But no one was hurt. Li Xinran listened to his words and didn't come down upstairs. Qin Tian felt relieved.

So Qin Tian slowly leaned over and saw them shouting, "Oran international unscrupulous enterprise! No pay back! Aolan international enterprise! Lin Wanru, get out of here

Qin Tian thought about it and approached them and asked, "brother, how much money do they owe you?"

Qin Tian was wearing jacket and casual pants at this time, and he couldn't see his value at all.

See him so ask, the person next to said: "owe me 3000 yuan, how about you?"

"That's about it."

Qin Tian vaguely passed by with careless eyes and asked, "how long are we going to stay here? If she doesn't get old, aren't we going to stay here for a day?"

One of the men said, "what are you afraid of? We have logistics support behind us. At noon, we have people to eat. In the evening, we have to surround several people to make a floor. In any case, we want to surround them here.

It's useless for the police to come. We're not afraid. We still have backers! If you hold on, I won't believe that woman won't come out! "

After listening to his words, Qin Tian finally understood that this group of people were instructed behind their backs.

Who is it? If it's the Imperial Palace, there's no need to use such inferior means.

But who else but them?

Qin Tian had already thought that Zhangjia might be angry with olan international and Gu Yiming because of himself, but he didn't expect that it would be so soon.

At present, although it is not sure who is behind the trick, but he can be sure that the matter is not simple.

So empress Qin stepped back, rammed the arm of the man next to him and asked, "who are our backers? How much does my brother give us for a day standing here

The man glanced at Qin Tian and said, "new comer?"

Qin Tian nodded, "yes, it's OK at home. My friend introduced that if you come here and shout, you will have money. I don't know whether it's true or not. Brother, have you got it?"

"300 yuan a day to eat and drink, you say the fool will not come, we can get 1000 yuan in three days. Orlan international has to make a good word for us. Maybe there will be another red envelope for us. Stay here and pay at the end of the evening. "

Qin Tian is thoroughly understand, is someone deliberately want to do Lin Wanru, what arrears of pay, does not exist!

At this time, Lin Wanru couldn't sit still inside.

Many of her employees were waiting for work to go off work. It was the first time that the plant came to inspect. Unexpectedly, it was blocked by them and Li Xinran couldn't go out.

She doesn't care. The key is that Li Xinran can't let her suffer any harm. Although she has already called the police, the police have not come. She wants to go out and talk to them in person.

We have already filed a lawsuit. How can you come here so shamelessly to ask for salary?

Lin Wanru wants to go out to reason, but Li Xinran grabbed her and said, "Wan Rujie, don't go out! Xiao Tian said that you can't go out. These people don't know what they came from. If you go out now, you will surely suffer. "

Lin Wanru has a look at dozens of young men in their twenties and thirties. If she goes out, she will suffer. But the staff and she are here, so we can't let them surround themselves. There are a lot of things to deal with in the company!

"Don't be afraid. I'll go out and ask them who is going to have trouble with me. If I want money, I will fight with them! I don't believe it. There's no room for reasoning in this world! "

Lin Wanru is a tough character. She is used to being a strong woman. When has she been bullied and humiliated?

Now seeing them so noisy, her face can't get over, naturally, she wants to get ahead.

Li Xinran couldn't resist him, but he couldn't let her go alone, so he went downstairs with her.

Qin Tian saw Li Xinran's figure at a glance. At this time, the people beside him coaxed and said, "brothers, look, the woman is coming out. Hurry in and kill them!"

The man next to him said, "no! You see, these two women are so protruding and backward that their legs are long. It's a pity that they were killed. It's OK to leave them for us to play. Our brother yells and screams here. 300 yuan a day is spent here, and there is no woman. So it's good for two beauties to play with us! "

A touch of greed flashed in his eyes, and everyone laughed, "that's right! Don't kill me, just tie it up

"Yes, I don't know what it's like for a strong woman to play!"

Qin Tian is listening to them saying these dirty words. He clenches his fists tightly. The woman who wants to play with me will let me kill you later!

Qin Tian didn't speak, but followed them to rush in. Li Xinran looked at the posture and became pale. Qin Tian could not help but feel a desire to protect.

As he was about to rush forward, the leader called to them, "all stop and surround them in the middle." Lin Wanru also had a lot of employees following her. They rushed over with chairs in their hands as weapons.At this time, Lin Wanru drank: "what do you want to do? There is no royal law, the money has been given to you! What else do you want to be a rascal? "

One of them snorted coldly: "your little money is not enough for us to plug our teeth. Besides, each person's salary of 3000 yuan, you give so many hundreds of yuan, you send the beggars?"

Lin Wanru was so angry that she sneered and said, "it's a pity that you still have the face to ask for money. At that time, you lost the lawsuit. According to the law, I won't give you any money. Now, before the police come, take your people and get out of here!

If not, I'll catch all of you. If you dare to offend me, Lin Wanru will offend olan international. Even if I suffer today, as long as I don't die, sooner or later you will regret it when I go out! "

If some of the women let go of this, they are afraid that Lin wanshuang will offend them in the future!

Qin Tian said to the people beside him: "brother, I've heard that the relationship between Lin Zong and Qin Tian is very good. If we offend them, we can't bear it."

Now, Qin Xie doesn't believe that man is here. Besides, we played today, and we'll leave soon. Can he catch us one by one? You are too timid. You will follow me in the future and keep your favorite and spicy food every day. "

Qin Tian said with a smile, "thank you, but I don't know what kind of wharf you're mixing with. But I heard that all the underground forces in Songshan city are under the management of Qin Tian. I don't know where you mix up, brother?"

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