However, he obviously underestimated Qin Tian's strength. Among the younger generation of Qin family, there are few who can compete with Qin Tian. Even if Qin Fen did not start, no one would dare to promise.

So Qin Fei was embarrassed when he heard the old man's decision. He said in a deep voice, "it's not that I don't want to go, but I can't do it. I knew that I was not his opponent just now. If we want to eliminate Qin Tian before the competition, the possibility is very small. Granddad, you can think clearly, once the son of the family's legitimate family comes on the stage, if he is severely damaged, it will not be worth the loss.

Qin Fei is right. These people will help Qin Fen in the future. If they are folded in Qin Tian's hands, it is not worth it.

The old man thought for a while and said, "today's contest is over. After this competition, all the rest will be put to tomorrow. We'll prepare well in the evening and try his strength thoroughly. If he's really tough, let him go. Even if my father is willing to give up his life, he can't destroy the rest of Qin Fen's life. "

For the old man's words, the uncles on one side are very dissatisfied. If someone is more powerful than Qin Fen, why not choose him? Qin Fen is impossible. But the old man's strong habit, they are not easy to say what, only by him.

However, Qin Tian could see that the old man had to do everything for Qin Fen, and even did not hesitate to find himself to negotiate. This confirmed Qin Tian's confidence in winning.

Anyway, if the old man is afraid, let him be afraid. He must get the three boxes. Who doesn't want good things? He can't eat meat alone. He has to drink some soup himself.

Qin Fei received the news and immediately passed it on!

All the people waiting for the competition did not know what had happened. They had to finish the competition in one day, but now it will take another night. When they can continue the competition the next day, they can't help but guess whether something has happened.

The people outside also lamented, who is not to put down their own things to participate in the competition? Now it's going to be a day longer. They can't help but howl, and at the same time, they are also in love with their money. This time it was a water drift. I don't know what kind of luck Qin Tian took. He actually won two games in a row.

If the first time to Qin ran was luck, and the second time he met some of his family's disciples, he could still win so easily. It seems that Qin Tian can't be underestimated.

People began to slowly interested, Qin Tian's strength also began to show. People who laughed at him at first were surprised at his ability.

But no one said it, because they looked down on Qin Tian at the beginning. Naturally, they are embarrassed to talk to Qin Tian now.

Qin Tian and Li Xinran follow Qin Kuo. Because Qin Kuo has too much cash in his hand, he is stopped by the man sent by the master before he leaves the gate.

"The old man said that you should stay in our courtyard. Qin Kuo, take your suitcase and go back to your room with them. You know all the rooms! " The man then left. Qin Kuo was a little surprised, but on second thought, he should be reluctant to give up the three boxes of money, so he nodded and agreed!

Later, the news was released in the group, which caused an uproar.

"Qin Kuo, you've really made a lot of money and let the old man allow you to live in our courtyard!"

"Qin Kuo, do you want to play tomorrow? If you play, you can count me. I guess Qin Tianying."

"I guess Qin Tian wins, Qin Kuo. You have to change the rules of the game. Now I have to guess what Qin Tian says. I think he can win the Grand Slam

People in the group all jumped out to guess Qin Tianying. Qin Kuo was so stupid that he didn't expect this.

So he quickly blocked the group, turned his head to Qin Tian and said, "what can I do? They want you to win, do you say you win or not? "

Qin Tian didn't expect such a situation. It seems that the Qin family are not stupid, and soon realized that he was hiding his clumsy. If it goes on, it goes without saying that Qin Kuo will surely lose money.

So Qin Tian thought for a while and said, "let them play. I will win in front of me. In the last game, I will definitely fight with Qin Fen, and I will stop at that time."


Qin Kuo is surprised. Can this be controlled? Say you win, you win?

Li Xinran was also stunned. He didn't know what idea Qin Tian had in the end.

"Husband, you don't mean you want to win. If you lose, how can you get those three boxes?"

Qin Tian smiles, "I win or lose depends on their performance. If they do well, I lose. If they don't, I win! It's all under my control. "

Qin Tian explained this, and they understood. Qin Kuo's eyes flashed a shrewd shrewdness, and patted Qin Tian on the shoulder. "You boy also said that my brain melon seeds are flexible. It seems that you are the most flexible, and no one can compare with your cunning and cunning!"

"It's not for the sake of our common plan to make money. I'm so aggrieved myself. You also said that I am crafty and cunning. Qin Kuo, you are not kind. How much money will you share with me? My wife and I went out on our honeymoon, and you didn't come when we got married. You can see how much money you want. "Hearing this, Qin Kuo's eyes widened and he could not help but take a cold breath. "You boy is really impolite. I want some money from me. When you get married, I know who you are. Besides, now I am with Zhang Lingling. You and I are so familiar. It's not very good!"

Qin Tian smiles, "what's that like? Zhang Lingling is Zhang Lingling, and you are you. The relationship between us can't be broken, but Zhang Lingling can still be changed, don't you think? "

Qin Kuo thought about it too, so he stopped talking and raised his hand to surrender, "OK, I don't want to talk much. You'd better see which room you live in first. This is it."

Qin Kuo takes Qin Tian to a courtyard, which is a small courtyard with a single door and a single courtyard. There are three rooms in total. Qin Kuo chooses one at random. Qin Tian takes Li Xinran to live next door to him.

This place is spacious and quiet enough. Meditation and practice will not be affected. However, we should prevent the Qin family from attacking him.

He can't be trusted, but Qin family let them choose to live here. Qin Tian looks around. It's remote and quiet. If you say it well, it's undisturbed. If you say something bad, it's far away from the core. If something happens here, the Qin family can't make it for a while.

Qin Tian's heart is more than a heart, think that there must be something fishy in this, not for Qin Kuo's three boxes of money. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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