Qin Tian looked at the objects on the ground gradually turning into human forms, and he had a good idea.

"This is the evil spirit produced by the sacrifice of living people, and it has become a human figure?"

Qin Yue was surprised. Qin Tian's eyes narrowed slightly and stood up looking at the human figure formed by the evil spirit. Although he had become a human being, he had no facial features. He was a black mass, which was really disgusting.

"Xiaoxiao, you don't know what to do. You dare to break into here and die!"

A rough voice came from the evil spirit. Qin Tian was not afraid. He took a look at Qin Yue. The latter nodded and knew what he meant.

Two people join hands, Qin Yue reaches out ghost claw, evil spirit is caught and scattered, just about to gather, Qin Tian's killing blade comes to the front.

After a hard wave, the evil spirit that has not yet gathered into shape sends out a scream. Then Qin Tian takes advantage of the victory to pursue, and cuts the evil spirit with the blade of killing life, and soon knocks him back.

Black gas flashed, Qin Tian chased after him, and jumped into the jade pit with the black gas.

Seeing the black gas hiding in, Qin Tian raised his right hand and smashed his luck to the pit. The cracked jade was smashed and exploded, and the black gas hovered around and was forced to the corner by the killing blade.

"If you kill me, they can't go back!"

The black gas converged into human form again. Qin Tian didn't seem to want to let him go, so he threatened fiercely.

Qin Suo does not move.

"Kill you, what do they have to do with me? I'm only responsible for making you disappear, and then I can continue mining. "

Qin Tian's voice with a trace of ruthless, evil spirit cold hum, "this jade mine is my support, I have no mine!"

"Are you my three-year-old? It's ok if I cut you like that just now. The jade mine is just a place for you to recuperate. You are a gradually formed evil spirit, and when you have some spiritual sense, you start to yell at me! "

Qin Tian did not wait for him to continue to open his mouth, raised his hand and shot a black air around him. The blade flashed a green light, and then the evil spirit screamed and dissipated.

Qin Yue looked at the jade pit on one side and reminded him: "Qin Tian, they all came out."

As soon as the words fell, dozens of black gas rose from the bottom of the jade mine. Qin Yue stretched out his ghost claw and was about to fly over, and was stopped by Qin Tian.

"Auntie, they are not bad people."

The black air gradually showed its original shape, and the leader worshipped Qin Tian.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Qin."

"That's why you haven't been out for so many years?"

Qin Tian doesn't understand. This is not a fierce evil spirit. How can it suppress them for so many years?

The old man sighed: "evil spirit is on the one hand, and there is our bones below, so we can not go out."

Qin Tian understood.

"Don't be impatient. I'll let people continue mining. Now please come into this jade pendant."

If they want to mine, they can't be here, so that the workers will not be affected. The magnetic field here has changed, and these souls can no longer stay.

Qin Yue understood Qin Tian's meaning and saw them hesitating. He first turned into black skin and drilled in.

The dozens of black gas came into the jade pendant one after another. After a while, Qin Tian collected them into the jade pendant.

It was two hours after he came out of the ore cave. Qin Tian first found Xiao Li.

"Mr. Qin, Mr. Lin said that she had been on the plane and would be here soon."

"I know."

Qin Tian nodded, "here can continue to work, remember, there may be a lot of bones below, dig out when not surprised, all convergence."

Xiao Li was surprised to hear him say so, "corpse?"

"Yes, bones. You've heard about the sacrifice of the living, so this time the bones are all under. Be careful when you dig them out."

Xiao Li understood that there was a living sacrifice in the information he heard, but he didn't expect that the bones had been buried here for so many years. Although Xiao Li was surprised, the mine still had to continue mining, so he turned around and told the workers.

When they came to hear Qin Tian say this, they suddenly felt a little creepy.

"God, is there really a corpse in it?"

Qin Tian nodded, and Chang Shu said, "it is estimated that there are nearly 100 corpses left by the living sacrifice. Monkey, you can ask and contact the media. We are not organizations for human life. If Wu Ronghai knew about this, he would publicize it in a big way. At that time, I don't know how to buckle the excrement on our heads."

"I know. I must arrange everything before Wu Ronghai arrives!"

Monkey's efficiency Qin Tian or trustworthy, plus Chen Chen they are here, find a reporter is not a problem.

So when Wu Ronghai's motorcade arrived here, the reporter from monkey had already started to report on it.

"Damn it, young master, the road ahead is blocked, all mercenaries!"

Wu Ronghai also saw that there was a simple checkpoint 50 meters ahead. Five or six strong men in camouflage clothes were standing on the roof of the cross-country vehicle with submachine guns in their hands. When they saw their cars coming, the submachine guns were immediately aimed at them.Wu Ronghai's face was very ugly. He had not recovered from his old wound. After the bumps along the way, he was pale with pain. Now he was stopped at the door. He scolded: "Damn it. I knew that I should have killed that stinky girl in Songshan city."

"Young master, I'll go down and have a look."

Wu Ronghai would have been sorry if she had stopped the car.

Wu Ronghai saw the mercenaries holding the walkie talkie and motioned them to go in. Wu Ronghai felt oppressed. He was the eldest son of the Wu family in the imperial capital. He was in front of and surrounded by others wherever he went. He had to get permission to enter this place.

However, he was not afraid. On the way, the Wu family sent many bodyguards. At present, there are almost 40 of them. Although they can't compare with those of Qin Tian, their weapons and equipment are not weak, and they may not lose if they fight.

What's more, there are still workers here in qintian. They hurt innocent people when they fight. So Wu Ronghai, fearless, drives people into the building with great boldness. However, the pain in the wound is so severe that even if it is cushioned, it can't withstand the attack of pain.

"Tiange, here comes Wu Ronghai."

Qin Tian stood at the entrance of the cave and watched the bones cleaned out. His face was gloomy. He had seen the original state of their ghosts, but he was still shocked when he saw the bones.

What kind of sacrifice is so cruel to the living people that they are pushed into a millstone and crushed to death. Now the bones are incomplete.

Qin Tian heard Wu Ronghai coming, patted Zhou Qianming on the shoulder and told him: "guard here."

He turned and walked toward Wu Ronghai. It was time to end the feud.

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