Lin Xiaoyao slapped Qin Tian on the shoulder and said with a smile, "good, Qin Tian, you really know how to settle accounts. But what we say may not be believable. In this case, if you give these words to Lin Zhi, he will surely believe it. "

Lin Zhi should know that no one else in the world can do it except Qin Tian. Lin Zhi had a stroke after the last injection, so needless to say, Lin Zhi will believe it this time.

When Lin Xiaoyao sent the words to Lin Zhi, Mrs. Lin immediately jumped up and said, "what do you mean?"

Lin Xiaoyao shrugged and disdained: "it's not interesting. It's just that someone tells you that if you want your son to return to his original state, you should cooperate with him quickly."

Mrs. Lin didn't believe it, but Lin Zhi believed that there were only four words on the paper: silver needle sealing acupoints.

Lin Zhi knows what it means even if he is stupid.

Now Lin Zhi can only lift his hand, grab the sleeve of Mrs. Lin's second wife, blink his eyes. In his voice, Kaka highlights two vague words: "good, good..." Mrs. Lin can only agree.

So Lin Xiaoyao dials Qin Tian's phone, and Qin Tian prepares the silver needle, but he doesn't go there directly. Instead, he tells Lin's second wife through Lin Xiaoyao that he is ready to spend 5 billion yuan.

Otherwise, don't think about Lin Zhi.

"Five billion!"

Mrs. Lin screamed, "why didn't he grab it! That would be a little quicker! "

Lin Xiaoyao rolled his eyes. "It's none of my business. The other party put forward five billion yuan. Naturally, it's on the face of the Lin family. Otherwise, he won't meddle in his business! You should know that he collected 500 billion yuan when he was treating the elder lady in Songshan city

Mrs. Lin was silent when she heard the speech. Lin Xiaoyao reminded her: "no, you can't discuss it with your second uncle. There's only one day. If you're late, people will go back."

Lin Xiaoyao said and left. When he heard her mention Lin Er ye, Lin's second wife was really frustrated.

Since Lin Zhi was paralyzed by a stroke, the second master has never shown his face again. On the one hand, Lin Zhi is not allowed to go out of the house, and she is not allowed to go out. Naturally, Lin Er ye can't see him outside all day.

On the other hand, Mr. Lin is out with other girls. These rumors spread to Mrs. Lin's ears. Of course, she was worried.

So now Mrs. Lin really wants Lin Zhi to stand up again. But she couldn't get the five billion yuan. She had no choice but to turn to Mr. Lin for help.

Hearing this, Lin Er Ye immediately widened his eyes, "what nonsense are you talking about? I asked me to raise 5 billion yuan for a disabled person. After 5 billion yuan went out, he still couldn't help him. I'd better spend more money and find another woman to give birth to me, but it's only a dozen years to wait. "

His words made Mrs. Lin's eyes sink, and then called out, "you can't ignore the relationship between husband and wife. After all, he is your son. Can't he get up like this all his life? It is said that the faces of the Lin family will be lost. You should think about it clearly! "

"That's the good son you taught me! You don't care about letting him go out to fool around and provoke people who shouldn't be provoked. What's my hurry! If you can't wait, sell yourself and see if you can get a good price

His words made Lin Er Fu's heart tremble. "I tell you, if you don't take the money out, I'll shake out all your embezzlement. Anyway, I have all the evidence. Think about it. After the master knows you do this, where else do you have a share in the Lin family? Even if you have another child, it's no use giving birth to ten or eight."

Lin's second lady's threat made him furious and livid. He was about to raise his hand to fight him. Mrs. Lin straightened her neck and roared, "do you dare to move me? I'll let the wind out right now. If you don't believe it, try it! "

Lin Er ye had no choice but to put it down, "OK, you are cruel! But you have to remember that if the five billion yuan is taken out and Lin Zhi is not good, I will throw you into the sea to feed the sharks

Lin Er Ye's words made Mrs. Lin tremble. She never thought that this man would become like this and dare to threaten her. But there was no other way. If he didn't pay, Lin Zhi's life would be ruined.

So Mrs. Lin gritted her teeth and said, "you can only pay for it. As for the treatment, I will naturally settle accounts with him. If it is not cured, he will not want to leave the imperial capital."

With Mrs. Lin's words, Mr. Lin agreed. He immediately went out and called to raise money. Five billion yuan was not a problem for him, but he had no cash on hand. The money was naturally extracted from the accounts of the Lin family.

After knowing this, master Lin's face was livid, and he called him to the study and scolded him for a long time.

Lin Er ye came out with a cold face. He saw that his eyes were slightly heavy. Then he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to his secretary to ask him to transfer money. At the same time, he told Mrs. Lin, "take care of 5 billion yuan. If Lin Zhi doesn't get well, or if there is any disaster in the future, I will drive you out of the Lin family together. Do you hear me?"

Mrs. Lin nodded quickly, and then contacted Lin Xiaoyao. She put the money into Qin Tian's account. Five billion yuan is just the cost of on-site diagnosis and treatment!

After Qin Tian received the money, he took Qin Kuo to the Lin family. Naturally, he went to see Mr. Lin first. I have heard of Qin Tianlin for a long time. Now I see him with dignity on his face."I heard you hurt Lin Zhi?"

Qin Tian was not angry but laughed, "where did grandfather Lin hear the rumor? Lin Zhi and I have no injustice or hatred. How can we harm him? It's a misunderstanding. It's just that I know something about medicine. I heard that Lin Zhi was paralyzed by stroke, so I want to have a try. "

"In that case, there is no need for five billion! Isn't it your father who wanted to blackmail us

Qin Tian smiles: "five billion is nothing to me, but I want him to learn a lesson. Who made him do it to my people? It has nothing to do with our father. It's my decision to accept it. This is the price for my visit in Songshan city! "

When he said this, the old man knew that it was related to Qin Tian, but he didn't expect that Qin Tian would be able to collect 5 billion yuan, so he coughed heavily:

"you need to know what it costs to use hands and feet on our Lin family territory. If you can't cure it, you can't go out today."

Qin Tian laughed and said, "does the old man want Lin Zhi to be a good man in the future, or do you want him to be a rice bug to eat and die at home? Anyway, whether Lin Zhi is good or not has no influence on the Lin family. But I think if he really goes out to make trouble as he used to, he will probably bring disaster to the Lin family. It's all up to the old man. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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