Ding Hanxue leads the team in and goes directly to Qin Tian.

"How do I think you're really our informant?"

Qin Tian laughed, "then you have to remember my benefit fee. How many times have you been helped before and after this? I don't see any benefit at all. I have to help you watch them at three in the morning. "

Qin Tian said that he felt aggrieved, his daughter-in-law for several days did not see.

Ding Hanxue patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "OK, you go back to the police station with me, and I'll treat you to breakfast."

"Well, I have so many brothers waiting. I'll go first. By the way, you call me when it's time for the trial."

He just wanted to see how miserable the old master was, so as to give himself a wake-up call, and let Fang Zhen and his colleagues have a look. This is the most direct shock education.

Originally, if they were smarter and surrender directly to Qin Tian, Qin Tian could still keep them, but it would be a bit ungrateful to divide the money and leave in private.

When Qin Tian left, she left Qixia to look at them, but she saw that they paid money. Qin Tian couldn't bear it. Naturally, she wanted to inform Ding Hanxue.

Lying in his own spacious bed, Qin Tian gradually fell asleep. These days, he was so busy that he could finally have a good sleep.

This sleep directly to the noon, his ear heard bursts of familiar laughter.

This sound, like the old father-in-law and mother-in-law ah!

Qin Tian gets up and opens the door. Sure enough, he sees Li Cheng and Wang Qin sitting in their living room.

"Little day, you got up, did we wake you up?"

Wang Qin clapped her hands and took a look at Li Cheng. Just now he laughed so loud.

"What's the matter? I wake up. My parents have dinner here today."

"Husband, I'm booking a box in the hotel. You wake up just now. Shall we go there?"

"What's the good news? Are you going to a restaurant to celebrate? "

Qin Tian joked, turned to the room to change clothes.

When he comes out, he'll be the man in high spirits again.

"It's not a happy event. It's because you've been busy for a long time and want to have a meal with you. Xinyu and they are all here!"

Li Cheng explained that Li Xinran nodded at one side. Qin Tian was relieved and followed them out.

But he always felt something was going to happen.

Huiyan building, Li xinranding's hotel is not bad. The specialty here is roast duck. When they arrived, there were already many people in the hotel.

Li Xinran asked her parents to go to the box first, and they ordered food downstairs.

Li Xinran takes Qin Tian's hand and orders dishes in the hall. Not far away, a glance hits them.

Qin Tian realizes this vision, looks back at the past, but does not find any suspicious.

Did he feel wrong?

Qin Tian shakes his head and looks at the window in front of him. There is roast duck in the window, and the production process can be seen through the glass.

Qin Tian is not interested in roast duck, but the shadow of glass.

He just looked around and didn't see anyone, but now he sees a woman staring at him on the glass.

However, it seems that it's not right. The woman is wearing strange clothes.

In fact, it's not surprising that she is wearing cheongsam, but it's not an ordinary cheongsam. It's a more traditional style. Her hair style is also the hair style of women in the 1930s in the TV series.

But it doesn't seem to be very against the rules. There are some holes in the crowd now.

"Qin Tian, two roast ducks for the room."

Li Xinran's voice reminds him. Qin Tian turns around, but there is no figure in the hall. But when he turns his head, he can see it again on the glass.

Qin Tian reacts to come over instantly, she is a wisp of remnant soul.

He didn't see it. He hugged Li Xinran to order, and she didn't show up again.

After ordering, he went upstairs. Qin Tiangang saw it and heard Zhang Yuhang's voice.

"We recently dug out a coffin in the newly developed construction site, and we don't know who buried it. The workers are afraid to start work."

Seeing Qin Tian, he quickly called Qin Tian: "Qin Tian, come and sit down and wait for you."

"My sister and brother-in-law are all off today?"

Li Xinyu nodded, "yes, they stopped work these days, so I have a rest. Did you hear that? It's in the new piece of land our company bought. "

Qin Tiangang just came in when he heard what he said, but this period of time did not care to watch the news, so naturally did not hear.

"I don't know, but I heard what you said just now. What about the coffin? Where did it go? "

"It's not in the police station yet. It's sent for inspection."

This episode did not make Qin Tian think much about it. The family sat together to eat and drink, and it was already one o'clock after eating.

It is said that the Yin Qi at 12 o'clock is the heaviest. In fact, the Yin Qi is not weak now, but they don't feel it. However, Qin Tian was aware that the woman appeared again.

He took Li Xinran and couldn't force her to show up, so he asked Li Xinran to go back with his parents in law. He went to the back door of the hotel himself.There is no one passing by, and there is a willow tree, which is the old place for ghosts.

"Come out and follow me. What can I do for you?"

Qin Tian opened his mouth, the woman appeared, and slowly walked to him, with tears in his eyes, leisurely way: "you can see me, can you help me find him?"

To promise means to do it, or she will keep pestering you.

"To whom?"

Qin Tian didn't immediately agree, just asked her, the woman looked at him, suddenly changed her voice, sharp and high,

"I want to find him, agreed to die for love together, why did he cheat me and bury me there alone!"

Qin Tian doesn't want to listen to her nonsense, and who can say it clearly?

"I don't have time to listen to you whine about it."

Qin Tian finished saying and left, the female ghost rushed to pull him, "don't, I told you, you must help me."

"Forget it, I'm not free."

Qin Tian made a move to leave. The ghost knelt down and said, "no, only you can see me. You must help me!"

"Well, tell me, who are you looking for?"

The ghost then let him go and talked.

"It should have been sixty years since I died. Sixty years ago, I was a dancer in the big ballroom in the city. Although I was a dancer, I also wanted to live. It was there that I met him. I..."

"Don't say that. Is it because his family is against it, so you decided to die for love, but he cheated you, only you died after drinking poison?"

"Yes, if you want to help me, I'll find him and ask him clearly, or I won't wait until now."

Qin Tian didn't want to be in charge of it, but at this time, if he didn't care, the female ghost might be angry and harmful.

"Xiaoshuang, take her in."

Qin Tian asked Li Xiaoshuang to take her into the jade pendant, and then rushed back.

Looking for someone? This is a big place. If it is local, where can we find it after 60 years?

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