"How about it?"

Qin Tian raised his index finger and looked at him. The man didn't speak, but just shook his head. Qin Tian looked at the other people in the opposite side, and his eyes were like a torch.

"And you?"

The crowd looked at each other and dared not speak.

However, some people did not believe in evil, rushed out and pointed to Qin Tian and said, "don't think you are great if you have a ring! We are a family in Shanghai and Shanghai. You are not an outsider who can interfere with us! "

The speaker was so excited that his spittle was almost on Qin Tian's face. Qin Tian was not annoyed. He just held his chest in both hands and asked him, "what do you want?"

"Not so good. Since you want to sit in the position of general manager, show your strength! Who can't fight alone? Let's fight in groups. If you can deal with so many of us alone, we will take you! "

His words let the monkey indignant, jump out to curse: "you stink shameless, how do you mean to say it out!"

Qin Tian took the monkey and said, "OK, do as you say, but I said in the front, if I win, from now on, you will no longer exist, pack your own things and go away! If you can win, I'll take off my ring and go! How about it? "

Qin Tian's words let him silence, he looked around, no one spoke.

He had already said it, but he was bound by Qin Tian's conditions. He hesitated for a moment, but only for a few minutes he nodded and agreed.

His gang is no more than twenty or thirty people, but each has a wolf's tooth stick in each hand. If Qin Tian wants to win with his bare hands, they will have a good chance of winning.

Qin Tian saw that he was full of confidence, so he let everyone disperse to make room for an empty space. Chen Dake looked at him and was worried. He pulled Qin Tian's sleeve and said, "no, brother Tian, forget it. These people have always refused to accept anyone. When the handle is there, they are also thorny!"

Qin Tian shook his head: "no, today I come to unify the whole Shanghai and sea areas. Since you all recognize this ring, then I should take this responsibility. Brother Chen, you can stand by and watch, I won't be hurt."

After Qin Tian finished taking off his coat, the thirty men quickly surrounded him in the middle, and rushed towards him with a roar. On a sunny day, they just saw one of them, grabbed his wrist and blocked the other people's mace. At the same time, they quickly kicked at his small leg and suddenly fell two or three.

Chen Dake watched and worried. The monkey poked his arm and comforted him: "don't be afraid. Tiange didn't mean to deal with these dozens of people. When I saw Tiange beating Wanheshan, it was a wonderful thing! These people are nothing at all! "

Chen Dake was a little surprised, "did you see it with your own eyes? We have to know that Wan Heshan is the man with the highest value of force here. All the gangs here will obey him because of his force. "

The monkey raised his eyebrows and patted Yang Bing beside him. He was very proud. "At that time, my brother saw that Wan Heshan was knocked down by our Tiange. If it wasn't for the police, Wan Heshan would have been beaten into a meat pie by Tiange. Just those idiots dare to challenge Tiange. It's beyond Jane's power!"

Monkey's words, let Chen Dake at ease, heard a voice of scream, and the sound of bone being kicked broken.

Chen Dake turned his head and saw that one of the thirty people quickly went back and forth. After a while, the mace fell to the ground.

The head of the people have pale face, looking at the people lying on the ground howling, he plopped down on his knees!

Qin Tian just said with a faint smile, "I don't need to kneel down. I'm not interested in kowtow. Your gangs will be removed from this area. I don't want to see you in this place any more."

The man's face was pale, and soon was sent out by the monkey and others.

Qin Tian turned to look at the people around him, "who else wants to fight with me? I will accompany you in the end. I promise you will never retaliate against you. To win is to win, and to lose is to lose. "

People shake their heads when they see the situation, and those prickly heads don't dare to challenge.

Compared with Wan and Heshan, Qin Tian's force value seems to be better than that of Wanhe Heshan. None of them dare to take risks. Just now that man was cannon fodder, he was expelled by Qin Tian. In the future, it is impossible for that person to make a fortune in this place.

Qin Tian saw that they didn't speak, so he nodded and said, "since you don't fight, it means that you are all obedient. I'll tell you about my rules. This time I'm here mainly because of the interference of Zhangjia. From now on, my people are not allowed to have any contact with Zhangjia. If Zhangjia intervenes again, I will not let them go!

What's more, we'll make our own decisions about everything in Shanghai and the sea. I don't care what business you do, but one thing is that contraband is absolutely prohibited! "

Someone heard that they stopped working.

"Qin Tian, we give you face mainly because you can fight, but if we don't do this, we have so many brothers under our hands to eat! In the past, when Wan Heshan was here, we had less money, but we still had money. If it wasn't for illegal goods, we couldn't even support ourselves! "His words make the sunny day sneer: "you have hands and feet, all kinds of business can do, bar and night shop charges, I don't object, but the contraband is a taboo here. If you want to survive, then listen to me best, otherwise you will be the same as him!

Chen Jun, you know, not only do the contraband on my site, but also find Wanheshan to deal with me. Finally, you know. If you are good, we will have money in the future, and we will make money together. It is difficult to enjoy the same fortune. But if anyone dares to violate my taboo, I will not do this master trick today and I will surely defeat him! "

Qin Tian's words, let them look at each other, although not satisfied with the heart, but still respectful.

Chen Da can see that the force is not good to pull Qin Tian's sleeve, indicating that he should not be so anxious.

Especially at the beginning, we can't tear our faces.

Qin Tian knew that he said that they must not feel well in their hearts, but the prohibited products can never appear.

He also knew Chen dace's kindness, but he didn't have to discuss it.

Qin tianshook his head to show Chen Da Ke not to intervene. He had his own way to make them take their words. If he continued to do illegal things, he would not be blamed for being polite.

They are only gangs. If they want to fight with the government, even if Qin Tian doesn't take action, they can't have a good life in the future. So they must take them all today.

He has decided that no matter what these people have, they must be taken away today!

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