"Going to the wharf is always the business of Shanghai and Shanghai. In the future, we have to face it. Let's have a look first."

After Qin Tian spoke, they left for the dock.

It is estimated that at this time, the three families gathered together to discuss countermeasures, and nobody expected Qin Tian to come to the door himself.

Soon they understood that this time was different.

If Wanheshan is a kind of cruel and greedy person, Qin Tian is definitely more ruthless than Wanheshan.

However, it depends on the people. For his brother, Qin Tian is absolutely generous and loyal, and protects his family. However, Qin Tian is never soft on the enemy, let alone the three families.

It doesn't matter if you don't come to the general hall. It's the same as long as you meet here. It's too late to talk after dinner in the evening.

In front of so many brothers, it must be just a scene talk. At that time, he couldn't say anything. So Qin Tiancai decided to go to the wharf and meet the three families.

In fact, he didn't know what to do in his heart, but when there were more people, he seemed to find fault with him, so he only took monkey and Yang Bing.

Hucheng wharf

when qintian arrived, there was a lot of bustle here, and all kinds of cargo ships docked here, making people busy and happy.

At this time, Yang Cheng wakes up. Seeing Qin Tian bring him here, Yang Cheng is overjoyed, but he still pretends to be indifferent and asks, "what are you doing here? Let me go, or you'll be seen and you'll suffer! "

Hearing Yang Cheng's words, Qin Tian laughed. The monkey slapped him on the back of his head and scolded: "you boy, if you want to say it's too good, you can say it directly. There's no need to hide it. We're here to find your boss. Lead the way

Yang Cheng was confused, "you, who are you? What can I do with my boss? I... "

"My NIMA! Come on, what are you doing

When the monkey kicks him, Yang Cheng is in pain, but he doesn't dare to say no, so he takes them to the dock office. The three families share an office, and the accountant is the same person.

At this time, the three eldest brothers are together to discuss how to deal with dinner in the evening.

"Boss, someone's looking for it."

The words of the men at the door interrupted them, and Sha Zhan was a little impatient and roared, "didn't you see what we had to do? No one has been seen! "

"But, but he said his name was Qin Tian."

"Qin Tian?"

The sand show repeated it before it came back.

"Crouch, why did he come?"

The other two jumped to their feet, but then both were quiet.

"What's wrong! Let him in

Huang Bin and sun Hu leaned on the sofa with disdain.

"It's time to come, brothers. Get ready to meet Mr. Qin!"

"He is a fart! But it's just a leaker! "

Sha Zhan is not convinced, but he is lucky to defeat Wan Heshan. Now he looks like a boss. Who dumped him!

When Qin Tian walked in, he saw that all three of them looked at him with a disdainful look. He was not annoyed. He motioned the monkey to push Yang Cheng in first!

"Boss, boss help me. They are not human beings. They even break in and hit me!"

As soon as Yang Cheng saw Huang Bin, he began to cry. When Huang Bin saw Yang Cheng's black and blue face, he felt angry.

Who knows Qin Tian said with a smile, "I really can't blame this matter. This boy is dishonest. He even cheated women's money and beat women. Coincidentally, that woman is my sister. I'll help negotiate among them. Boss Huang won't mind?"

It's all for women. Huang Bin glared at Yang Cheng, "don't kowtow and admit your mistake. You're a waste with shallow eyelids!"

Yang Cheng is dumbfounded, but in the glare of his boss, he can only turn around and admit his mistake to Qin Tian, kowtow and hit his face. The sound of Pa Pa Pa is especially pleasant to Qin Tian's ears.

However, the faces of the three bosses were very ugly. Generally, they meant a few strokes. However, Qin Tian didn't stop and Yang Cheng kept fighting. It's not in the face of Yang Cheng, it's in the face of the three of them. Almost ten minutes later, Qin Tiancai waved his hand to let the monkey drag the man down. At this time, Huang Bin's face was already very ugly.

"Three bosses, Qin Tian just wants to tell them one thing today. The business is still the same, but 30% every month."

Qin Tian stretched out three fingers, they are not short of money, now do not ask, in the future it will be more difficult to manage.

Sha Zhan was the first to disagree. He was just about to have an attack when sun Hu held him down.

Qin Tian can see that the three of them still respect sun Hu.

"Boss Qin, you just arrived in Shanghai and you don't know anything. It's not easy for brothers to earn money. We can't get 30% of it."

"Is it?"

Qin Tian sneered and rubbed the ring on his finger and looked at them, "it's a pity that you also said it was once upon a time, and Wanheshan has been abandoned by me! I Qin Tian has no other ability, that is, my fist is hard enough. Wan Heshan tried to deal with me and was disabled by me. I think there is no one in Shanghai who can beat me better than him? "

"Are you threatening us?"They just want to start, a little panic flashed on their faces. Qin Tian can see clearly that Qixia and ghost pocket hold their hands, so they don't move.

"Since you don't move, it's up to me."

"Monkey, Yang Bing!"

Qin Tian shouts, two monkeys come in.

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