people's interest in this stone suddenly increased.

I can see that the original stone is shining with black luster. The mineral crystals on the surface are shining in the light. Even at the top, through the thin shell, it has already shown the Silk Green!

But from the outside, this stone is far more than the one Chen Kaige took!

"Ha ha ha ha, I am sure Chen Kaige will get this stone!" Chen Kaige held his head high and yelled to the auctioneer, "no more bidding. I'll make a direct bid of 60 million yuan."

When I opened my mouth, it was 10 million higher than that stone just now!

There was a lot of noise among the crowd, which inevitably produced a strong respect for Chen's jewelry! Unexpectedly, in a short half an hour, he took out more than 100 million assets to buy raw stones!

Even if you are all business giants, you are not so bold!

Gu Yiming looked anxious and quickly turned his head to look at Qin Tian. Qin Tian shook his head again.

"Brother Tian, it's true. This stone looks green at a glance..." Gu Yiming almost cried. Just now, Qin Tian didn't let himself shoot the stone. This obviously profitable piece of stone didn't let himself shoot it. He almost doubted whether Qin Tian really understood the original stone.

"There is only a small thin green layer on the top of this stone. Instead of being full of green, it is a completely broken rock. You will lose a lot if you buy it!" Qin Tian explained.

"This... This is impossible..." Gu Yiming has some doubts.

"Don't worry, will I cheat you?"

Qin Tian didn't want to explain again, so he put his cruel words on it. After all, Qin Tian can feel the aura of the stone. Obviously, this stone does not have a strong aura.

Gu Yiming listens to Qin Tian's saying so. He weighs it in his heart and gives up the stone!

Compared with a stone, Qin Tian is much more important!

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