After eating, Qin Tian and others went straight to the club, which was specially chosen by monkeys. It was also the most famous club in the imperial capital, called emperor.

Listen to the name very domineering, Qin Tian stood at the door to see, asked: "this should not also want membership card?"

The monkey lit up the card in his hand and said, "brother Tian, don't worry. It's all done. The membership fee is not expensive. It's only 200000. I've managed ten people, and we'll go together.".

Qin Tian nodded, "you are generous, and have done ten people at one time!" The monkey said with a smile,

"isn't this brother Tiange's order to come to see and see, so we several team leaders discussed and came together. The other brothers stayed in the same place and waited, and I didn't let them idle. They were all arranged! We'll come to this club to have a look and learn by the way. In the future, we'll open a decent one in Songshan city. It's said that the emperor's golden Scripture service is very good, and many people flocked to it, but we don't know what the real situation is. We just came here today to open our eyes. "

Qin Tian nodded and said in his heart: Jindian service is interesting, isn't it that kind of service? But on second thought, the imperial capital is so big and the emperor is so famous. If there is such a service, it is estimated that the police would have done it all.

So Qin Tian and others raised their feet and walked in. When the waiters looked at their clothes, they knew that Qin Tian was the eldest among them, so they rushed to meet them!

"How many in all, sir?" Qin Tian looked around, "ten, please arrange a bigger box for us. We want to sit down."

The waiter nodded, and the monkey handed in the membership card. The waiter took the card and looked at it and led them to the big box. After entering, Qin found that the sound insulation effect here was very good. There was still a little noise outside. But after entering, when the door was closed, nothing could be heard.

No wonder the emperor is so famous. If he works here, as long as there is no sound inside, there is no sound outside. In this way, it is very hidden, and any transaction can be done here.

No wonder the emperor's membership fee is so cheap. I think it's a mixture of good and bad people. It's not hard to explain why their business is so good.

Qin Tian, after they sat down, the waiters brought drinks. The price didn't need to be seen. They were all expensive wine products such as Hennessy.

Qin Tian didn't care about the money, so he sent two boxes to each of them. The waiter looked at it and knew that he was the owner with no shortage of money. The monkey said, "we are here to play. You can show us all the Golden Classics services you have here. Don't let us down. It's not easy to go all the way. "

The waiter said with a smile, "we should try our best to serve you. Jindian has service every night, but it's not only available on Wednesdays. It's not a good time for you. Why don't you do it first

Qin Tian was surprised, "and this matter, then tell me what kind of service it is, why only once a week?"

There was a flicker of ambiguity in the waiter's eyes, and he said: "in fact, it's not special. It's just a game of hunting. It starts at 7 o'clock every Wednesday evening. You can come and have a look. This is the color page. You can learn about it first.

People with a clear eye can see what's going on. Qin Tian can see that there is no service here, but it's just an eye-catching gimmick. In fact, there is nothing to watch. He is not interested in this kind of game.

As for coming to see you on Wednesday, you can't take Li Xinran with you.

Qin Tian quietly folded the colored pages and put them under the tea table. The waiter had to pack up and go back.

Qin Tian looked around and felt that there was no difference, so he said to the monkeys, "what service should I serve? However, it's just that the clubs here don't seem to have much difference compared with ours. It's just that the sound insulation effect is better. In addition to the so-called service, the customers are attracted. But the membership fee is low. If you think about it, with so many rich people in the imperial capital and a membership fee of 200000 yuan, can everyone come in? "

It's not hard to imagine what kind of people are attracted by such a low membership fee. Monkey's eyes are still poor. People like Zhangjia will not come to this place. It's not how noble they are, but it's not so clean here. To talk about business, there are too many people going in and out, and it's easy to leak secrets.

Hearing this, the monkey agreed very much, and even regretted spending so much money.

"We can't learn such service from them"

"in fact, it's not illegal to play an edge ball to attract their attention! The guests like it. The business caters to their needs. It's really boring and vulgar. We might as well drink and chat. "

The things on the colored pages are good-looking, but Qin Tian thinks that the emperor does not have the courage to act in such a blatant way, or he will be attacked if he is blown out.

Even if the above perfunctory, can not underestimate the power of the network now.

So Qin Tian felt that there was nothing to see, and he was greatly disappointed.

I thought the emperor had something else to do. It could become the most famous club in the imperial capital.

But now it seems that just some clowns in the eye.After drinking several bottles of wine, Qin Tian was preparing to leave with them. Suddenly, the front door of the box was suddenly knocked open by a great deal. They were stunned. They didn't think about it. A woman with unkempt face and hair rushed in and rushed into his arms. Qin Tian was scared! Li Xinran was also stunned.

"Help me, please help me, I will not be taken away by them!"

Her voice shocked Qin Tian. Isn't this the Miss Zhang that she just met during the day?

Qin Tian saw Li Xinran and lixinran recognized it.

At this time, the girl raised her head to tears, and saw it was Qin Tian, her pupils were suddenly tight. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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