After these people were taken to the police station for interrogation, Ding Hanxue told Qin Tian the result of the examination. Several people were still in the interrogation room. The people there could not help shouting from the police and confessed one after another.

Ding Hanxue came to the interrogation room here and saw them sitting in the interrogation room chatting. With a trace of anger on his face, he said, "please come here to take notes, not to let you chat!"

Qin Tian smiles, "team D, don't be so fierce, you will frighten my wife."

Li Xinran and Lin Wanru sat together. Because of their identity, the police knew that they were wronged and not too strict. However, Ding Hanxue suddenly felt that she was excluded when she saw them talking and laughing together. It was clear that everyone knew each other. How could their relationship be so good?

In particular, Lin Wanru and Li Xinran will not say. She is Qin Tian's wife. Of course, she can understand. But when did the president of olan international become so familiar with Qin Tian?

Ding Hanxue's face was not good-looking. She slapped the file on the table. Several people got up and sat up straight.

Seeing this, Qin Tian also knew that his tone had passed, so he said to Ding Hanxue: "Ding team, I'm sorry, I was too free and loose just now. You have a lot of adults. Forgive me. Don't blame them. It's all my fault!"

Hearing this, Ding Hanxue's face was somewhat restrained and said in a deep voice: "I know that you are all powerful and powerful people in Songshan city. This time, it is indeed Mr. Lin who has been wronged. I think you should also understand the reason. These people are all instructed by others, and the case is under trial.

If you want to know the specific information, you should go back and wait for the news, but as far as the current situation is concerned, the person behind this is Zhang Jia. Do you have any festivals

Lin Wanru was a little stunned when she heard that, Zhang Jia? They have never had anything to do with the zhangjias in the imperial capital. How could they offend them?

Lin Wanru shakes her head, but Qin Tian knows why, "they are aiming at me."

Lin Wanru looked sideways, and Li Xinran asked, "at you? What's going on, husband

Ding Hanxue knew that it must have something to do with him, so Tian Mei said, "tell me why you married the emperor's family in the end? Tell the truth. "

Qin Tian spread his hands, "didn't I tell you before? Because of the Wanheshan incident. I intercepted that batch of goods, but it was sent by Zhangjia. Moreover, there is a ring in the goods. That's it

He showed the ring. Ding Hanxue looked at it and asked, "what's wrong with this ring?"

this ring is the symbol of the master's handle. Whoever brings it will be able to command the underground forces of the whole Shanghai city. I got it, naturally I has the final say. Wife, do you remember that auction? Zhangjia came for this ring. As a result, I didn't promise, and I had a fight with them. Zhang Jia has a grudge in his heart. In order to get revenge, I just like this.

This time, I recovered the underground forces in the fortress. Several gangs were unconvinced and deviated. I didn't expect that they were actually bribed by Zhangjia. Come to Songshan to make trouble and ruin my reputation. This Liang Zi is a big one. I must settle accounts with Zhang Jia! "

Qin Tian's words, Ding Hanxue listened to the heart of a startled, even voice: "can not."

"Why not? They are all riding on my head. Can't I teach them a lesson? "

Qin Tian's eyes are full of unwillingness. They are timid. They fight with their fists. When necessary, they really need IQ. However, in such a time, the IQ and fist must be hard, so as to be able to defeat Zhang Jia. Besides, he is not the kind of rash man who starts to fight if he does not agree.

"Team D, I'm afraid the police can't control the personal resentment between me and Zhangjia. Now that the record has been made and your confession has been recorded, can we go back? "

When Qin Tian said this, her voice was cold, and Ding Hanxue was a little stunned. It was the first time that Qin Tian talked to her like this. According to the procedure, they did not have any fault. So Ding Hanxue said, "they can go now, but you can't. You have to stay for 4 hours."

"Why! I am the victim

"Why? Don't you know? You have injured so many people. Although it is a crime for them to gather together to make trouble, you have also done so. Moreover, the man was beaten by you into a concussion and is now in hospital. It means shut up for a day to calm down your anger, and you will all be released tomorrow. As for the zhangjias in the back, the provincial government will make an appointment with them, so don't interfere. They won't do it again for a while

Ding Hanxue did not have a good breath to return, Qin Tian sneered, "not for the time being? The gratitude and resentment between me and Zhangjia is not only a little bit. Today, they have suffered a great loss. Olan international has not taken advantage of it. They will never stop. Look at it. In the future, there will be chaos in Songshan city. If you are here, I will completely ignore it! "

Qin Tian's threat made Ding Hanxue angry: "Qin Tian, don't think you are the boss of Qin palace. You can do whatever you want. We didn't say we didn't care about Zhangjia. We just wanted to maintain stability. As for how you make trouble behind your back, it's your business, but first of all, the interests of Songshan city should not be damaged. You know what? Because of your own personal resentment, you have already implicated olan internationalQin Tian heard the words and didn't speak. Lin said: "we didn't expect it to be the result either," Lin said. So, team D, we will pick up Qin Tian again tomorrow. But during this period, you must take Zhangjia into control, or our normal business enterprises will be hit by their intervention in this way. "

Lin said it correctly. Olan international is also a big enterprise in Songshan city. Because of the damage to the corporate image, she herself is threatened. The police will not come. If Qin Tian does not take the hand in time, I am afraid they will not be able to meet the situation.

Lin Wanru's words made dinghanxue feel shocked. They did rush over after receiving the call to the police. Who knew something was delayed on the road, it was late. He knew that Qin Tian was angry in his heart, and dinghanxue also wanted to leave him for a detailed discussion. So he agreed that Li Xinran and Lin Wan Ru would go ahead.

Qin Tian called them as they got up and prepared to leave.

"What else do you have?" Dinghanxue was puzzled, Qin Tian's face was a little impatient, "my wife and general Lin's personal safety will be threatened by Zhangjia, and the police will be asked to send someone to protect them. If not, please let me contact my brothers and I will let them protect. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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