"Brother in law, you really have an idea for your sister-in-law. I want to tell sister Xinran that you are unfaithful to her!"

Qin Tian looked, forced on the spot! Put up your apron and cover your pants a little.

Taite code was embarrassed. In the past, it was because it was hard to get up, but now it's embarrassing because it's hard to move. For a time, Qin Tian was doubting life and considering whether to stop acupuncture.

"It's not what you think, Xiaoyao. Listen to my explanation..." Qin Tian nervously grabbed Xiaoyao's arm, and his body followed him.


For a moment, both of them were stunned.

Qin Tian's spear, which is not slanting or slanting, just tops Lin Xiaoyao's slender waist!

It's over. I can't wash it when I jump into the Yellow River.

Most afraid of the air suddenly quiet, ten seconds, let Qin Tian feel like a century so long.

"Brother in law, you have done such a thing to my sister-in-law. I want to tell sister Xinran!" Lin Xiaoyao looks like you're finished. "Go ahead, how are you going to make up for me?"

Lin Xiaoyao's face is full of pride, as if she was not pointed at by a long gun just now.

Qin Tian looked at it and quickly stepped back. This Ni Ma, Qin Tian suddenly had a feeling of being routine, but he couldn't help being fooled!

With a bitter face, Qin Tian said in a low voice: "as long as you don't tell Xinran, what do you want to do."

Lin Xiaoyao's sly smile, "really how all right?"

Said, a pick eyebrows, a pair of beautiful eyes again aimed at Qin Tian's long gun, scared Qin Tian to quickly cover, "this can't, I can't sorry Xinran."

"Bang!" Lin Xiaoyao gave a bang and made a big white eye at Qin Tian, "what you think is beautiful!"

With that, Lin Xiaoyao put on a winner's posture, farting. He sat in the dining room chair, looking at Qin Tian, just like looking at a lamb to be slaughtered.

"I escaped from home this time because I was in big trouble. You must promise me that when that trouble comes, you can stop it for me!"

Qin Tian listens, complexion is bitter, with fee so big idea routine oneself, in order to let oneself block disaster for her.

But when Qin Tian thought of her mysterious background, he gradually frowned.

Judging from what happened at the airport yesterday, Lin Xiaoyao's background is absolutely extraordinary. Can she feel the existence of trouble? Has she really solved it?

"How dare you think about it?" Seeing Qin Tian's silence for a long time, Lin Xiaoyao immediately turned his head and called out to the upstairs, "sister Xinran, I'll tell you something. Just now my brother-in-law... Wuwu..."

Qin Tian rushed up to cover his mouth.

"I promise, I promise not yet..." my ancestors ah, met such a girl, zhente. Yard fell blood mold.

At this time, Li Xinran heard Lin Xiaoyao's cry and walked out slowly in his pajamas.

Seeing Li Xinran come out, Qin Tian immediately released his hand.

"What's the matter, Xiao Yao." Li Xinran asked lazily.

Qin Tian follows Lin Xiaoyao and looks at her without trace. Her eyes are full of entreaties. Don't tell me about this girl...

"sister Xinran, I'll tell you, brother-in-law didn't do a good job!" Lin Xiaoyao haughtily embraces Li Xinran's arm, Qin Tian listens, is over!

"What's wrong with him?" Li Xinran has a question mark on her face.

"Last morning, I heard his brother-in-law throw a piece of toilet paper. I must have heard it when he was sleeping

Looking at Qin Tian, Lin Xiaoyao's face is full of the expression of letting you go today.

Li Xinran listened to Xiaoyao's words and immediately blushed. I'm afraid no one knows more about what happened last night.

"Don't talk nonsense..." Li Xinran's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally got into the bathroom directly.

"Don't forget what you promised me!" Lin Xiaoyao finished and went back to the room again, leaving Qin Tian in a mess in the dining room.


as a medical school teacher, Li Xinran has to go to the Affiliated Hospital for treatment from time to time. Near the end of work, Qin Tiancai remembered that his car had been hit by Lin Xiaoyao's bodyguard and had to be repaired by Gu Yiming. He had to go to Li Xinran and take her car home.

Approaching the door of the hospital, Qin Tian in the distance saw a tall figure standing by the car, bowing his head to play with his mobile phone. He was waiting for Li Xinran.

Qin Tiangang was about to pass by when a BMW seven series suddenly came out of the hospital and stopped in front of Li Xinran with a squeak. The man in the cab constantly stretched out his head and said something to Li Xinran.

Li Xinran eyebrows slightly wrinkled, has been low head to play mobile phone, ignore him.

Qin Tian saw this scene and thought Li Xinran was in trouble, so he came quickly.

"Xinran, is this brother Dei?" Qin Tian glanced at the man in the BMW.

Li Xinran curled his mouth and looked very helpless, "he is a doctor in the Affiliated Hospital, and said he would take me home.""Oh, it's a good intention." Qin Tian laughed and turned to the man in the car and said, "brother Dei, I'm her husband. I don't have to trouble you to pick her up. Thank you."

The man in the BMW car saw seven days with a cheap face and said: "husband? Why don't I know Mr. Lin has a husband? It's a joke to let such a beautiful woman stand by the road. If she is my wife, I can't bear to let her bask in the sun for a second! "

"Oh, I can't help it. I told her not to wait for me. I'm poor and ugly, and I don't have a job. She has to marry me. I can't beat her away. Are you angry?" Qin Tian's performance is extremely helpless. It seems that people who don't know think he has suffered much injustice.

BMW man's face became even more ugly.

Li Xinran raised his head and took Qin Tian's arm. Two green fingers pinched Qin Tian's flesh.

"Hiss..." Qin Tian gasped.

The villain, he said he was so worthless!

"Dr. Li, will you come to the hospital tomorrow? Let me pick you up at school, so that you don't have to drive yourself so tired... "

BMW man still doesn't give up his heart, but he has heard that Li Xinran is a standard loser. What kind of person is qualified to have a woman like Li Xinran!?

"No, I have a husband. My husband will send me." Li Xinran frowned. Before that, if he had some good feelings for the doctor, he was totally disgusted in Li Xinran's heart at this moment.

"He sent it?" BMW man sneered, "how to send it? With your legs? "

"No, no, no, I have a car. I have a modified limited edition Phaeton." Qin Tian smile, this stink silly. Force which come, make with who does not have a car like.

"Oh? Modified Huiteng? It's not the ordinary people who put up a Huiteng logo to put it on? " BMW man continued to ridicule, but also toward Li Xinran a pair of painstakingly said: "Mr. Li, don't be cheated by him. Now there are too many scum men who use garbage trucks to refit luxury cars to cheat women."

"I really have Huiteng."

"Really? If you do, I will kowtow to you and call Dad! " BMW man looked at Qin Tian with disdain.

Li Xinran also did not speak, pulling Qin Tian on the car. Before leaving, Qin Tian didn't forget to roll down the window and say to BMW man, "I'm waiting for you to kowtow tomorrow and call Dad!"

As soon as he got home in the evening, Qin Tian called Gu Yiming to ask people to speed up the repair of the car. He was forced to install it tomorrow. When Gu Yiming heard that someone looked down on Tiange, the car was sent back. In the meantime, Qin Tian was pasted with a layer of discolored car film. The light was shining, not to mention dazzling.

The next morning, Qin Tian sent Li Xinran to the hospital. When he got to the hospital, he went for a few rounds in the parking lot. After seeing Qin Tian, many of the nurses were looking at the stars.

"My God, who is this handsome man?"

"Do you think people are handsome or cars are handsome? It must be someone else's husband... No wonder they can marry a beauty of Li Xinran's level. It's really handsome and rich. "

"Is that a limited edition of Huiteng? Oh, my God. How much is it? "

A passing patient's family members couldn't help but take out their mobile phones and take pictures.

At this time, a BMW seven series came into the gate. When I saw the shining brilliance of the car in the parking lot, the faces of the people in the car became very ugly.

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