When Qin Tian arrived, six people, including Wan Heshan, had been beaten with blood on their heads and their faces were blue and swollen.

Seeing him coming, Wan Heshan's eyes are full of resentment.

"Brother Qin Tian, this bastard just doesn't say where they've gone with 50 million yuan!"

When they found Wan Heshan, they were trading. When they saw them, they quickly ran away. Jiaocheng's people had not caught up with them. They had been fighting for a long time. Wan Heshan and those men just didn't talk.

Qin Tian looks at Wan Heshan with a gloomy face. The once invincible general ladle handle has now become a prisoner.

In fact, Qin naivete admires him, unexpectedly can think of rushing into the police station to rob, and almost killed the police chief.

That's enough for them to boast about for a lifetime.

"Master, don't be hurt! You've made such a beautiful move, which not only made the police suffer a great loss, but also made me completely offend Zhangjia. Qin admired it! "

Qin Tian also admired him very much. Wan Heshan said coldly: "I admire you if you want to admire him. I admire you when you are young. However, don't be complacent. There are people outside and heaven outside. Naturally, someone will take care of you."

"Clean me up? Ha ha, who else can you look for besides Zhang Jia? Oh, by the way, buy someone to clean me up and have a look. Am I right? "

Wan Heshan's face suddenly changed, but he was thinking that Qin Tian must be deceiving himself. Where would he be so clever? Could he guess that he had found a killer?

Seeing the look in Wan Heshan's eyes, Qin Tian knows that he can't believe it. In fact, he also guessed that 50 million is not a small amount, but it is not a big deal for Wanheshan.

The reason why the little brothers in Qin palace care about the money is because of their actions before. According to the Convention, the money will be given to them when they get back, so they will ask questions.

If Wan Heshan had been in the past, he would not have paid attention to this, but now it is not the same. He is in a dead end. Compared with his life, money is not the most important thing. Now he cares so much and is beaten up like this. The only explanation is that the money is spent, and it is spent in a very important place, so Wan Heshan will stick to it.

In the face of Qin Tian's conjecture, Wan Heshan killed him without saying anything. Qin Tian didn't want to talk to him much. He just asked them to tie up other subordinates of Wanheshan and throw them to the door of the police station.

"God, what about him?"

Qin Tian glanced at Wan Heshan, took out the silver needle cloth bag from his pocket, sat cross legged, and said in a deep voice: "you all go out and guard, no matter what you hear, don't come in."

"I see, brother."

His brothers all quit one after another, only Qin Tian left. He opened the cloth bag and took out a silver needle.

Wan Heshan didn't understand what he wanted to do.

"You know what? I learned this to save people. I never wanted to kill people with this one day, except today. "

Qin Tian's words let Wanheshan disdain, "you don't make a mystery, Laozi is scared big! Qin Tian, if you waste my kung fu, someone will teach you! "

"Someone? I'm afraid he's as short-lived as you are. He's wasting all that money. "

Qin Tian took the silver needle and pricked it into the acupoints on his leg.

Wan Heshan did not have any reaction. Seeing the silver needle on his leg, he couldn't help laughing, "Qin Tian, who are you fooling?"

Qin Tian didn't make a sound. He still took out the silver needle and pricked it into all the acupoints on his body. At the beginning, Wan Heshan had no reaction, but with the increase of silver needle, he began to feel tingling.

"Qin Tian, what have you done to me?"

Wan Heshan was afraid, and his voice was shaking. I didn't know whether it was because of pain or because of fear.

Qin Tian doesn't look at him. He just takes out more silver needles from the compartment of the cloth bag and opens the clothes of Wanheshan. He is completely flustered and quickly wriggles back. However, the more he wriggles, the stronger the pain is.

"Don't move. If you move, you'll be in danger."

Qin Tian held him down, and Wanheshan began to cry, and the tingling on his body became stronger and stronger.

People outside looked back when they heard the sound. They only saw Qin Tian sitting there and had nothing to do. Wan Heshan called out, and it seemed that he was really afraid.

"God, you really have the ability. When did this boy become so intolerant? We've been fighting for so long and we've heard him scream. Now it's the same as the pig killer. "

"That's different. I heard that he practiced, and we haven't seen the match that night. It's said that it was very fierce. The general ladle handle was not ordinary, and finally he was defeated by Tiange. So Tiange has a way, and he will ask for mercy soon."

As soon as the voice dropped, there was a cry.

Wan Heshan was so sore that his nose and tears flowed. He was covered with silver needles and did not dare to roll on the ground, so he could only cry and plead.

"Kill me! I can't stand it

Qin Tian just sneered, "if you hold up for half an hour, I'll give you a needle.""I'll tell you what you want to know, and pull out the needle now!"

Qin Tian shakes his head. It's too cheap for him. What's more, he has nothing to ask. He just wants to make him suffer. As soon as he thinks that the fourth bureau is still lying in the intensive care unit, Qin Tian thinks that this guy must be punished, otherwise it will be too cheap for him.

He was too clear about the process of the police station. Even if he went in, he was not allowed to beat the prisoner. He was so angry that he could only watch. Therefore, before sending him in, Qin Tian must clean him up to relieve his anger.

Wan Heshan saw his disdainful eyes and knew that it was useless to entreat him again, so he simply took the needle on his body and ran into Qin Tian!

He can't get away with death!

Qin Tian gave a cold hum and quickly let him see. As a result, Wan Heshan hit the wall straight, and his needle went deep into his flesh. After a scream, he lay on the ground, closed his eyes, and felt the pain of breathing.

Wan Heshan fell to the ground and gasped. For the first time, he felt that breathing was a luxury.

"Don't waste your effort. I said that half an hour naturally has my reason. Since you don't want to, pull out the needle!"

Qin Tian suddenly proposed to pull out the needle, and WAN Heshan's heart was relaxed. It seems that his move is still useful.

But he didn't expect that the pain after pulling out the needle was so strong that it was even better not to pull it out. "Qin Tian, I beg you. You can have a good time. I can't stand it! Don't pull it out! "

"That's not good. You're looking for a killer to kill me. If I don't get justice from you, how can I get along with you? The head of the head is also an old man in the lake. Naturally, he knows the rules and reciprocity! What's more, I can't bear to see what you're doing to the d-game. "

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