The people in black around him were panicked, and immediately set up the iron stick, and aimed at him. Qin Tian knead his fist and said, "there is no movement for a long time. Today you will come together. I will see if Zhangjia has spent a lot of money, please come and see if it is worth it! If I win today, you guys will disappear in Beijing since then, otherwise, let them taste the street begging! "

Qin Tian voice just fell, the group of black people roared at them to come.

Qin Tian took the lead in the fight, only to hear the sound of the stick thumping, and the click of their bone dislocation. Soon a group of people lay on the ground. If they want to say that their hands are not very good, they fight them recklessly with iron sticks in their hands.

But where are monkeys their rivals? The soldiers are not vegetarian. Monkeys are all hard men who are solid.

At the thought of Li Xinran being taken away by zhangjiaese, the monkeys all greeted the dead. Soon these people lay on the ground with broken arms and legs. Qin Tian stepped on the face of his beard. The painful beard killed pigs.

Qin Tian said coldly: "give you three minutes to think about it, tell me, where is my wife and man!"

"Beard can not help but pain, hurriedly move," in, in zhangjialao house, is the elder lady told us. "

"Miss Zhang Lingling? Do you think I'm a three-year-old? I don't tell you the truth! "

Qin Tian made a strong effort and clicked. The beard felt that his face was concave in half, and he was so sore that he could not make a sound. The black man on the side dragged his leg and said, "we are the owner of the family, but your wife is the big lady who asked her to get rid of her. Really! I didn't cheat you! "

Wen Yan Qin Tian said: "very good, people in Zhangjia, right? Monkey, look at them, call the police, and the rest of you will follow me! "

Zhao left to watch them and waited for the police to come. Others followed Qin Tian and headed straight to zhangjialao house.

Li Xinran woke up here, and was frightened by the scene.

saw a woman's pale face against her, with bright red lips and exaggerated eyeliner, which made Li Xin feel as if he had seen a ghost.

"Ah!" She screamed and shrunk her neck, and then found herself in a strange place, nothing was empty around her, the floor was cold, and the outside was silent, not just the club.

"You, you Where am I? Who are you? "

"What? Don't you remember? Big sister? I was Zhang Lingling who robbed you that day! That day you beat into pig head, back home and beat another meal, I thought that I would never see you in my life, I did not expect such a chance to meet again, welcome to Zhangjia as a guest. "

Hearing her talk, Li Xinran realized that this is really Zhang Lingling.

"What do you want to do? I warn you, my husband will soon find me, and the one who knows me quickly will let me go, or you will look good! "

Zhang Lingling laughed at her words arrogantly, "your husband? Your husband has been blocked by my father's people on the road. Even if he wants to see you, he is also a corpse. You know that no one dare to provoke me in Beijing. You are the first. Since I am provoked, it will cost! "

Zhang Lingling's words let Li Xinran feel a deep, Qin Tian is not an accident? But I thought about it. Qin Tian was so powerful that even if Zhang Chenguang sent more people, he would not suffer any loss. Zhang Lingling is bluffing herself.

So Li Xinran temporarily let go of his mind and persuaded Zhang Lingling, "in fact, there is nothing to fight between us, and that matter has been read? Why don't you chase it down, and then you will be found by the Lord of the family, and you will not have to beat it. "


Zhang Lingling heard that she raised her hand and gave her a slap and said: "you don't come to threaten me! Do you think the owner doesn't know I'm going to do it to you? Li Xinran, right? I just want you to see. What kind of end did you fall in my hand! "

Zhang Lingling was very fierce in her eyes. Li Xinran shrunk her neck with fear. She held her knee tightly. Suddenly she thought of something and shouted, "don't come here. I warn you, but there is a very strong bodyguard around me. If you dare to come, I promise she will make you die."

Zhang Lingling listened to the footsteps after a meal, indeed, the mysterious bodyguard she saw, let their own people eat a great loss.

Just now, she just hit Li Xinran and did not see the mysterious bodyguard hand, so Li Xinran was bluffing.

"Bodyguard? If your bodyguard can come in five minutes, I'll let you go. How about it? "

Zhang Lingling was very arrogant, laughing, and he was sure Li Xinran's bodyguard didn't appear, so she can be bullied recklessly now.

Li Xinran may be in his heart, and he doesn't know what to do.

Qin days is on the way at this time, ghost dooqi Xia and Li Xiaoshuang are hiding in his jade pendant, knowing that ghosts must go faster than themselves. So Qin Tian let Li Xiaoshuang take the lead in zhangjialao house. After healing, Xiaoshuang has been better than half, and it is already outside the door.

Hearing Zhang Lingling's arrogant laugh, Li Xiaoshuang went in with a black air. Fortunately, there is no Bodhisattva in Zhangjia's room and there is no light on it. So Li Xiaoshuang can directly enter.Seeing Li Xinran, Li Xiaoshuang was very nervous. Then the whip in Zhang Lingling's hand attracted her attention. As soon as Zhang Lingling raised the whip, Li Xiaoshuang went to hold her wrist. Zhang Lingling felt a chill on the back of her hand. Before she could react, she was slapped heavily on her face!

Zhang Lingling's head was beaten to one side. Her eyes widened and she couldn't believe it. How could this be possible?

Li Xinran's face was happy, and he realized that the man was protecting himself again. Then he called out, "I warned you not to touch me. Now it's time for you to taste what it's like to be beaten, and teach her a hard lesson!"

Li Xinran is not a person who advocates violence, but this time it is different. If Zhang Lingling is not beaten down, she can't escape.

As soon as Li Xinran's voice fell, Li Xiaoshuang took the whip from Zhang Lingling's hand and took it to Zhang Lingling!

Li Xinran was stunned at the side!

A pale white figure was seen in the dark, with a whip in her hand, long hair and waist, and her face was pale. She beat Zhang Lingling and begged for mercy.

Li Xinran this just reacts, originally has been helping her is not the human but the ghost!

However, Li Xinran was not afraid, but felt that the bodyguard was very competent. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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