The men fell on the ground and huddled together, shaking and afraid to speak any more.

Qin Tian saw almost, and then he got up and said faintly: "your brother Haige is in the police station now. I can't help him out to reunite with you, but I have a tone in my heart. You say, how can I get angry? How can you compensate the innocent passers-by who have been injured by you

One of them immediately raised his head and said, "brother Tian, I can compensate them if I have money. It's from Haige, 20000 yuan! I don't know much, but Tiange, I really don't have any money. We follow Haige from Hucheng. If we don't come, Haige won't let us go. Tiange, I know I'm wrong. Please accept him. In the future, I will do well under Tiange. You let me go East, I dare not go west. Tiange, please give me a chance! "

As soon as he said this, other people followed suit and knelt down in front of Qin Tian to beg for mercy.

Qin Tian doesn't make a sound. Monkey, they can't look down.

"You people are really spineless. If you kneel down to you, God won't accept you. Hurry up and think of a way to die!"

The monkey's disdain made them more afraid, and they all howled.

Qin Tian was a little impatient and looked at them with scorn in his eyes.

"OK, Jiao Cheng, I'll give it to you. I'll think about how I can get out of this tone. I'm not happy about it!"

Qin Tian's words made them collapse completely. They fell into the hands of the people in the Qin palace. If they don't die, they should be stripped.

Jiao Cheng promises, and while rubbing his hands, he beckons his brothers to come up and beat them first.

Qin Tian takes a look at the mobile phone, which is related to the plan of the police, so Haige can't move for the time being. He has to see the result of Ding Hanxue's handling.

Qin Tian thought about it and went to the police station in person to see the recovery of the fourth Bureau.

When he left, he could still hear the scream coming from behind. The monkey kept shaking his head, "brother Tian, what can we do with Zhang Jia?"

"If Haige can tell the truth, Zhangjia will not be a problem. I'm afraid that Haige will be blocked by the people of Zhangjia. It's hard to do. We can only come with Zhang Jia ourselves. Monkey, you can ask people to find out whether there are people from Zhangjia. "

Qin Tian suddenly thought of what, quickly let the monkey to inquire, he himself went to the police station.

Ding Hanxue didn't expect that he would come so soon. She was surprised.

"Why did you come?"

"Team d won't break the bridge so soon! I lost a lot. Not only did I break my brother, but also the club was smashed. I am the poor man who came to ask for help. Did that bastard do it? "

Ding Hanxue laughs and disappears for a period of time. Qin Tian's mouth becomes more and more sharp.

"Yes, but they said they wanted to revenge you because you robbed his territory and drove him out. That's why you retaliated."

"Lying trough!"

Qin Tian didn't expect that Haige was such a chicken thief that he pushed the matter of Shanghai city onto his head, but he quickly reacted.

"Even if Nakayama and his men are hurt, it's not necessary for him to hurt some innocent people, but it's not necessary for him to hurt some of his staff. It's not necessary for him to take a look at some places where he's been hurt by the naked team. It's not that I wronged him

Ding Hanxue laughed. "Don't worry. I all know that the police have a lot of evidence. We won't wrongly punish you. But we can't sit back and ignore what you committed in Shanghai."

Her words let Qin Tian surprised, puzzled way: "what did I do in Shanghai city?"

"You still pretended to be a liar, but you beat three gangs? You think we don't know about your little move? After receiving the news, the Shanghai police were ready to leave. It happened that my senior brother went to the meeting and heard that it was you. He told them that you were our inside line, so that you could solve the problem smoothly. Otherwise, you thought things would be so smooth? "

When Ding Hanxue said this, Qin Tiancai felt that there was a cold sweat behind him. He thought he didn't know what to do. He had so many people behind him ready to start a group fight at any time. Unexpectedly, the police knew everything. He was complacent and thought that he had helped others. Qin Tian felt very ashamed and didn't know what to say for a while.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Ding Hanxue pulled his sleeve and said, "what do you want! I don't think there is a gap in my heart? "

"What do you think? I was almost depressed. I thought I was very good at strategizing. As a result, everything was under your control. I was so hard! "

Qin Tian's face is full of loss, full of thought that he had arranged everything, but he didn't expect that people were just watching silently behind their back. If they had done something at that time, they would have nothing to do with themselves.

Seeing that his face was really not good, Ding Hanxue laughed and comforted him: "OK! After all, we are the guardians of this city. Your starting point is good. The Shanghai police also said that your quality is very high and no trouble has been caused. So I think this is also a kind of identification with you? What do you care about? "Ding Hanxue's words finally gave Ding Hanxue some comfort. But then he thought of the imperial Zhangjiakou, he reminded Ding Hanxue: "in fact, when we came back this time, including when I went to Shanghai, all these troubles were caused by Zhang Jia behind his back. If it wasn't for them, Songshan City would not be completely upset by these villains, but I don't have direct evidence. If you can talk to Haige, you can talk to him If you ask, the best news is about Zhangjia. "

Qin Tian's news surprised Ding Hanxue.

"The imperial palace of Zhangjiakou?"

"Yes, do you remember the cargo at the wharf mentioned by Wan Heshan? It's from Zhangjia. I also intercepted the goods for auction. Later, they tried to win me over and asked for this ring, but I didn't give it. "

Qin Tianliang brightened the ring, but Ding Hanxue didn't understand. He explained, "this is the symbol of the general ladybar. With this ring, all the gangs in Shanghai city will surrender. However, Haige didn't convince me. I didn't care, so I let them go. I guess it was Zhangjia who supported them behind their back, otherwise they would not dare to fight against me."

Qin Tian has said very clearly, Ding Hanxue also understood, nodded to agree.

"OK, are you busy? I'll go to the hospital to see the fourth Bureau. Are you OK these days?"

Qin Tian still thinks about Ding Ju, which makes Ding Hanxue very grateful.

"The situation is stable, that is, it may take a long time for the body to recover completely, but it is lucky to be able to recover a life."

Thanks to Qin Tian's help, Ding Hanxue understands that it is all his credit. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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