His words made Qin Tian frown. "What do you mean by this?"

Wen Yan Zhang Lingling interrupted them: "you don't want to have such a gun and a stick, OK? I will introduce you to you. This is Qin Tian, the enemy. Now we have become the most familiar stranger. This is my boyfriend and my umbrella. I met me later. Don't rob me. With him, you can't rob me. "

Zhang Lingling is a bit drunk. Qin Tian says coldly: "you are drunk, please go out, please take your woman away."

The young man smiled and said, "we are a family. My name is Qin Kuo. You can call me akuo."

"I don't care if you are ako or a narrow? Please take this crazy woman away, otherwise my brothers will be welcome. "

Monkey they stood up, Qin Kuang hurriedly pulled Zhang Lingling smile: "no, excuse me, we just come to say hello."

Qin Kuo finished and dragged Zhang Lingling away! After seeing them go, the monkey closed the door and shrugged, "I can't see. This woman has such a big deal!"

Qin Tian didn't feel surprised at all. At that time, she just thought that Zhang Lingling would leave Zhangjia, and she was still in Beijing. What's more, she was also related to Qin family.

So he turned his head to dinghanxue and said, "the girls all know about Zhang Chengguang's business, and she helps to sort out them. If the police want to check, the girl is a breakthrough."

Dinghanxue didn't expect it to be her, and said for a moment, "I don't know what the Beijing police have planned, all the things have been taught to them. I don't know if they are involved, but one thing, this girl will never be as simple as you said.

Simple and lively, arrogant, but her appearance! Zhang Chenguang can let her know so many details of things, I want to come to her is also Zhang Chenguang's good helper! Now Zhangjia has an accident. It is not easy for her to have a relationship with Qin family so soon. "

Her words made Qin Tian meditate. Indeed, because of Zhang Lingling's past, he was soft hearted, so he didn't think about it. Now it seems that Zhang Lingling and Qin Kuang are together so soon. Maybe they have a connection. Qin Tian has some regrets.

"You said I'd like to get him back?"

As soon as he finished, Li Xinran held his arm. "You forget that we had such a noise before, I was kidnapped. Don't have any conflicts and contacts with them any more."

Ding Han snow also agreed, "don't have any conflicts with them. Now we are on the territory of others. Even if I am a policeman, this is Beijing, and I can't protect you if I have something."

Her words shocked Qin Tian and others, but she didn't think the capital was so complicated, but I thought Qin Tian was relieved. As long as he didn't find his own trouble, he would not take the initiative to make trouble.

"Well, let's eat ours. Don't worry. Come on, you can't get drunk! "

Qin Tian sees that Zhang Lingling is drunk today, and will not do it to them. However, he has a more heart. Zhang Lingling is drunk, but Qin Kuan is not drunk.

Before the comparison, if something happens, it will not be worth losing. And the two people must know that they are here. Since they can find the door, they must have followed themselves.

It must not be a coincidence that Qin Kuang can appear here.

Some people eat, eat, drink, but Qin Tian is not interested. While he is serving dinghanxue and Li Xinran, he looks around. In fact, he is very cautious. Qin Kuan did not expect to kill him, but he went out with Zhang Lingling.

Zhang Lingling was shaking, pulling Qin Kuang's sleeve, and suddenly she cried.

"Qin Kuo, do you say Zhangjia can rise again?"

Qin Kuo patted her cheek and reminded her, "don't cry. What you say is drunk, your dad is dead. You still want to rise again. Don't you fear Qin Tian's trouble in looking for you!"

Although the second time, Qin Kuang can see that Qin Tian is not easy to provoke.

Zhang Lingling can not understand, "I know his means are so cruel, but think about Zhangjia for so many years, and did nothing bad, why does he chase it all the time?"

"You don't want to talk about it, I don't want to manage your family. Besides, Qin Tian is not here, even if he has to do it, he will go. Besides, Qin won't allow me to intervene in this matter. If you have something wrong then don't come to me, I can't keep you. "

Qin Kuo is very calm! Now Zhang Lingling said that, obviously, he wanted to pull himself into the water. Qin Kuang was not stupid. He couldn't come over with other things. How could he be free to do other things?

Zhang Lingling, even if she wants to pull him into the water, must see if Qin Kuang has this ability. At best, he is just a rich second generation. Qin family gives him money to play. But she must move the truth. In order to offend other people, he will never.

Zhang Lingling also converged to the intoxication in her eyes, stood up, and a tear flashed through her eyes.

"Well, I know. Be a good person, right? sure. I can be a good person, but my father died, my brother also left, Zhangjia so no longer, from now on I will not have home! "Then Zhang Lingling began to cry again. Qin Kuo couldn't bear to pat her on the shoulder and said, "it's OK. Don't you still have me? I'll marry you

Zhang Lingling's cry stopped suddenly and looked at him in shock.

"What you say is true?"

"I want to have a home. I'm really uncomfortable at home now. It's not better if we both get married and set up a small home ourselves

Zhang Lingling was shocked by Qin Kuo's words. She almost agreed.

But when I think about it, I am used to being arrogant and arrogant. If I follow Qin Kuo, I can still be so arrogant in the future. Will anyone help me clean up the mess?

She doubted that the Qin family could protect her. Besides, even if Qin Kuo agreed, the Qin family would not agree.

Commercial marriage has always been concerned about matching families. Now that the family has collapsed, she has no one to rely on. She has nothing but the 20 million yuan. What can marriage help the Qin family?

Zhang Lingling suddenly calmed down. Seeing the light in Qin Kuo's eyes, Zhang Lingling was suddenly discouraged.

"Forget it, we'd better go back. The Qin family won't agree. Even you have to support yourself."

Zhang Lingling's words made Qin Kuo speechless, but then he thought of Qin Tian. Did he come here to take part in the competition?

If you can get the position of home owner, then you and Zhang Lingling can be together in the future.

Qin Kuo suddenly thought of a way, but when he saw the loss in Zhang Lingling's eyes, he suddenly woke up.

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