"Brother in law, you are cattle. Force!" Lin Xiaoyao seems to have no idea what these black suits mean, rushes to Qin Tian and jumps up and pattes them on his shoulder.

Qin Tian is still immersed in the state just now. Unexpectedly, he really did it.

Just now, when these black suits rushed to themselves, Qin Tian worked hard to run green energy, only felt that the speed of these black suits became slow in a moment, but his body became lighter and faster, even the strength that never exercised had become stronger than ever before.

One punch, one foot one, ten black suits were left on the ground by themselves!

Is that... My fate?

Qin Tian looks at his hands like a passing day. How can he be able to inherit such power!

"Brother in law, let's go quickly. You can't go until someone who will be in more trouble comes!" Lin Xiaoyao urged Qin Tian to get into the car as soon as he was in the waist.

Qin Tian, who was immersed in his thoughts, immediately opened his mouth to hear more troublesome people. "What identity are you..." br >

after a violent roar, Huiteng disappeared into the eyes of all.

Along the way, Lin Xiaoyao told Qin Tian why he came to Songshan.

Originally, Lin Xiaoyao escaped because of the arrangement of family affairs. All these black clothes were the guards of her family. They came to take her back to marriage.

Qin Tian smashed his mouth, but he also saw it. But he didn't expect Lin Xiaoyao's family to be quite outstanding.

"Brother in law, you are so powerful, my sister knows?" Lin Xiaoyao looked at Qin Tian with great admiration. Just now, those hands were so handsome.

I don't know I just laughed at Qin Tian, and I forgot Qin Tian as a two pole event to the sky.

"Why don't I fight so much, even worse, your sister knows." Or she can't get out of bed until now?

"Eh, brother-in-law, you are the tune. Is the play aunt? You are really indecent. Trivial... "Lin Xiaoyao disgusted to skim his mouth, and suddenly thought of that aspect.

"You don't misunderstand, I said is medical skill..." Qin Tian face is not red and breathless.

The car soon arrived at Li Cheng's home, and Li Xinran had been waiting there.

"Good uncle and aunt, I want to die of you!" As soon as Lin Xiaoyao entered the door, he gave Wang Qin a big hug, holding Wang Qin and laughing.

"Come in, come in, aunt made you your favorite squirrel mandarin fish!" Wang Qin dotes around Lin Xiaoyao, and is more intimate than her own daughter.

At dinner, Qin Tian listened to them talking silently.

Originally, Lin Xiaoyao's father and Li Cheng were old friends for many years. They also developed in Songshan in the early years. The frequent exchanges between the two countries made Li Xinran and Lin Xiaoyao have the chance to become a girl friend.

"How long will you like to play this time in Songshan?" Wang Qin asked Lin Xiaoyao as he sandwiched vegetables.

"Mom, it's right for Xiao Yao to ask her when to leave when she comes!" Li Xinran scolded his mother and turned to Lin Xiaoyao. "I wish you as long as I want to live here. I have to drink and play with your brother-in-law. I need to talk to him directly."

Lin Xiaoyao listened to it, and suddenly opened his eyes. "Can I really mention it with my brother-in-law?"

Li family situation Lin Xiaoyao but know, Qin Tian is only a son-in-law, low status, and no money, need to mention to him? Is it useful?

"Rest assured, your brother-in-law will definitely satisfy you!" Li Xinran blinked at Lin Xiaoxiao.

"Eh, ran sister, you are also indecent. Trivial..." Lin Xiaoyao finished, and looked at Qin Tian, "I will go to live with ran sister in the evening, brother-in-law, you are hard-working, give her to me for one night."

Qin Tianzheng was buried in his head for dinner. When he heard this, the sweat in his forehead came down. He quickly compared with an OK gesture. He thought about how to get along with the strange aunt of ancient spirit in the future.

At more than eight in the evening, Lin Xiaoyao and Li Xinran sat in bed.

"Xinran sister, I just arrived at Songshan today. Can I take me out for a while

"How are you Li Xinran white her eyes, and what moth to come out.

"Go to the bar, I haven't been to the bar for a long time. I went with my parents and my classmates last time. I have to have fun talking about anything this time."

"What about that!"

"What can't do, anyway, there are brothers and sisters in it. I am afraid of wood!"

Qin Tian is a man who can pour over a dozen professional bodyguards. The safety factor is not too high!

Qin Tian?

Li Xinran was stunned for a while, and did not know Lin Xiaoyao's confidence in where Qin Tian came.

Finally Li Xinran compromised under the fierce attack of linxiaoyao and said, "we can't play too late. We didn't go to work today, and I must have accumulated a lot of work. I will deal with it tomorrow..." br >

"well, I can't rest assured. Besides, I just go to hi and I can't have bodyguards easily. How can we afford ourselves if we don't relax!"Lin Xiaoyao jumped out of bed and rushed to Qin Tian's room.

"Brother in law, let's go to the bar later..."

as soon as the door opened, Lin Xiaoyao was directly in a daze!

At the moment, Qin Tian is holding a silver needle and pricking it on xiaoqintian. For a moment, the air is suddenly quiet...

"brother in law, is it really cool to play like this Lin Xiaoyao can't believe looking at Qin Tian, eyes for a moment staring at Qin Tian's hand needle, and crotch. Under the... That thing.

Well, no small!

Qin Tian's big face turned red in an instant and pulled up the quilt to cover his body.

"I said," can you knock twice before you enter the door next time? " Qin Tian bit his teeth and tried to calm himself down.

How can I be a man!

"Knock on the door? Oh. " With that, Lin Xiaoyao knocked twice on the door without sincerity and said, "brother in law, sister Xinran and I want to go to the bar. Do you know which bar is better?"

"Wine... Bar?" Qin Tian is stupefied for a moment, why go to the bar in the middle of the night?

However, Qin Tian didn't want to ask him that he was still in a vacuum. He quickly agreed with Lin Xiaoyao, "it's OK to go to the bar, but I'm worried about one thing. You and Xinran don't make yourself too beautiful, or there must be trouble..."

however, if you take a beautiful girl with you, you will have trouble. Qin Tian is used to it.

Lin Xiaoyao laughs. She knows that Qin Tian is praising her beauty. She still likes to be praised by others, even if the man is his best friend.

"Brother in law, you can really talk, but I believe that even if I wear a bit of waves, brother-in-law, you will protect me, right?"

Qin Tian sighed, this girl ghost spirit is very strange, saw me too many secrets, had known should avoid her, "that must protect, who let you be my sister-in-law."

"Yes, brother-in-law, you are the best!" With that, Lin Xiaoyao turned around with a red face.

When Qin Tian is relieved and ready to open the quilt and put on his pants, Lin Xiaoyao turns back again.

"By the way, brother-in-law, if you really can't hold back, you can find elder sister Xinran to solve it. If it's a big deal, I'll make the bed free for you. Don't torture yourself with needles." With that, Lin Xiaoyao slammed the door.

"Hold the grass!" Qin Tian has the heart of death.

Li Xinran and Lin Xiaoyao chose the most suitable clothes for the night show in their room. Half an hour later, Qin Tian finally waited downstairs for their two best friends who had finished dressing. Lin Xiaoyao was wearing a suspender with a leaky navel and a pair of short pants. At the foot of the room, a pair of black and purple smoked makeup was on his face. How could he look like a little sister in the evening And it's the type that gives you a pill and you get a night's sleep.

But Li Xinran is different, a simple beige dress, with a pair of young people like the youth flat shoes, face a layer of light make-up, looks very small jasper.

As soon as Qin Tianyi saw Lin Xiaoyao's appearance, he covered his forehead for a moment, because he knew that this evening was doomed not to be peaceful.

Soon, the three got into the car and headed for the bar.

The candy bar is a hot bar nearby. Although there are all kinds of people, it is very quiet. It can be seen that the managers here are really very affordable.

Li Xinran is still the first time to the bar, his face is obviously a bit uncomfortable.

As soon as Lin Xiaoyao entered the bar, he showed his own nature. Regardless of Li Xinran and Qin Tian, he entered the dance floor alone. With the music, he twisted his body crazily. From time to time, he also made several excited screams. Soon, he attracted a lot of attention.

When these eyes saw the owner of the voice, they showed the expression of "Wei (Wei) rotten (Suo)" one after another. It was exactly the look of a wolf meeting a sheep. Qin Tian seemed to be able to hear the voice of these men swallowing their saliva.

However, it is no wonder that although the candy belongs to the middle and high-end bar, there are many women, but the quality is generally mediocre. It is rare to see such a unique beauty as Lin Xiaoyao. Everyone wants to have a kiss with Fangze.

Qin Tian and Li Xinran sit in the corner of the bar and drink beer. Lin Xiaoyao soon gets tired and walks over. It doesn't matter. Lin Xiaoyao, who has attracted the color of the wolf, actually leads the wolf here.

Qin Tian seems to be very careful, but his eyes have been staring at those men, heart constantly praying, do not want to cause trouble, he does not want to be free, always with a group of scoundrels fight.

But unfortunately, if there is only Lin Xiaoyao, a peerless beauty, that group of men may suppress the hormones in the body, and may be able to bear it. But at this time, they found out that Lin Xiaoyao was with another unique beauty, and the two women played two different styles completely, one hot and cheerful, and the other a small family Jasper, if you put it on the bed, I believe that even if you have a short life of ten years, someone will be willing to kiss Fangze.

Soon, a man who felt very good about himself came up with a bottle of red wine in his hand. Qin tianduan took a look at it. The price in the bar was 47888.Looking at the man, 1.7 meters tall, with a handsome smile on his face, he came to Lin Xiaoyao: "beautiful lady, it's a great honor to meet you here. I don't know if I have the honor to have a drink with you?"

"It's OK to drink, and you'll get out of here." Lin Xiaoyao also reveals the high cold atmosphere of strangers. No wonder he and Li Xinran can become girlfriends.

The man accosted a smile: "beauty, since you come here naturally for fun, you don't want to be so direct."

"Brother in law, he wants to soak me up!" As soon as Lin Xiaoyao's eyes turned, her snow-white arm had already pulled Qin Tian's wrist. She was so coquettish that all the men who paid attention to this situation were shocked. All of them thought that if they could sleep with such a woman for one night, they would be willing to live a year less.

The man immediately showed an ambiguous smile and said: "brother, it's good. You should take your sister-in-law out to play. Are you afraid your wife knows? I think you should give me your sister-in-law? "

"His wife? It's here, too Lin Xiaoyao seems to be in order to pull hatred, Li Xinran also pulled to his side, like a demonstration at the front of this self righteous man.

"Shit!" The man's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it. Who is this boy? He even destroyed the sister flower with fierce hand? A blessing for all?

"Brother, No. It's kind of you. Why don't you share one with your brother?" The man looks at Qin Tian with a "you know" expression.

"Get out of my way. Don't show up in front of me. As far as your thoughts are concerned, you'll be beaten by my brother-in-law." Lin Xiaoyao sneered and yelled.

Obviously, the man is also a man of some status. After listening to Lin Xiaoyao's words, he sneered and said, "with him, I'm looking for teeth all over the place? Do you think he has the ability? Do you know that the boss of the bar and I are old acquaintances. Believe it or not, I'll beat him in minutes. I don't know his surname. "

Qin Tian didn't want to get into trouble. He just wanted to say two soft words. Then he took Lin Xiaoyao and Li Xinran out of the bar. Lin Xiaoyao had already said, "is it up to you? My brother-in-law is very powerful. You can try one of them? "

Lin Xiaoyao's self-confidence did not come out of thin air. Qin Tian was so ferocious when he was fighting. I'm afraid no one knows better than her. If you don't make good use of this kind of brother-in-law, you will be really blind.

"Girl, if I clean up your brother-in-law, will you accompany me tonight?" The man looks at Lin Xiaoyao.

Beside Li Xinran is helpless. Lin Xiaoyao, a goblin like woman, is always in trouble. She told her in a low voice on the road just now that she should give Qin Tian less trouble. She didn't expect to stir up such trouble when she just arrived here.

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