Qin Tian saw almost, took the certificate to leave, the D bureau sent him to the door, and then went back.

Qin Tian's heart has always been thinking about what Ding Ju said just now. The emperor's capital is so concerned about himself. Is it hard that they still want to protect Wanheshan? The matter has become a foregone conclusion. Even if the people in the imperial capital have the ability, they can't change the fact.

Not to say whether the night's action has harvest, only this line of Chen Jun, Wan Heshan can't escape.

Therefore, Ding Ju reminds himself of the dynamic situation in the imperial capital. Qin Tian thinks it's no big deal because he still has so many brothers to support him.

But they are not the same in the fourth Bureau. When they enter the police station, they are policemen, but when they go out of the door, they are just ordinary people.

Was Ding Hanxue an example last time? If it wasn't for Jiao Cheng's people, Ding Hanxue would be a different person now.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian hesitated. According to his understanding of those people, he was afraid that they would not disclose their plans easily. Wan Heshan said it without hesitation when he saw him, which was not in line with his style. And it seems that he is waiting to tell him, which makes Qin Tian think more and more wrong.

Hesitated for a while, he still got through to the monkey and their phone, if anything, their combat effectiveness should be stronger.

"God, you're looking for me!"

The monkey's voice sounds very stable. Qin Tian said, "tell Ping'an that you can bring people and equipment and assemble on the highway near the wharf."

Monkey a should under, did not ask what matter, as long as Qin Tian mouth, they will not hesitate to agree.

Qin Tian specially told them to put on the equipment. He was also afraid that they would be injured. He should be prepared to avoid regret when he got there.

His premonition proved to be accurate.

At this time, they came to the wharf, and the vehicles stopped along the road. Fortunately, there were no people coming here at ordinary times. All of them were large trucks. Now there are only a few parked here waiting for delivery.

When they saw Qin Tian, they all rushed over.

"God, what's the matter? Our brothers are here. "

Qin Tian looked at the car. Almost everyone was here. Then he said, "I'll drive the car to the back parking lot and put it away. We'll find a suitable place to ambush. I always think there's something wrong here. Maybe something big will happen in the evening."

Qin Tian's brows are locked, which makes people nervous. However, Qin Tian is there, and they adjust quickly.

According to Qin Tian's order, the monkey and the people stopped the cars to an abandoned factory on the back of the wharf, which has now become a garbage transfer station. Two packs of cigarettes were given to the doorman, and more than a dozen cars were parked properly.

Qin Tian himself followed Yang Bing to find a commanding point. From here, he could just see the vehicles in and out of the wharf.

"God, what's the matter?"

Yang Bing asked him, with Qin Tian for so long, he has never seen Qin Tian so serious.

At this time, monkey and Zhou Qianming and others also came up, and the others found a place to ambush.

Qin Tian looked at them and asked them to sit together.

"Today, I went to the police station to meet Wan Heshan. He told me that there was goods coming from the wharf at 10:00 p.m. and he wanted to win me over. But I thought it was a trap. So we ambushed first. If the police came later, we would not move. In case of an accident, we would go out again. Understand?"

"I see, brother. You mean we can help if we have something to do. We can retreat safely, right?"

Monkey summed it up very well, that's what it means.

Qin Tian gives his thumbs up, and others step back and ambush with his teammates. Only Yang Bing and Guo Ping'an seize the commanding heights and accompany Qin Tian.

It was already eight o'clock in the evening. Qin Tian simply lay on the ground, chatting with them.

After about half an hour, something finally came up.

"My God, here we are

Hearing Yang Bing's voice, Qin Tian got up and took a look at the direction of the wharf through Yang Bing's telescope. After seeing clearly, he scolded.

"Damn it!"

Wan Heshan said it was 10:00 p.m., but now it is only 8:30 p.m., and a large number of people, not the so-called goods, came out of it. It seems that they were prepared.

"Tiange, it seems that they are all from Wanheshan, and they really have goods!"

After the man came out, the last four men pushed out two big wooden boxes.

Qin Tian looked at it, and his mind kept running. They also knew that there was a situation here. According to reason, it should have come to set up control. Why didn't he come?

What the hell is that down here?

No matter what, since the ship is right, no matter how many, first grab it!

"Monkey, Qian Ming, surround them separately, pay attention to whether they have weapons!"

Qin Tian gives orders through earphones, while Yang Bing and Guo Ping'an stay where they are. Although the sniper gun was returned to Ding Hanxue after the last war, Fang Zhen's shotgun is barely enough. At least it is still useful.Hearing the sound, the monkeys and they went around from all directions and surrounded them.

The people on the boat wanted to leave in a hurry. Qin Tian ran to the boat to make sure that all the people on the boat had left and destroyed the engine. Then he came out. At this time, monkey and Zhou Qianming had already rushed out and scared the gang to pick up the guy. However, they were all iron bars. Qin Tian was relieved.

If we compare the combat effectiveness, they can't compete with monkeys.

Qin Tian rushed to the two boxes. While others were busy fighting, several people escorting the boxes did not move. It seems that the contents of the boxes are very important, otherwise they can't stay together.

"Hey, man, is there a fire?"

All of a sudden, a careless voice came from behind them. Several people quickly turned around and didn't find out how Qin Tian got to them.

Several faces are full of shock, see Qin Tian suddenly out of line, suddenly nervous, one of the hands secretly into the coat inside.

Qin Tian or a smile, see this scene can not help tut out of voice: "don't play tricks with me, or you will die very miserably."

He snapped his fingers. Yang Bing saw the position here, and the shotgun was aimed at the man. Suddenly, a shot hit him at the bottom of his foot. He jumped up and almost dropped the gun in his hand.

"Come, tell me, whose men are you all and what are your fortunes?"

Qin Tian slowed down his voice and tried not to frighten them.

"Are you a policeman?"

Qin Tian heard and laughed, "which police officer is like me? Please tell me who you are. I'm going back to have a snack

They were relieved to know that he was not a policeman.

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