Before he came to Myanmar, Qin Tian only thought that the situation here was unstable. In his impression, only India could have such a thing. Who knows that such a thing can happen in such a small place.

The car drove all the way to the hospital and looked at the mottled exterior wall of the hospital. Qin Tian doubted whether it could be cured.

When he got to the place, the big man quickly sent the man to the emergency room, followed by two women crying and murmuring in front of them. Qin Tian didn't know Burmese, so he didn't know what they meant.

The big man retreats and translates to Qin Tian in English.

Qin Tian understood that they were sister-in-law. Their two children were about 15 years old. They were cheated in at the door of the hotel. As a result, they came out like this.

Qin Tian looks at the group of people in front of him, and he has some doubts in his heart.

"There are so many people in the hotel. Can we just watch them two go in?"

"Qin, they are still children. Those people deceived them and said that they were part-time waiters and gave them 100 yuan, but they didn't expect to be like this when they went in."

The big man had red eyes and looked worried about them.

Qin Tian wants to manage it, but we still need to understand the context of the matter.

He winked at the monkey, who immediately responded and turned out.

After a while, the doctor came out and said something to the two women. As a result, they immediately cried out.

"The doctor said that the two children were seriously injured and needed to be hospitalized, but they didn't have money at home. Qin, I want to give them the money I got."

He's not over 200000. Is that enough?

Qin Tian doubted, but it was his money and he had no right to interfere.

Qin Tian nods, he wants to deal with his own money, that is his own business.

The big man took two women to go through the formalities, and the two girls were soon pushed out of the emergency room and into the ward.

Qin Tian asked the rest to eat, leaving only a few guards.

"God, we'd better take care of it today. This is Yangon, not their territory, let alone us."

Zhao Donghui reminds him that Qin Tian also knows this truth, but it's too early to draw a conclusion.

"When the monkeys come back, we will know that if they are local people, we may not be able to intervene, but if we are from other places, we will fight, and they dare not do anything."

The so-called strong dragon does not oppress the local villains. Qin Tian is not afraid of their revenge.

Twenty minutes later, the monkey came back and saw Qin Tian. He met him.

"God, it's all clear. Guess which animal it is?"

"Who is it?"

"It's the scum of Wu Ronghai. It's said that when he was in Songshan, he still made people's lives and was pressed down. This time, the two girls were cajoled by them. They didn't come out after they went in. They were devastated and ravaged by him all morning. They were thrown out when we passed by."

In fact, as expected, their family did not lie, but it was Wu Ronghai who did it, which made Qin Tian a little surprised.

"Is Wu Ronghai lustful?"

"Not only lecherous, but also like small ones. I don't know how many girls he has spoiled."

In a short period of time, the monkey heard so many things, which really surprised Qin Tian. However, when he thought about Wu Ronghai, he thought it was too coincident.

Qin Tian held out two fingers and hooked the monkey. The monkey came to Qin Tian and said, "we'll open the foreign meat for him today and let him know what it's like to come out and mix it up and return it."

"What does Tiange want to do?"

"Isn't he fond of spoiling girls? Let him have a taste of being played by others. Find some strong men who are not interested in women and teach him a good lesson."

Hearing this, a trace of admiration flashed in the monkey's eyes, and he raised his thumb to praise Qin Tian, "Tiange is powerful, and I admire him very much!"

"Don't be so garrulous. Donghui, you should go together and plan carefully and watch them start to go again."

The monkey nodded and ran into Zhao Donghui head-on and waved him out.

Seeing them go out, the big man asked in doubt, "Qin, where are they going? I've asked people to know. It's a good thing done by some Chinese people. I'm going to teach them a lesson."

Qin Tian shook his head, "I have arranged for people to go, do you want to see a good play?"

The big guy doesn't understand what he's talking about, but it's going to be fun.

"Well, I'll go with you."

The rest of the people Qin Tian asked them to spontaneously stay to protect the two girls. He took the big man with him and several others went to dinner first. When the monkey called him, he laughed.

"Let's go to the theatre!"

At this time, Wu Ronghai has been delirious lying on the bed.

The monkey laughs at the thief. The room is equipped with a monitor. Several people sit around in the next room in front of the computer."Look at this guy. I don't know if they like it or not."

Zhao Donghui is a little worried, Qin Tian smiles: "it's a white delivery. Don't do it in vain. Have a look. I'll smoke a cigarette."

Qin Tian stood up and went to the window to light a cigarette. After about five minutes, there was a sound of laughter and a familiar cry in the room.

Qin Tian knows that they are starting.

"God, how powerful this is. If it is sent to the imperial capital, it is estimated that the number of hits will exceed one million per minute!"

Qin Tian sneered, "you also can see down, not afraid of long corns?"

"Well, I'll watch the video for another five minutes, a total of ten minutes, and then we can make another profit."

The monkey's eyes flashed a light, Qin Tian laughed, "if you can use this video to knock to the Wu family, you knock how many I will give you."

"It's a big deal. When we get back to the base, I'll have to play with the Wu family. How much this photo of their eldest son is worth depends on their own meaning."

The two people looked at each other and laughed. The monkey stayed for five more minutes. As soon as he was about to leave, he heard a roar from Wu Ronghai's box.

"So soon is it over?"

Zhao Donghui grinned.

It was exciting to think about the scene. Qin Tian didn't expect Wu Ronghai to shout so loud. They could hear him in the corridor. It's conceivable that the war was fierce.

Wu Ronghai may never forget this night in his life. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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