Qin Tian got up and went to Zhang Chenguang, took out his cigar, stepped on his hand and pressed it down on the back of his hand!

Yi La sound, burning smell let Qin Tian frown, also let Zhang Chenguang pain scream.

"How about it? Would it be nice to be my human ashtray? Come on, all your channels tell me that I may be able to give you a break. I have limited time. You'd better hurry up. "

Hearing Qin Tian's question, Zhang Chenguang was not happy. Those channels were his way to prosperity. If Qin Tian was told that he was either destroyed or taken over, he would not like it, so Zhang Chenguang was silent.

Qin Tian knows that he will have this reaction, but they are just holding on. So he did not care about Zhang Lingling, but used all the means on Zhang Chenguang.

He took out a silver needle and put it on the acupoint of Zhang Chenguang's leg. Zhang Chenguang didn't know what he was going to do.

Qin Tian said in a cold voice: "in fact, you know that I have such ability, not only rely on brothers. I usually prefer to read medical books. This traditional Chinese medicine is really extensive and profound. A small silver needle can do a lot of things.

For example, I just stick this needle into your body, and soon you will feel weak. After half an hour, your legs will not be able to stand up, and you will be paralyzed in bed for the rest of your life.

Do you think it's better to walk on the road, or to be pushed in a wheelchair, or to be left alone from now on? " After Qin Tian finished, he took a look at Zhang Lingling and continued to add: "according to your usual style of doing things, it should not be much better for your family, so you can't expect your daughter to take care of you. Go ahead, which way do you choose? Tell me your channel is still holding on, just looking at yourself paralyzed in bed for the rest of your life, complaining about everything? "

Qin Tian is not bluffing him, but Zhang Chenguang doesn't know. He just holds on and doesn't open his mouth. Qin Tian doesn't worry. He signals the monkeys that they all sit down and let Zhang Chenguang collapse on the floor alone. He will know the result in half an hour.

At first, Zhang Chenguang thought that Qin Tian was just talking about it, but he didn't expect that after about 20 minutes, he felt something was wrong.

Seeing the sudden change of his face, Qin Tian knew that it had begun to work, so he warned him: "while half an hour has not arrived, I can still help you to restore the original state by applying needles. If after this half an hour, even the big Luo immortal can't be saved, you can think clearly. " Zhang Chenguang looks pale and looks at Zhang Lingling. The latter is silent.

Zhang Lingling never wanted to let him die, but if the owner is gone, she and her brother are the heirs.

I haven't seen my brother for a while. I don't know what he will think when he sees his father become like this?

Zhang Lingling did not speak, and Zhang Chenguang knew that he could not rely on her. So he sighed and begged for mercy.

"Well, I tell you, save me first."

Qin Tian nodded but did not start, "no hurry, there are 10 minutes."

He turned his head to his side and said, "monkey, write down. If he has half a lie, I will insert this needle a little deeper and paralyze him on the spot.

Zhang Chenguang was shocked by Qin Tian's words. He didn't expect him to be so cruel. At the same time, he knew that Wan Heshan was defeated by him for no reason.

So Zhang Chenguang came together, but he also left some careful thinking. It is not without reason that Zhangjia is so low-key in the imperial capital and can exist for so long. In addition to Wan Heshan's power, he has other forces, but he has not had time to use it, which is his last trump card.

If you say it all out, Qin Tian will find a way to kill it, but now first save his life. Then, Yu Shiyin has lost this part.

Zhang Chenguang had a fluke mind and said several channels, most of which were related to the wharf. Qin Tianxin knew that the dock was owned by Chen Dake. This way was not feasible.

Knowing that Zhang Chenguang was playing with him carefully, Qin Tian threatened: "if you don't tell the truth, the time will come."

He shook the silver needle in his hand, and Zhang Chenguang was afraid. He even said, "no, no, I've already said it. How many times do you want me to say before you can believe me."

Qin Tian mercilessly exposed him, "the wharf is now my industry, you tell me the wharf this channel, do you think I can believe it?"

Zhang Chenguang looked pale. He thought about all this, but he didn't expect Qin Tian to be so familiar with the wharf business. He thought he had not taken over for a long time and could deceive him in the past. However, Qin Tian knew the terminal channel like the palm of his hand.

So Zhang Chenguang could only say in a deep voice: "I really didn't cheat you. I told you about these channels.

It is because you control the terminal business that I haven't used these channels to transport goods for a long time, so I have no way to trouble you. "

After listening to his words, Qin Tian is skeptical and turns his eyes to Zhang Lingling.

Zhang Lingling instinctively felt cold on her back. Seeing Qin Tian looking at herself, she felt that it must be no good.

"He doesn't tell the truth, you say it.""Me? I don't know! "

Zhang Lingling looks at a loss. She really doesn't know about her father's business.

But Qin Tian didn't believe it.

"Are you going to watch him lie in bed for the rest of his life?"

Zhang Lingling was silent, Zhang Chenguang was shocked and looked at Zhang Lingling, "you, you know what to say, don't let me paralyze!"

Hearing this, Zhang Lingling suddenly sneered.

"Master, you are my father, but I can only call you master. For so many years, we only do this to attract your attention, but you never look at me. You only have business in mind. You don't ask anything about anything, just care about money. I don't want such a father!"

"Good, good! It's really my daughter of Zhang Chenguang, so it should be! "

Zhang Chenguang laughed.

Qin Tian, however, heard that, and asked people to carry Zhang Lingling to come to him and put the dagger against her face from the monkey's hand.

"For a woman, the most important thing is face. If I cut your face and throw you on the side of the road, will any tramp not hate you and take you?"

Qin Tian's words made Zhang Lingling pale, and her eyes flashed a little panic.

"No, you can't do that!"

"It's up to you whether you do it or not. Say it! Don't waste my time! "

Qin Tian then retreats to one side. Monkey and others are going to pick up her clothes. Zhang Lingling screams.

"Not yet! Do you really want to see me humiliated by them? "

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