People gathered around and looked at it with great interest. Of course, what they wanted to see was not the rotten stone of Qin Tian, but the two excellent raw stones bought by Chen Kaige with a huge sum of money.

Xie Shi's master came over, put on gloves and glasses professionally, and asked Chen Kaige respectfully, "Chen Shao, which piece should I cut first? Chen Kaige pointed to the 50 million yuan stone and said, "cut it from the middle! If it's green, you'll get a lot of rewards! "

Master Jieshi was rewarded. He immediately fixed the stone and cut it from the middle!

For a moment, everyone dare not breathe for fear of missing some wonderful scenes.

Just listen to a buzz, the saw blade of the cutting machine collided with the original stone, and a piece of gray dust flew out from the contact.

"Gray white?" There was something wrong with the faces of the people present.

Half meter wide saw blade more and more in-depth, the sound has become harsh up, just listen to a crack, the boulder split in two!

"This... How could this be possible?"

Chen Kaige stood in front of the stone which was divided into two, his face pale! Fifty million yuan bought the original stone, actually cut out two gray sections!

". no?!"

The onlookers could not help but exclaim, some calling out pity, some gloating. In the world of Yuanshi, there is no lack of losing money and getting rich overnight. If you see more, you don't believe in any vision.

"Keep cutting!" Chen Kaige looks gloomy.

Two stone relief master look at each other, can't, continue to use the cutting machine in two pieces of gray white section again knife.

Time is not long, the original stone and divided into four, let the public again difficult to accept is, is actually a piece of gray!

"Oh, what a pity for such a good stone."

"It's completely empty."

"It's really a big loss..."

Chen Kaige's face became more and more gloomy.

One side of Gu Yiming forehead sweating, can't help a burst of fear: "brother, you already know this result?"

Qin Tian laughed but did not speak.

Li Cheng and Li Xinran father and daughter also surprised to see Qin Tian, did not expect to really let him to be covered.

"Girl, I'm your father. You can't hide anything from me." Li Cheng pulls Li Xinran aside and looks at her seriously.

"Dad, what are you talking about?" Li Xinran looks confused.

"The last time I went to gambling stone, Qin Tian gambled on a piece of green. Do you tell me that he was covered at that time, or could he tell by his ability?"

Last time Li Cheng took Wang Qin to gamble on a stone. Qin Tian spent 800 yuan to bet on a green stone. He also made a set of jewelry for Xinran.

"I don't know. Don't you say he's your own son? Ask yourself." With that, Li Xinran's head twisted, and then he went back to Qin Tian.

"The water thrown out by the married girl, I'm just raising you for nothing!" After Li Cheng scolds, he also comes to Qin Tian's side.

At the moment, Xie Shi's master has fixed Chen Kaige's 90 million yuan purchase of the original stone, and Chen Kaige can start with a word.

"In the middle, cut!" Chen Kaige is already red eyed. He has been with 50 million yuan just now. If he doesn't earn this piece of money, he will have to be scolded to death when he comes home, especially his little mother, who wishes to have bad luck!

When the master of Jieshi knew the price of the stone, he didn't dare to do anything about it. He cut a small hole and stuck the saw blade firmly. Only then did he start the machine.


with the deepening of the saw blade, after a piece of gray, there is actually a silk of green powder!

"My God, this is OK!" There are people with sharp eyes, pointing to the stone and shouting!

When Chen Kaige saw the green, he gave a sigh of relief. It was nearly 100 million yuan!

However, people's surprise did not last for half a minute. A piece of gray white powder flew out of the direct cutting machine again, until the original stone was broken in two, and no one saw even half a cent green again!

"Go on!" Chen Kaige's face is white, and he is unwilling to let master Jieshi continue to cut.

From two to four, from four to eight, from eight to sixteen, in a twinkling of an eye, a huge stone has turned into a scattered stone. Except for a thin green layer at the top, there is no trace of green!

It's a common thing for soldiers to fail in gambling. Chen Kaige has experienced several setbacks of failure, but he has never been defeated in such a big way as today!

The two original stones with such good appearance are so thoroughly collapsed!

Gu Yiming has been sweating all over at the moment. Does Qin Tian have a big problem in the end!?

"Oh, Hello, husband, it's very good to move these stones home to pickle vegetables. Can you let us move the stones bought by Chen Dadao and Shao xiao100 million?"

Li Xinran was very happy to see Chen Kaige break down the stone. He jumped to the front and pointed to the gravel and asked Qin Tian. He actually wanted to use 100 million stones to go home to pickle pickles!Face, red. Naked face!

When they saw Li Xinran's performance, they murmured.

"Sure enough, people can't be too wild. That's the will of God."

"Who could have thought that two stones of such good appearance would collapse."

"Just now that young man has already said that these two stones will collapse. Are they masters?"

At this time, we think of Qin Tian and are looking for Qin Tian's figure.

Qin Tian stands beside and looks at Li Xinran calmly. There is a dog food plot of "she is making trouble, I am laughing".

"Chen Dashao, it's just over one hundred million yuan. Don't you look so ugly?" Qin Tian smiles and pinches Chen Kaige.

Chen Kaige's face is gloomy. He has already lost his money. He can't lose his face!

"The Chen family doesn't care about this money!" Chen Kaige's hand in his sleeve is shaking. More than one billion yuan is not a small sum.

"Young man, it's time to see you when Chen Shao's stone is finished?"

Nearby, people see Chen Kaige's stone is stressed by Qin Tianyan. Although there is no respect in the tone, it has already lost the previous banter. In the eyes of Qin Tian, they also take a trace of caution.

"How do you cut the stone, sir?" Master Xie Shi asked Qin Tian.

"Cut off three centimeters at both ends, and rub three millimeters in the middle. It's green."

"What?" Master Xie Shi's eyes widened.

What the hell are you talking about? Are you a cutting master or am I?

"Even cut how much are said to be in place, brother, you really think you can see through it?"

"I almost believe these figures

Gu Yiming frowned. He believed that Qin Tian was not a big talker. He directly and unconditionally supported him: "just do as brother Tian says!"

I'm kidding. If it wasn't for Qin Tian, I would have lost my money to grandma's house!

Even if Qin Tian says that there is a bubble dog on the opposite side. He believes that emperor green can be cut out from the excrement!

Master Jieshi had no choice but to take the cutting machine and ruler and do as Qin Tian said.

It's not that the master looks down on anyone, but the stone is too small. It takes so much effort to make people helpless.


a burst of cutting sound came, the white fog was flying, and soon a burst of green smoke and dust flew up!

"My God, it's up, up! It's green

In the crowd, someone yelled! All people's eyes are focused on the stone Qin Tian!

"It's green!"

"Lie trough, really let him say right?"

"Not ordinary people..."

This is a title given to Qin Tian by all present!

In fact, Qin Tian was a bit confused. He knew that the stone was full of green, but he didn't expect to be so lucky. It was made of imperial glass. The value of this small stone is really extraordinary. It is unnecessary for Chen Kaige to buy a few pieces of low value.

With more and more green rubbed out, the crowd also boiling up, the whole venue people, all began to gather here!

The huge stone removed the skin, revealing the Crystal Silver and antimony green inside. The auction house staff informed the organizer, and the expert team rushed to come at the first time!

After a basin of water, experts with magnifying glass and flashlight lie prone on the jade for identification. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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