Qin Tian didn't look at it. The glass in his hand suddenly shook, and the wine mixed in the glass suddenly threw at the group of bastards, not slanting or slanting, all hit the eyes!

"Puff, puff..." The liquor close to 70 degrees burned the eyes of the gangsters like a flame!

"Ah --" the daggers in the hands of a group of thugs landed directly, covering their eyes and Howling miserably!

A cup of wine wasted several hands, scar's face was furious and ferocious, "grass, I'll kill you!"

The dagger in the hand is ferocious toward Qin Tian!

This knife is straight to Qin Tian's heart. If it is stabbed, it will be a fatal blow!

Qin Tian's eyes congealed, suddenly suddenly suddenly from the seat, long legs straight, like a lightning attack!

"Bang!" A huge dull noise!

The thug flew out directly, his body was like a kite off the line, with a string of ferocious blood in the air!!

All the people on the scene all stare big eyes, eyes straight lock on the figure that flies out, follow his track to move together!

Scar slammed into one of the walls of the bar, and the tile wall cracked instantly!

The scene is as silent as death!!

Everyone is so stupid!! what the fuck! This man How could a person beat all these vicious and hateful gangsters away??

"I'm not dreaming, am I?" A young man tried to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead and trembled.

A group of little girls staring at Qin Tian's figure, pink fist clenched, eyes with unprecedented worship.

Qin Tian took back his glass and glanced at the group of wretched and Howling thugs. "I told you earlier, don't disturb my wife and sister-in-law, but you don't listen to me..."

those gangsters struggled to get up from the ground and were in great distress. Their faces were more ferocious than ever before. They glared at Qin Tian and screamed, "Ma. Bi! You dare to beat us

"It's numb! Call someone! " Scar looks ferocious! Arrogant pick up the phone, call help directly!

"Stinky boy! Don't run if you have seed Scar holding a dagger, pointing at Qin Tian from afar, ferocious and angry.

A group of thugs directly block the bar gate, no one in and out!

"Well, I won't run." Qin Tian's face was still cool and incomparable, and ordered the bartender to mix a cup of pink beauty for Li Xinran and Lin Xiaoyao.

"Try it. It's good for girls." Qin tianrou said.

Li Xinran slightly a Leng, beautiful eyes stare at him, this guy... All this on, unexpectedly still have the mind to drink.

"It's numb! You must die today The gangsters have blood stains on their mouths. They were beaten and vomited by Qin Tian just now. At this time, they are more ferocious.

All the young men and women who went to the bar in the field felt like they had never seen before.

This... It's a big deal!

A few young men and women finally couldn't help but want to escape. They were scared back by the sharp daggers in the hands of the gangsters at the door!

"Laote. Tell you! Nobody wants to leave today! Numb. Biting! Those who dare to hit us! Look for death Scar at this time is close to ferocious fury, full of Shouts. Clamour.

The whole bar, I am afraid, is only Qin Tianlin Xiaoyao, who is indifferent to drinking wine. His expression is like an outsider.

Li Xinran looked at these two people, brain Renzi all ache, wondering whether to call the police.

Ten minutes later, a group of people came in outside the bar! Qin Tian has a general look, should be able to have 40 or 50.

The hearts of the young men and women present suddenly jumped! Not good! Here comes the gangster!

A group of thugs with machetes and iron bars are stepping into the dance floor with vicious steps!

A full fifty! Block up the bar! In the bar, a lot of people turned pale and stepped back one after another. Some timid guests even shivered with fear!

"Who dares to make trouble in my covered bar?" A gangster holding a machete roared ferociously!

The scene was silent! The needle can be heard!

Only the faint sound of drinking sounded, the gangsters turned their heads and saw that in a corner of the bar, the man and two women were sitting there quietly, as if they were out of the world, quietly drinking wine.

Those thugs who were beaten just now, especially scar, reached out and pointed to Qin Tian, "that's the boy."

"Grass, your mother is a force! How dare you beat people in Zhen Ge Guan's field? " More than 50 gangsters are ferocious, facing Qin Tian. They are roaring with terrible murderous spirit!

Qin Tian ignored them, still indifferent to drink wine.

At this time, a strong figure, between the eyebrows with a cruel man, slowly into the bar.

"Brother Zhen!" More than fifty thugs suddenly showed great respect and saluted the strong man and made way for him.

When he saw this strong man, the hearts of all the people at the scene jumped - is he the big brother of these gangsters?! Everyone was shaking, trembling with fear!The tattooed man with a cigarette in his mouth, his face arrogant and indifferent, came slowly, "just now, was it you who made trouble in my bar and hit the man I covered?"

A group of gangsters face as heavy as water, follow the strong man behind, burst. Send out a strong killing opportunity!

Qin Tian drank a small wine, slowly turned his face around and looked at the strong man calmly.

Shua! When Zhuang Han saw Qin Tian! Body suddenly a shudder, legs tremble, almost paralytic!

This man! It's a nightmare! An absolutely terrible nightmare! Fang Zhen will never forget this man in his life! This is an absolutely terrible existence!

Fang Zhen's voice trembled, "Tian... Tian Ge..."

more than 50 younger brothers were completely stunned. This is What happened?

When he saw the so-called Zhen elder brother, Qin Tian couldn't help laughing. He was an acquaintance!

"Oh, brother Zhen, you look very good recently." Qin Tian indifferent smile way.

Fang Zhen's body trembled and felt that his heart almost collapsed. Without saying a word, he immediately came to the scar and the man in the suit, and raised his hand was two slaps in the face!

"Grass, mud, horse, coin! Are you so blind?! How dare you offend Tiange

Scar and suit man was slapped in the face by Zhen elder brother in his mind, and he was completely stunned!

More than fifty swordsmen looked at each other in astonishment and amazement. What's the situation with brother Zhen!?

The group of young men and women hiding in the corner were dumbfounded and staring at this scene. What is the situation of this special code?

Fang Zhen severely fan these gangsters who caused the trouble! A red and swollen palm print appeared on each gangster's face.

"Shock... Brother Zhen, are you still doing him?" A simple minded little brother asked.

Fang Zhen's face changed, and he slapped him in the face! Get out of here

The little brother was slapped in the face by a gun for no reason. He didn't know what the situation was!

Fang Zhen ran to Qin Tian in a panic and took out a cigarette. His voice trembled and apologized, "God... Brother, my younger brothers don't have a long memory. You have a lot of them. Please spare them this time...

Shua! After Fang Zhen's death, those fifty gangsters are so stupid!

What's the situation? Brother Zhen apologized to a little boy for lighting a cigarette!?

All the people around were stupefied! No response at all! This, which one is this?

Qin Tian just looked at him calmly, "brother Zhen, you are not good at discipline. Should I send a picture to your younger brothers?"

Fang Zhen's body trembled, and the cigarettes handed to Qin Tian almost fell to the ground. He said with a smile: "brother Tian, what you said is that I didn't do a good job. In the future, whenever you come to our site, you will be free. We will solve any problems and never let you dirty your hands!"

"All free? Tut Tut, quite domineering? " Qin Tian laughed with great significance, but in a flash, Qin Tian suddenly burst out a murderous spirit, "brother Zhen, do you know what consequences you just said that you cover them?"


Only a moment, Fang Zhen's face turned pale! Can't control any more, legs tremble, kneel down directly!

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